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WCPR No 5 - part 6



Had an enjoyable show at Tolworth last weekend with Clevedon. Thanks to those who came and said hello.
Alas I didn't get No 5 finished in time. Almost but not quite!
Since the last blog I've finished off all the bodyworks and spent a lot of time painting various bits and pieces.
The engine when originally purchased was a 'pea green' with black, yellow, red, yellow and black lining. The overall colour darkened to almost black as a result of years of cleaning (aka smearing the dirt about). Most of the photos I have don't show lining at all, but in some of the earlier ones it is just about visible. As I'm modelling the line circa 1936 I wanted some representation of lining, but not a sparking clean loco.
I duly dug out the bow pen and compasses and had a go at the lining. I'm not Ian Rathbone by any stretch of the imagination and I found it a little tricky, but I ended up with something I'm not wholly embarrassed by, only partially!
The engine was then treated to a serious weathering session with the airbrush; using metalcote gunmetal, dark grey and a little olive green for the body and the usual grey/leather mix for the chassis. There are a few areas I need to revisit and touch up a little but overall, I'm reasonably pleased with the results.
The crew have been added and the loco just needs a trip to the coaling stage. The pictures show pre and post weathering.
It's a shame that the next exhibition isn't until Uckfield next October, but I suppose at least it gives me time to bed everything in.
I think I will have a bash at Coach No 18 at some point (the 'Taff Vale' coach) as this is the last major outstanding piece of rolling stock I need for the layout.


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  • RMweb Gold


Looks excellent Andrew, you just can't buy that kind of character and weathering for money. 


Incidentally I've been stalking your blog and the WCPR site, I like  those timber-supported water towers and fancy something similar for the sidings at Farthing (originally built by an independent company). 

  • RMweb Premium


Looks excellent Andrew, you just can't buy that kind of character and weathering for money. 


Incidentally I've been stalking your blog and the WCPR site, I like  those timber-supported water towers and fancy something similar for the sidings at Farthing (originally built by an independent company). 

Thanks Mikkel. The water tank panels were from Alan Gibson and I used L and T 1mm angle from Eileens. 

  • RMweb Gold


Thanks for that. I noticed that the two tanks at either end of the timberbuilt platform seem to be of a simpler design than the ones by the loco shed, which you mention were a later replacement.


I also really like these on Ashcombe Rd, very nice: http://www.wcpr.org.uk/WSM%20model%202.jpg

  • RMweb Premium


Those are just brass and riveted with my GW Models rivet tool.

  • RMweb Gold


It looks so great. The disc wheels are spot-on, too.

  • RMweb Premium


It looks so great. The disc wheels are spot-on, too.


  • RMweb Gold


Coming late to this interesting construction, unfortunately.

Re ex  TVR Coach; I agree that 0227, 0228 is most likely - TVR Diagram 54 built 1885.

However it is NOT the case that  these were the only TVRs with duckets more central - the TVR diagrams  53 (tvr no 030 ) of  1884, diagram 6 (tvrno 242-248 ) of 1898,and diagram 9 (tvr 39 coaches) of 1886-1910  all had central duckets. As these diagrams were I understand produced to hand over to the GWR at the Amalgamation, there are likely to have been other coach numbers earler. Diagram 9 was a full brake - the others had compartments. 

Michael Hodgson


I thought WC&PR No 5 was the large railcar?

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