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Everything posted by nigelb

  1. guys guys i got the kit for £5.00 and £3.50 postage just cos it was cheap it will be used on the grandsons layout in the garage so cheap is good accurate is optional lol I do have the instructions and am able to fabricate bits i am considering making the radial truck as it should be will just have to see i will post some pics when i get home ( and motivated) thanks to you all for your input guys
  2. Hi folks having purchased a nice cheap GEM 56xx part completed kit from flea bay only problem is its missing the trailing truck and wheel my question is ...... What and where can i get this wheel / axle from I have contacted GEM for the trailing truck Cheers Nigel
  3. looks promising, you could get another siding in the bottom left corner might gibe a bit more operation fun
  4. Got one from my local newsagent in Acton W London High Street as a pressy for a friend who loves A4's I have an order with the man for next one
  5. Ian that looks awesome almost make me want to mondel gwr
  6. Hi Freebs i would love to add my admiration for the shed it is awe some apart from still missing the cat lol (joke) really exceptional modeling mate
  7. Hi Julia while it would be easier to mod the chassis knowing you , you would not be happy so go for the body mod
  8. Freebs I have been following the goods shed build with awe i do notice 1 or 2 things you may have missed out the shed cat and a couple of mice for him / her to catch ( lol that's a challenge after the aspidistra)
  9. Jerry don't forget Missy of this parish HAS made working 2mm FS ground signals
  10. i wonder if instead of a pcb could you insert brass pins through a piece of paxolin and solder the surface leds to that ? the leads could then me soldered to the pins
  11. nigelb

    Todays Project

    very realistic although the brussels green seems a bit dark what scale is it
  12. nigelb

    Cobalts Sorted!

    if you are still thinking ally then pop to your local scrap yard or council recycling depot and see it they have any freezers or fridges you could cut a side off. one benefit is its already painted white
  13. mmmm is that one of the tenders converted to oil ? Joking aside looks verry good I for one cannot wait to see it en colour
  14. nigelb

    More house building

    another way to stain the wood is to use tea make a cup of black tea to the required colour add some washing up liquid n soak the wood in that . I have seen it used on matchstick models to great effect
  15. welcome to the best scale look forward to seeing your progress
  16. typical no work booked for next week so i had big plans to restart on the layout now i am booked for 6 days

  17. typical no work booked for next week so i had big plans to restart on the layout now i am booked for 6 days

  18. nigelb

    Base Boards part 2

    Dave could i suggest that as the turntable appears to be the end of that base board you may have slight issues lining the tracks up perhaps a fixed board where the turntable finishes may help alignment ..... hope that makes sense
  19. nigelb

    Dug Out

    a more healthy way of staining wood is to use tea or coffee it is just a matter of getting the infusion right I have seen this used on matchstick models to great effect
  20. well the obvious answer is ............. All or them that need it after all you sayh yhou can make a set in a few mins. its just the fitting an painting
  21. is sat sitting in the office whishing it was 16.30 and i could wander off home the grandsons "trainset grandad" is calling mei feel a scenic session coming on this weekend

  22. is sat sitting in the office whishing it was 16.30 and i could wander off home the grandsons "trainset grandad" is calling mei feel a scenic session coming on this weekend

  23. hi chap sorry just seen your problem If you have a router you can cut a circular hole using it and a jig http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CpeedCL0QNg
  24. if you are going to do a train load don't forget these usually consisted of at least a company of 432 series company HQ 3 vehicles one of which is an ambulance marked one, 3 coys of 4 usually with gpmg turrets and my fav the fitter section ours was a 432 434 stalwart and ferret if you wnt call signs let me know
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