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  1. Nice job! I think I have a helmet with those stripes on somewhere, it is a good colour combo.
  2. Ding ding, bit of a tenuous one this but it was fun!
  3. With the announcement of RM planning to withdraw the Class 325s in October, thought it would be appropriate to post this one...
  4. EPISODE 37 - HEAD SHUNT with Paul Stanford Mental health issues can affect anyone in the world and rail workers are no exception. In this episode, we welcome Paul Stanford, railwayperson of 40 years and founder of HEAD-SHUNT, the mental health charity for the railway family. Paul tells us not only about the challenges to mental health that come from working on the railway, but also the attitudes in the industry, how the scene is changing, what needs to change, as well as his own issues that led to him creating Head-Shunt. If you would like to get in contact, go to the Head-Shunt website: https://www.head-shunt.com/ Thanks so much to Paul for coming on the podcast.
  5. Thanks to everyone who has bought a THUNDERBOLT poster so far, we've been able to donate £100 to the Children in Gaza crisis appeal. There are still some available here: https://www.railwaymania.net/shop/thunderbolt-saul-bass-inspired-poster Or if you would prefer to donate directly, the link is here: https://www.unicef.org.uk/donate/children-in-gaza-crisis-appeal/
  6. I'm a fan of the side window cabs :) Possibly slightly different heights but I think that might be down to me getting better at gluing them ;)
  7. Technically imaginary at the moment I guess 😑
  8. Many, many changes have occurred over the past year and a half. In summary: The fiddle yard has been done away with to be replaced by the relocated station and goods yard. The intention is to use the 2nd radius helix and the newly added storage sidings around the lower dog bone to store trains. 3 way points were so unreliable so have been removed. Mid-reconstruction. The goods line on the right serves as a way that trains can pass each other. Chris has done some incredible engineering which enabled the removal of one of the pillars. This involved some serious surgery to the internal wall! This has now been covered over with ply. The removable section now has removable sections. Over the weekend we were experiencing issues with locos climbing the helix, where before they had been getting up unassisted. Turns out that there was a sag emerging on the join between the boards. A simple 'for now' fix was to slide some cut-up business cards in under the track and hey presto, smooth transition once more. The chief civil engineer surrounded by trains like he's been hit on the head in an old cartoon. The two coal trains on the lowest level are sitting in the new loops either side of the 'dog bone' reversing loop - these can be driven straight through. The van train behind the 15xx is descending on the 3rd radius while the Class 20 is stored on the TVM (train vending machine) - the 2nd radius inner track of the helix. Passing trains in Northbridge station as the Manor takes a passenger/fish train through while Black Prince buffers up to the bananas. The Caprotti 5MT waits for its turn to climb the helix. Currently we are trying to work through the gremlins on the lower level, such as track joins, dead spots etc. In particular the joins on the removable section have moved (likely due to wood swelling) so may need to be adjusted. Need to fill in the missing sleeper gaps. I am thinking we may need to ballast the lower section to give us something to aim for before we try to tackle the upper level.
  9. Helix tests were a bit disappointing, 2 Bachmann coaches seemed to be the limit (though this may have been unfair as they drag sooo much). Slightly better with short goods train but the strangest thing was the plough catching on something and then removing itself from the loco.... but now is nowhere to be found! It must be somewhere in the layout room but we can't find it.
  10. I like the lamps even though they are a tad chonky. I think it's a cool feature but then I loves a gimmick. The accessory bag is well-stocked, the pre-painted crew is a useful and welcome addition plus two choices of plough! Perfect for bashing something else :) Painted the sides and lower bit and top of the lamp iron black and dabbed a bit of panel wash on the lamp to tone down the white.
  11. Looking forward to chipping it today and finding out how well it does on the helix tomorrow. The old tooling 5MT could barely manage 3 coaches so hopefully the Caprotti-fitted example fares better.
  12. Posted by Phill Creasey on FB and done by a mate of his, this looks a believable livery similar to GBRF etc doing heritage liveries. https://www.facebook.com/photo?fbid=1214949829886410&set=gm.7453785194716693&idorvanity=268189996609618 'That's All Brother' is an operating C47 that flew during Overlord.
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