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On its travels again



Well it has been a while since I updated this blog hasn't it? Sorry about that.

Since Warley Fisherton Sarum has not had anything done to it. I have however been working on a few more items of stock and locomotives.


This week will see the layout prepared for its showing at the Chesham show this coming Saturday (6th March) The show is being held at the Elgiva Theatre, St Mary's Way, Chesham, HP5 1LL and is open to the public between 10am and 5pm. If you are thinking of dropping by come and say hello.


So what have I been working on? Well those of you who have seen the March issue of Hornby Magazine will have seen my article on the 1948 locomotive exchanges and the model of City of Bradford coupled to the WD tender it used on the Southern for the trials



Aslo mentioned in the article but not pictured is the same treatment to a Royal Scot to represent The Hussar



A Hornby N15 in Malachite has also been renamed and numbered as S747 along with full British Railways sunshine style lettering on the tender and was the only N15 to receive such treatment. This will make its début on Fisherton at the weekend and will take a picture of it then. Hornby's limited edition T9 as the Royal Engine 30119 will also make it début on the layout as a visitor to the shed (some will be surprised but she has been lightly weathered today!)


More will follow after Chesham.


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Hi Graham,


Well I hope it goes well at Chesham, as you know I can't be there to operate due to Hythe being at Churchrail


P.S. is it just me or do the LMS letters on that tender look wonky?



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At first glance I thought St.Simon might be right, then I laid a straight edge along the bottom of the L and M, the S sat neatly on it! A check of the top edges of the letters seemed in line with the tender top edge too. Difficult to be absolutly sure with photo subject not square with the camera, but all seems OK to me. Can't be at the exhibition to check personally!

I like the idea of the "Exchange" locos being on shed! And a "dirty" Royal engine.... how will you get it clean for it's next tour of duty?

I have vague recollections of the prototype exchanges through blinkered GWR eyes! ;)

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