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Do I jump into the Spa or Box clever ?

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Bath anyone?

Well........ Following on from last Saturday nights party at Lady Farquhars house ( my blog It's Saturday night) the good folk seemed to get on pretty well, especially dancing to Mr.F.B.Slim's music on the two gramophone decks !   On the way home from the party several of them decided to club together and arrange a days swaree by taking the omnibus to the nearby elegant city of BATH.   My man Perk toddled down to the local station and asked for an omnibus to pick up a small party outside the



What's in your boxes Pt. IV

This is starting to become a habit !   So.........more boxes and memories which I hope the good members of this parish don't mind me posting.   First off.........My attempt at producing some mixed gauge track in the GWR change over period with a hare brained idea that it might make track laying easier ? Oh! How wrong I was ( I don't think Margate or Beer manufacturers have anything to worry about!)         A master was made about 12" long and then a flexible ? rubber mould was made



What's in your cupboard Part III

Another box, another day..........   That word Box keeps cropping up ?   In answer to yesterday's request I've found this to place at the front of the rake ( another unfinished locomotive, but hey! life can take over sometimes!)     Barnum Class locomotive ( with bonnet placed forward ) built from a Mallard kit in about 1991 I think?   And these are as requested by CK ........it's not finished yet Captain so bear with me ! ( it's lit inside with levers etc.       They've stil



What's in your cupboard Part II

So........more ferreting in the boxes I'd stored away for a rainy day/retirement and I found these........                   They were bought over 30? years ago and are Mallard/Blacksmith/IKB and Ratio models. Now that they've reared their ugly head I think it's time they paid a visit to the Carriage Shop and get a final fettling so they can stretch their bogies on a proposed layout! ( as I said once before........don't hold your breath ladies and gentlemen of the pa



Re-cycled cottage

In answer to Mikkel, of this parish, I thought I would drop these onto the site to show the method used to create this from a previous layout.       The cottage was a trial build to see how effective the use of casting plaster would be and how it would stand up to scribing etc. and overall it faired reasonably well, however, I'm not happy with some of the joints but then it did sit on a hill as a background building ( so no rivet counters etc to be worried about :0 !!! ).   Happy mod



Saturday night into Sunday morning

Having climbed down and refreshed themselves the guests were ushered into the parlour and having been thanked by Her Ladyship for coming along today, she felt it was close to her bedtime.   They all took the hint and politely said their fairwell's and sauntered past the gardners cottage having had a tree-mendous time.   As they shuffled back along the lane Perks was still in a quandary as to what had happened that day, non the less happy but rather uncertain why he seemed to have acquired a



It's Saturday night !

Having spent an entertaining day with Mrs.Farquhar, afternoon tea etc., I felt it was time to repay her kindness. I took myself off to the local haberdashery and asked Mr.Perkins, the owner, if he could supply me with enough material to make enough glad-rags for a special party this evening. He gave me plenty of samples to peruse and happy with these I took my leave. I sent out my man Perks to ask as many of Mrs.Farquhars' friends if they could attend a party this evening.   Lady Fanshaw has



Box Signal box

Good evening all, Does anyone know what was on the Up signal box name board at Box Station ? Was it "Box Signal Box" or purely "Box" as I'm uncertain about this matter and would be very grateful for any help please.



More recycling?

Keep finding more of my older models, seem a bit dated now when compared with those found on the RMWeb! Hmmmmm time to move it on a pace me thinks!   Grahame



Do I recycle or rebuild?

Found this whilst having a look through my old stuff, so, the question is ........."do I recycle or rebuild?". I want to up my game and whilst carrying on the research and building of Bath Spa I have that urge to rebuild a compact layout of Box Station so I can "play trains" .   Ironically I've just see a manufacturer has brought out a model of similar tunnel ! Hey oh, build my own at that price !!!



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