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Everything posted by Corbs

  1. Really pleased with mine, was running them in yesterday. I don't think the cab roof is that thick in real life, maybe the blue version exaggerates it. Also, when viewed side-on, the vertical cab handrail is actually quite thin as it's sort of rectangular in shape. Might swap it for wire but don't know if I can really be bothered
  2. Here's the current setup for the cylinder mounting on the Prairie. Extended stretcher with brass reinforcement and an 8BA bolt holding it on. Need to make up some longer slide bars and con rod. Also popped in to Temple Meads today to see this beauty depart. Took some pics and thought about videoing the departure but opted to just watch it in the end and save it inside my memories, it was pretty magical. #selfie
  3. Yeah it's a pretty meh casting of a Hornby Dean Single dome whereas the tank loco just uses the Hornby dome, might just replace it
  4. Three pre-grouping style locos. The two BPs alongside a Sharp Stewart 'Larger Seagull' rebuilt with a superheated boiler (different to the Phoenix-type ones they were trialled with). Perhaps if I made another Beyer Peacock 4-4-0 it could represent one rebuilt with a superheater like the scores of NSWGR locos that appeared in Saturated and Superheated forms, so maybe with my coveted Belpaire firebox but also a jutting smokebox. I quite like the whole 'similar but different' vibe.
  5. Lovely Christmas themed film from the Talyllyn



    1. Captain Kernow
    2. Metr0Land


      Terrific.  I love Rhydyronen station, it's my favourite one on the line.

  6. Heck yes. One of the best and most consistent video game series.
  7. I don't fancy getting an invoice back for video hosting and access/promotion to a worldwide audience
  8. Surely the result of asking two apprentices to load the same wagon...
  9. My idea behind it was to keep the Welsh Steam Coal mines in business by using as much of it as possible.
  10. In case anyone's interested this is what my analytics page currently looks like. In total I think I've earned around £140 in ad revenue from the channel - mostly from 5 high-performing videos. The amount of views you need to get to make real money is quite a lot. The payout threshold is £70 so I've had 2 payouts so far. My uploading has become a lot less regular, I could get much higher numbers if I was a weekly, bi-weekly or monthly uploader but having done that and gotten over the 2,000 subscriber hurdle I'd much rather make videos when I want to rather than feel like I have to, if fewer people see them then that's fine.
  11. Sounds like this from 2018. Incidentally I had been wondering about a smaller wheeled version but someone pointed out that you can't have a 4 cylinder loco with small driving wheels using the Swindon layout because the conrods for the inside cylinders would hit the rear bogie axle - they have to be large wheels with driving axles up high for the rods to clear it. For good measure here it is alongside some other Hawkswerents - a Hawksworth 4710 and a Borough-Class.
  12. Thanks all! Here is a look at the prairie as it currently stands. Lots of work to do on the chassis as the pony trucks are just plonked there for the pic, same for the cylinders. Good idea, I have ordered some and should be able to drill holes for them. Thanks Eric, it definitely was a conscious decision to spell out the company name! That could look good, I do have some brass strip left which I could do for the front of the firebox before the sloping bit, or I could paint the band but need to get some appropriate paint.
  13. Yeah I think partially it's having to flip the decal so the slightly adhesive side is no longer on the back, the white decals don't need flipping and tend to blend a lot better. I think I should be buying shares in micro-sol and micro-set with the amount I use. Here it is after sealing with matt lacquer. I wouldn't mind having a go at the 'polished rag' weathering finish that some people have tried, to get back some of the shine. The 2-6-2T is just waiting for the last few decals to dry before it gets sealed too. Need to finish the tender drawbar coupling, add the fall plate and wire it up. Might try and sneak some lead sheet into the cab floor. Have ordered the number plates from LRS but don't expect they will be done until the new year. Overall I love it but I really wish I had either left the round top firebox or done a Belpaire conversion. I realise now that the one on the loco is much more akin to a Sharp Stewart machine rather than a Beyer Peacock.
  14. Ahh very clever At least they are gaining some sort of identity now. Still plenty to do though. There is a bit of silvering on the decals which I am working on getting rid of, and they are obviously a bit lower quality as they are done on the laser, but am happy with how they printed.
  15. Peel Godred Light Railway later rebuilt to heavy rail standards and electrified to serve the Aluminium Works.
  16. Welllll in this version of the island, the Sodor & Mainland does a bit better than in the Awdryverse and survives to be amalgamated with the WSR and PGLR in 1915, so it'll be for that company Yeah I think it may be something like that, and pack a load of lead around the rear drivers where I can. Latest progress.... Fill, sand, drill blah blah This is one of the fantastic tenders printed by @Player of trains AKA Alec. I wanted to be sure about the drawbar so just in case I put a lot of train on the loco (unlikely but you never know) I araldited in a bit of brass rod for strength. More Ford Laurel Green from Halfords gets applied. The green is easier to do first in this instance as then it is just a case of masking off a few large areas rather than lots of fiddly ones. This morning while Sabina was at the market I got on with riveting! These are Archers O scale rivet decals. The black marks on the running board are marker pen to show me every 10mm or so. Mocking up the various components to work out how to do the cylinders. I need to make a new frame stretcher type thing to move them apart slightly, and swap the crankpins in the centre wheelset. On this side the rod has been swapped for one off a Dapol Terrier to see if the increased flat-ness works. Here is what the 4-4-0 looks like. A few more details needed, plus it needs wiring up and the RC gear added.
  17. D'oh of course it's SG, I confused myself with the similarity to the W&LLR locos.
  18. It's a true Mallet so it's a compound, the steam gets used twice - first in the high pressure rear cylinders and then in the larger low pressure ones up front. The space between the rear frames is mostly taken up by firebox and grate, so to make a well tank it would have to be under the cab (not much room) or on the articulated front bogie (never seen that done so presume there was a reason why). With it being narrow gauge* the space between the frames is very small even before you have to make room for the axles/axle boxes etc. The donor is of course 3.5mm/foot so the loco overall is bigger than the equivalent 4mm/foot version, and the reverse applies to the new 3D printed body. I would say most Mallets have the LP cylinders out front of the smokebox. The boiler is only pressing down on the bearing so the power bogie has to distribute the weight from there. *edit- it's not narrow gauge! Confused myself. So a bit more room for a well tank but I think it would still be a tad awkward.
  19. Come now, ask yourself; would I be so pedantic?
  20. I think a Garrett boiler would be way too small and underpowered for a railway locomotive, unless it was just shunting a couple of wagons around a yard.
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