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It's Saturday night !



Having spent an entertaining day with Mrs.Farquhar, afternoon tea etc., I felt it was time to repay her kindness.

I took myself off to the local haberdashery and asked Mr.Perkins, the owner, if he could supply me with enough material to make enough glad-rags for a special party this evening. He gave me plenty of samples to peruse and happy with these I took my leave.

I sent out my man Perks to ask as many of Mrs.Farquhars' friends if they could attend a party this evening.


Lady Fanshaw has allowed me to set up two gramophones in her orangery and luckily Mr.F.B.Slim has turned up with his gramophone collection to play out what he refers to as "his BIG dancehall chunz".

Not quiet sure what he means but he also added " it could be a bangin' nite!" Hmmmm


Hope all goes well and nobody will be too disappointed ?


Well ......it's Saturday night after all !!!!



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Perks just wondered if this evenings party would be well attended to which I replied " it's going to be the best gig in town".


He replied " but I thought the GWR had all the best gigs?".


I don't think he quite understood me!

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Well..... The partee seems to be well attended!


Gin and tonics are flowing and Mr. & Mrs. Tong are swinging across the orangery skirts are swirling, even Lady Fanshaw has asked for some Jam to be pumped up! Delightful to see her "pumping up the jam"...... Makes a change from normal hors derves!


If this goes well I might suggest to her that we paint the town red rather than the village green!


Mr. Slim was getting slightly concerned about the gramophone decks slipping earlier but I managed to get Horace Walpole ( Station Clerk) to wind then up as he seems to be flinging his arms akimbo without any justification.


Strange how you can repay someone for an afternoon tea at Lyons corner shop but it's very satisfying.

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It's a 'stilts' party :danced:

Having taken on far too much to drink my man Perks decided it was time for the party goers to sober up for a while, so, using his initiative he gathered up as many shunters poles as he could carry and the good people rose to the occasion, getting a well deserved airing.


Whilst on a higher plain one of the party ( I believe it was Lord B.Runel) was overheard stating that "it was impossible to gauge the evening", to which a reply came back saying they though "he was a little narrow minded ! ".


Oh! Dear it's getting late, maybe it would be best to quietly move back indoors before any heated discussions begin amongst the guests.

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