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Getting Started in DCC and reviewing options for the future

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Building plan

I've got one more kit to build which will fit in with what's there already, a Metcalfe goods shed. After that, it's what I can make with what I've got. I've got a whisky tube which looks like it would make a good fermenter, and with judicious application of pipes and chimneys left over from other kits and a dose of imagination to suggest that there's more brewery out of sight I think I can cobble something vaguely plausible together. Bearing in mind that this is yet another sketch, if it all



This morning...

With help from middle little Bomp, I've laid most of the track and soldered some feeds and worked out where the buildings are going. I've taken some pictures but as before, I'll have to try to upload them somehow. If I fail here again, I'll stick them in Flickr or something.   I'm beginning to think that I may have made the access a bit short for getting lots of wagons into the loading areas, but that will have to have been a constraint of the site when they were laying the track. The build




I was going to post some pictures, but for some reason I failed to upload them. I'll get Mrs Bomp to try for me later, but in the meantime I'm off downstairs to see how far I can get tonight.   What I've done so far is to clear the board and start playing with the track and buildings I can find to see what I can put where. It's all much easier to think through now I've got DCC and I don't have to worry about sections or whatever. I never had them previously, and only ever used siding and th



New plan to keep me going

I have a large board which has been used as a fiddle yard in the past. This is in the other piece of basement which is going to be cleared for an extension to the layout. In the meantime, I am going to make myself a shunting layout on this board while I wait to clear the rest of the basement. I will use this to practise wiring a DCC layout from scratch rather than trying to bodge a DC one to DCC. It will also be smaller and therefore more likely to be finished scenicly in more detail than th



Next loco

Last weekend while shopping for chips which my man didn't have, I got tempted by the black 04 in the pictures. He has a sale on so it was a good time to get tempted. Then he showed me another one, in green, in "as new" condition, but already chipped. I couldn't decide, so he let me bring both home to decide in my own time. Being an awkward sort, and having run in the new mechanism and compared its performance to the as new one, there's nothing in it, so I'm going back on Saturday to see if h




The first two chipped locos parked in the brewery. It's the same brewery from the previous RMweb thread I did. I'll be filling the rest of the ground in once I've stopped playing for a while. Maybe at the weekend... In the meantime, it's filling a nice gap in the quiet night shift driving seat modelling time!



Working DCC shunting locos

I had never before known the joys of shunting. Now I have an 04 and an Austerity chipped, I can play in my modest brewery for hours! All I need now is a remote uncoupling system. My man is selling second hand stock with Kadee couplers - is it worth stocking up on the stock while he has them? How do you uncouple them? Would I find the answers to these questions with a tiny little bit of looking myself on the search function or internet rather than asking my helpful readership to do all the




I've just wired in my first ever hardwired decoder, following Trains4U's J94 guide. As is to be expected, I did some bits my own way, but it worked first time! Advance warning for my in laws - I'll be going there soon for help with grinding the weight away to fit the decoder. Now I'll have to wire my sidings so I can play shunting. I built a couple of headshunt type things when I was laying them as I intended to use DCC in the long run, and now I've got to work out how to wire it. This whol



Broken my lights!

I've had my decoder tested, and it works fine, but I can't get the white light to light on my dummy power car. I can't work out how my meter works either, so I can't check the light with that. I've got the control desk out and I've tried touching it on the contacts on the chassis by hand with the power on and I can get the red lights but not the white ones. Could I have broken it already? And if so, why only the white one? At the weekend I'll try everything I can think of, then pester my fat



Next DCC Project

Is to follow the Trains4U guide and put a decoder in Cadley Hill No 1 so I can play in the sidings and justify the effort to add power to them. First, I need to get another decoder when my man gets some in. Birthday in two months and 4 days, so not long to wait!



Power cut on the railway!

For the first time I tried my HST power car (only one - I'm still sorting the lights on the dummy) yesterday. On DC the powered car copes with 8 Lima Mk IIIs up my (stupidly steep) hills with barely a murmur. However, with the chip fitted, it keeps on cutting out. Only on the hill, though. It's fine on the level. Am I overworking it? When I get back from work tonight, or more likely in the morning or afternoon before work tomorrow, I'll try it with a gradually diminishing load and see wher



The first post

I got the Hornby Select system for Christmas, so I'm down to three locos at the moment as I need to get more decoders. I'm hooked on DCC from the very start! My son and I spent a good hour on the first afternoon watching the lights change from white to red and back again on my 50 without it moving an inch.   So far I've just connected the two DC feeds which I had on the old set up to the output from the Select, and it works fine. I never had any sections or similar, I always use/d points



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