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First bite: The bay





"The bay" was the first of the Farthing layouts. The layout portrays the bay platform for the GWR Overbourne line at Farthing. It is inspired by the bay platforms at Newbury and Didcot, and combines selected features from these.






The trackplan is very simple, but allows reasonable scope for operation. The bay platform and its canopy is positioned at the very front of the layout, in order to provide a viewblock which forces the onlooker to look beneath the canopy, thereby also avoiding the "birds eye view".






The photos seen here are rather out of date by now. "The bay" is nearing completion, with just a few details remaining. I'll begin taking photos of the finished layout shortly, once we get a clear day. Meanwhile, there's a more detailed account of how "The bay" was built here, although this has not been updated for quite some time.



Edited by Mikkel

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  • RMweb Gold

Thanks BlackRat. I am definetely no weathering expert and it's basically just various shades of grey and dark brown, wiped off afterwards in the time-honoured way, and with a bit of light colour drybrushing afterwards. I'm getting interested in more advanced types of weathering these days though, must try that next time!

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Great to see this here :D I remember finding the bay on gwr.org and really liking the concept of viewing the trains through the station. I, too, would love to see more.



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  • RMweb Gold

Hi Buffalo. Yes, ever since I stopped updating gwr.org.uk I've been looking for a way to share my botched efforts with others in some kind of blog format. And along comes the new RMWeb smile.gif . As you can see I am also a fan of the Buffalo class (although yours is clearly a rather better build!). I do like the GWR saddle tanks - and it's a pity they are not accesible to a larger segment of modellers (ie RTR modellers). I've alway thought an 850 class would be a good bet for an RTR model....

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The Bay looks wonderful (as does The Depot) but just how big is the scenic section itself? Is the fiddle yard seperate? (and if so, how big is that?)


Apologies if this has already been asked but I cant find a reference to the dimensions of this beautiful layout.




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  • RMweb Gold

Hi Ray,


It's really quite small. Some might even say that I have "over-documented" it, given it's small size. But I like the idea of trying to extract maximum entertainment from small layouts.


Specifically, the scenic section of "The bay" is 32 x 92 cms, with a 73 cm long fiddle yard. The photo below shows most of the scenic section, and there are more details on the initial construction etc here: http://gwr.org.uk/layoutsbay1.html



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Thanks Mikkel - thats clear now. You definitely haven't over-documented the layout. In fact, I think it is to your credit that there is so much to document! I guess what Im saying is, a lesser layout would not have such richness and depth that you could elaborate on. With the Bay and the Depot there is a lot to talk about because you have woven such a beautiful tapestry. It is truly inspiring - it has given me a kick in the pants to have a go at something myself.

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  • RMweb Gold

Thanks Ray, very kind of you. Look forward to seeing some of your own work in due course. Don't know if you're into micros, but I hope the Micro Layouts Group here on RMweb can get going eventually, once we get used to the format.

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Hi Mikkel.  I am interested in small Shunting Puzzles, and I have just added a Fiddleyard to my Inglenook, with difficulty? But today it is Thursday 14 th March 2019 and as a “ lot of water has flowed under the bridge “ I must ask, “ are you still into micro layouts?” And as I am a complete outsider when it comes to to anything small, your work looks excellent and leaves my attempts way behind. Following the Inglenook ideas that I have found online and modelling OO my Shunting Puzzles are four foot long, which must be much bigger than the idea of “ micro “ Layouts. Would you please advise me on how to begin a micro and what it entails?

Happy Modelling Kev 

Edited by retiredoperator
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  • RMweb Gold

Hello Kev, strange how time passes, is that blog post really almost 8 years old!


There seem to be different ideas of what a micro layout is. I suppose only one of mine really qualifies as such, i.e. the Goods Depot. There's a photo below and a shunting puzzle for it here. My other layouts so far are similar to your 3-4 feet.




In case you don't know, there's a subsection of RMweb for micro layouts, which may be of interest for you: https://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/forum/151-boxfiles-micro-layouts-amp-dioramas/


Your own layout sounds good, perhaps we can see some photos of it at some point?



Edited by Mikkel
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