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  1. Such an interesting wagon, it seems odd there seems to be no kit for this. Has anyone ever come across a Mermaid wagon kit in O gauge?
  2. Looking at your layout of the chassis reminds me of building my BSK from MMP, the parts just fitted. Everything was etched to perfection, yes there are a great deal of parts, but prototypical build gives the best results. My real concern, was that after spending so much time getting the brake gear to actually operate (yes it can be made so that it all moves) that painting would cover some of the really fine detail, such as the fine chains and linkages. Careful and thin painting of the chassis worked out OK. Then there is the interior kit, another mass of parts, each compartment is seperate and then the guards area, such an enjoyable build. Keep up the good work, it will spur me on to start my FO!
  3. That is my view entirely! Not everyone likes to or has the skills to build kits, but those who do, love these kits! RTR has it's place but the quick fix does not last long....
  4. Nice neat work, the MMP bogies are a treat to build, so many parts! I wonder when MMP will reintroduce thier loco kits? Such detail and accuracy is great to behold.
  5. Great to see some MMP kits being featured again, they are the best in my opinion. Just a shame the locos are all out of production.
  6. I agree with the feeling about MMP kits, they are superb and need a great deal of patience. I wonder if the diesel loco kits will ever re-appear? If you enjoy the building of a fine kit - MMP are the ones to go for. (I have no link to MMP).
  7. Hi Brian, I too will be at Telford but I do not know Peter Cowling, does he have a trading stand?
  8. Hi CME, thank you for the ideas about glazing, much appreciated.
  9. I suppose I was asking about general glazing for locos as the often supplied items are not always that great. I try and use real glass (microscope slides) for the flat easy shapes, to really good effect. I have yet to try and shape any to fit a class 37 front for example. I just wondered if you had any other way of filling these spaces?
  10. Great work Brian, can I ask what you use for glazing please?
  11. So much filing and fettling, clogged files by any chance? I found using a soldering iron cautiously removes a lot of the flash. Cab looks superb once cleaned up though.
  12. I agree, why rely on any one single method for soldering when we are skilled builders? Use what works best.
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