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Everything posted by Jerry1975

  1. Thanks OOman. I have been very busy lately with hospital visits etc so haven't had much time ( my wife is having a hip replacement ) and I also had a little accidents and bruised my arms and leg but we are both ok. I went to the model shop and got one or two things today so these will be added to the layout soon. Jerry.
  2. Hi Booking Hall, Just caught up with this, looks very good, looking forward to seeing more. Jerry.
  3. I like the concept of simple and your homemade controller is impressive, looking forward to seeing more. Jerry.
  4. Thanks MrDuck. I made a privy in case the staff get caught short, here is a photo: It has a loo inside but doesn't look comfortable. More soon. Jerry.
  5. Thanks guy's for your replies and kind words. I managed to do some more work on the layout, painted up a figure, added some more grass/weeds to the fencing on the left hand side of the layout and scratch built a yard office ( which still needs a bit of work ). Here are a couple of photos of latest work: Lady in red going to phone for a taxi to take her for a night out. Grass and weeds added to fencing. Overall view. I need to add a few more figures, some yard lights and some general clutter. More soon. Jerry.
  6. Thanks Mr Duck. I'm going to do some more to the layout this evening so will post a update later. Jerry.
  7. looking very good, I agree that the Metcalfe kit roofs are all the same, you could use some wills slate sheets but that would be an extra cost, another idea is making your own roof from a piece of plastic card and making your own tiles, junk mail leaflets are ideal for this, a bit tedious sticking individual tiles on but worth the effort. Jerry.
  8. This is right up my street, the working crane is great, looking forward to seeing more. Jerry.
  9. That mini moke looks great and all the extra details you have added really bring the layout alive, well done. Jerry.
  10. Hi, The concrete looks spot on to me, I was going to mention their is an article in this months model rail about painting hard standing but no need to now lol. Looking forward to your next update. Jerry.
  11. I usually start with a light grey and using a scourer ( washing up pad ) dipped in a darker grey and try and get some of the paint off ( bit like dry brushing ) and dab it on, can give a nice effect, for a depot or fueling point I add a wash of thinned black paint and weathering powders. Jerry.
  12. Hi Everyone. Here is a quick update of the layout. I have added walling and fencing to the houses and coal yard area, also dust bins and a bicycle. Two lads are playing football ( need to make a ball ) in the alley way. Here is a couple of photos: Walling and gates. Overall view as of tonight. More soon. Jerry.
  13. Sounds interesting, looking forward to seeing more. Jerry.
  14. Thanks MrDuck, I also look at other layouts and in magazines for inspiration, the key with a micro layout for me is not to cram to much in, keep it simple but most of all have fun and enjoy what your building. Jerry.
  15. I echo all the positive comments, it's brilliant and the weathering on the loco is top notch, well done. Jerry.
  16. Hi Everyone. A bit of work today, I put a fence along the back of the coal yard and added a phone box, I'm going to add brick walling around the back of the house. Here is a quick photo, sorry it's poor quality: More Soon. Jerry.
  17. Good start, look forward to seeing more. Jerry.
  18. Hi Everyone. Had a busy day today with the layout and got a lot done, some ballasting, weathering, adding grass/weeds and a few other things. Here is a quick photo: I'm going for a unkempt, last few weeks of use sort of look. Still a bit to do, adding fencing to the back of the house, adding yard lamps, figures etc. More soon. Jerry.
  19. If I had the money I'd be tempted, I hope you find a good home for it. Jerry.
  20. Thanks mate. Hi Everyone. I have been helping my mother in law with her new carpets the last couple of days but managed to do a bit more tonight. I painted the sides of the track and made a start on the concrete back yards of the houses. Here is a quick photo showing the layout as of tonight: More soon. Jerry.
  21. Hi Everyone. I have done some more to the layout, added some fencing and glued and pinned the backscene. Here is a photo of latest work: I will have to get around to painting and ballasting the track, tomorrows job. More soon. Jerry.
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