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Status Updates posted by balders

  1. Great night out with the Future Of Rock nc Roll (The Strypes.....all younger thsn my kids)...on the Last Virgin outta Euston sitting next to the Caledonian......86401 off the ECS lookimg spanky and taking me back 30 years.....literaly. Great day

  2. Great night out with the Future Of Rock nc Roll (The Strypes.....all younger thsn my kids)...on the Last Virgin outta Euston sitting next to the Caledonian......86401 off the ECS lookimg spanky and taking me back 30 years.....literaly. Great day

  3. Great night out with the Future Of Rock nc Roll (The Strypes.....all younger thsn my kids)...on the Last Virgin outta Euston sitting next to the Caledonian......86401 off the ECS lookimg spanky and taking me back 30 years.....literaly. Great day

  4. Great night out with the Future Of Rock nc Roll (The Strypes.....all younger thsn my kids)...on the Last Virgin outta Euston sitting next to the Caledonian......86401 off the ECS lookimg spanky and taking me back 30 years.....literaly. Great day

  5. Great night out with the Future Of Rock nc Roll (The Strypes.....all younger thsn my kids)...on the Last Virgin outta Euston sitting next to the Caledonian......86401 off the ECS lookimg spanky and taking me back 30 years.....literaly. Great day

  6. Great night out with the Future Of Rock nc Roll (The Strypes.....all younger thsn my kids)...on the Last Virgin outta Euston sitting next to the Caledonian......86401 off the ECS lookimg spanky and taking me back 30 years.....literaly. Great day

  7. Plated, pinned and plastered. I think it's time to contemplate a shunting layout whilst I'm laid up!

  8. Sitting here, plastered up, fractured tibia and fib above the ankle. That'll teach me to do Airsoft at my age! 6 weeks, plans wrecked. "Insert choice profanity" !

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Russ (mines a pint)

      Russ (mines a pint)

      :( wrong sort of plastered for xmas :(
    3. New Haven Neil
    4. balders


      Cheers all. I shall be tapping em' up for better pain relief in t'morning

  9. Lima 27 re-motored! Only taken 4 years to get round to. Weathering next. Happy days.

    1. Mallard60022
    2. balders


      Don't like to rush......it's the lads...found it at the bottom of the project box and fel a tad guilty! 8-)

  10. Reading a potted history of the construction of the Great Central. Utterly staggering engineering. What a shortsighted waste!

  11. Thanks for the existence of this site and many superb prototype topics, has kept me sane in hospital over the last 5 days after insertion of titanium bolts and cages in my back. Just wanted to say "ta"! Guy

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. balders


      Part Terminator, part Robocop. Should be fairly effective on return to work! Cheers all.

    3. steve22


      Great post, Guy. All the very best as you recover. Keep reading, keep sane.

    4. 69843


      We please to aim, or is that aim to please?!


      Hope you get better soon

  12. .....working through Essery and Jenkinson's marvellous discourse on LMS coaches with a nice Pinot Grigio! Result.

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