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About this blog

This blog will document the construction of Ffarquhar, a layout that is based on the books of the Reverend Wilbert Awdry.

This is my first layout, so I have a lot to learn from more experienced people. Please comment if you see anything amiss, or if you have advice.

Entries in this blog

Peco Electrofrog Points - Please Help!

Hello, I am a fairly novice modeler and I have decided to dip my toe into wiring. I wanted to do a test of my wiring beforehand by utilizing the Peco PL-10E, PL-9, PL-13, and PL-26B, along with a medium radius Peco Electrofrog point. I have followed the steps of the Dean Park YouTube channel, and modified the point as shown. I am very confused as to how I am meant to continue, as my first arrangements have not worked. I cannot get the point motor to work. Again, I am very new to this, so patienc

Confusion With Point Motors

Hello all, I apologize for the long duration between posts, I have been extraordinarily busy with my various other obligations. I have a question surrounding the function of Peco point motors, specifically the use of the PL-15 micro-switch. Up until about an hour ago, I was under the impression that Pl-10E, PL-13, and PL-9 were all of the parts required to operate the basic Peco point motor, as these were the only parts mentioned in the various tutorials I have watched. I saw the PL-15 show u
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