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Status Replies posted by davidw

  1. Merry Christmas or should I say Nadolig Llawen!

  2. I didn't really need a 'bundle' of Hornby Mk1s!!!!!!

  3. Do I want/need 6 Maroon Mk1 Railroad Coaches from Hornby at just

    1. davidw


      12.50 a coach if it wasn't for the fact I've 50+ Bachmann. Still tempted

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  4. Why does work have to be so manic!

  5. I await a peaceful weekend as all you lot will be at Warley........

  6. Two minutes of my time is nothing compared to lives sacrificed.

  7. The thought of an op - and 3-4 weeks off work....

  8. The thought of an op - and 3-4 weeks off work....

    1. davidw


      Not a worry - just inconvient. Cheers


    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  9. PDK chassis A2/1 rolls beautifully motor pick up and brakes next

  10. DJH A2/2 chassis was straight and true - was being the operative word!

  11. Thinking about pdk and djh pacifics

  12. Thinking about pdk and djh pacifics

    1. davidw


      yeap - birthday coming up - I've already got a set of markits 6'2" driving wheels and bogie and tender wheels here and at least 4 gearboxes - I lose count very easily ;) So just the kit and a 1620/1624 motor required. Debating which one though


    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  13. Look out at Bristol Parkway - the modern railway is colourful!

    1. davidw


      One's tempted to ask is BR Blue modern?

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  14. For the first time in about a year a train has run under its own power on my layout (formerly Hassop) hooray!

  15. And it's back to hospital I go.... Hopefully this time it'll mean I can get well instead of nothing changing.

  16. Flu and bronchitis :-(. Feeling like death warmed up...

  17. Hornby B1 61138 obtained

    1. davidw


      Two Hornby, and two split chassis Bachmann B1's are in the fleet

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  18. Seems weeks since I built a carriage...Oops must rephrase that so as not to sound elitist.....Seems ages since I tipped te parts out of a box and then went into a trance while they soldered themselves together. :0)

    1. davidw


      I can do that - but in a longer trance!

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  19. Has a strange urge to build a 4mm Thompson A1/1...

    1. davidw


      I've had that urge for 5 years - so far resisted


  20. Thanks to falling over in the garden, we now have a semi-invalid here in the form of my mother. One fractured metatarsal.... Deep joy!!

  21. "As long as there is injustice, whenever a Targathian baby cries out, wherever a distress signal sounds among the stars, we'll be there. This fine ship, this fine crew. Never give up...never surrender."

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