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Andrew P

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Everything posted by Andrew P

  1. I now have a 2 Car Set on loan from my friend Kevin, NO to HST's though. Cheers Buddy.👍
  2. And for those that cant be a*** to watch the Video, this is what I've been up to this week. I've added two Platforrms to the high level avoiding lines. I now they are far to narrow for reality, but its not an exhibition Layout so I'm o.k. with it. The rear Platform will be derelict and out of use, so the front one will be By Directional and the the other running line will be a holding loop for passing trains etc. still loads to do, the Video explains more.
  3. Its Friday and its raining outside, so what better way to cheer you all than with a Video.
  4. Looking good, and thanks for the mention. 👍
  5. Not thought of that Brian, maybe its how I put my back out a few years ago. 😁
  6. Your one step ahead of me Buddy. 👍 😂
  7. It was the thought of the Bus wot dun it. 🥴
  8. You will be pleased to hear that so far, no Ballast has been removed. 😄
  9. YEP, they said I didn't have the right credentials for a stripper. 😂
  10. Hi Ian In a word, NO, Some bloke who shall remain nameless, (but have a look in the mirror), suggested some changes, so I ripped half the Layout apart, to see how it would look, and I ain't sure. 🙄 PLUS a busy week with the Band with rehearsals etc, ready for a big Gig tomorrow, so no time this week I'm afraid, but watch this space next week to reveal all. 😁
  11. Just GO, your coat is in the post. 🤣.
  12. MV and his FAMILY bring whinging to a whole new level. the sooner he retires the better the Sport will be. 😁
  13. Hi and cheers mate, but deffo NO Bus on the Bridge, its a phobia, like spiders and snakes. 🤣
  14. With "SPONSORED BY RED BULL RACING" blazoned across it. 🤣
  15. Vestap Snr lurking at the back of the garage?
  16. I was about to say the same thing. 😆
  17. 2 minutes of EITHER would be to much for me, so yes definitely binge watching matey. 👍 THANKS.
  18. Thanks Scott, Yes just one axel on the last Heljan Steel Wagon, I quite like it, at least I know when it falls off or un-couples, it all goes very quiet. 😆
  19. Fridays back, so another peek, to see if there's been a little tweak, to see whats new, or to see whats not, OR, has Peters lost the plot?
  20. F1 chief reveals desire to MAJORLY shake up Grand Prix weekends. https://www.gpfans.com/en/f1-news/104346/stefano-domenicali-cancel-formula-1-free-practice/?fbclid=IwAR1Zea4A-Y9Rj5tTYLwGOTwJk-FKLFffCbMner_61xf-LrdUKg2U_XXreo8
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