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Andrew P

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Posts posted by Andrew P

  1. That all sounds very logical, Andy, but don't just sell for the sake of it. Your new shed layout could sometimes double-up for other regions and you may regret having rid yourself of the A1, A2 etc. In the same way as you've done with all those Southern locos.


    I DO hope you move this year, for the sake of your sanity. It now looks like there'll be legal completion on my new house sometime in June, so it's going to start getting a bit chaotic with 2 houses worth of stuff funnelled into one! If you aren't moved by September, come and spend a week helping me work on KL2!



    We won't be quite as bad but we will have both the bedrooms furniture and the Lounge stuff all in the Lounge whilst we decorate the 2 Bedrooms and the hall plus hang 6 new doors and have the carpets laid in the bedrooms BEFORE we start moving the beds in there.

    We will be living / eating / Sleeping (or trying to) in the Lounge.

    The Kitchen will also be re furbished at the same time.


    Oh and did I mention the Garage :O


    Andy :beee:

  2. That all sounds very logical, Andy, but don't just sell for the sake of it. Your new shed layout could sometimes double-up for other regions and you may regret having rid yourself of the A1, A2 etc. In the same way as you've done with all those Southern locos.


    I DO hope you move this year, for the sake of your sanity. It now looks like there'll be legal completion on my new house sometime in June, so it's going to start getting a bit chaotic with 2 houses worth of stuff funnelled into one! If you aren't moved by September, come and spend a week helping me work on KL2!



    Jeff the LITTLE Layout won't be a Shed, just a yard / or something simple, just a couple of points and some nice scenics.




    Just a couple of points :O


    simple :nono:


    nice scenics :no:


    I'll be modeling a plain field next and saying its HS2, just not finished yet :sungum:

    • Like 1
  3.  I may sell some of my Eastern Region stuff, A1, A2, etc. I now have a couple more Blue Diesel so I can run Blue / Speedlink for some variety and with Sound as well.


    I also have a spare 08 in green with Sound and I'm taking the sound chip out of one of my Green 37's to fit into the Blue one. I will then move the spare green 37 on.


    If I was still having a Shed / Depot on the Layout I would have kept them but a moving 37 weathered is a moving 37 weathered, (mind you I have 3 x Black 5's).


    Again with just the small yard there really is no justification for 2 x Sound 08's so its sense for one to go.


    I will be starting a small Layout for our Clubs Open Weekend at Easter, the final plan hasn't been decided as yet but it will be about 5ft x 18 inches or so. I have a spare 6 x 2 board at the Club, but that is just a tadge to big to go into the car easily so needs a trim.


    More updates soon.


    BTW did I mention that I'm also hoping to move house this year. :no: :no: :no:


    And :beee:

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  4. I do have the table but it'll be a lot easier when I'm back in the groove building KL2. Much easier. One of my "problems" is that railway modelling is only one of a few major hobbies. When the bunker was available, 90%+ of my time was spent on the railway. Now, the balance is being redressed and - to be quite honest - the other hobbies have a clear priority.


    That will change, of course, but I'm quite happy with the situation. So don't necessarily expect miracles after I've been to Jason's!!



    So do you have a list of Locos For Sale, HHAHheheheeeeeee


    The Grateful Bodger :stinker: :sungum: :sungum: :sungum: :sungum:

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