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Kit-bashed roof structure





The roof structure for the "The depot" has been underway for some time as I've been busy with other things, but it is now nearing completion (sketches of the goods depot can be found here). My original idea was for a large single span roof, but after ploughing through photos and obtaining some sound advice from fellow RMwebbers (thanks everyone!). I decided on multiple lesser spans instead, of which two are visible on the layout.






The structure is built from a variety of modified components sourced from old Airfix/Dapol, Rovex/Hornby, Ratio/Peco and Heljan kits, thereby encompassing quite a bit of British railway modeling history! I initially envisaged something scratchbuilt and rather more finescale, but I know from experience that I need to keep things simple to sustain momentum, so in the end I opted for some extensive kit-bashing.






A selection of the components used. Clockwise from top left are parts from the Airfix canopy glazing (I bought in a number of these kits), support columns from an old Rovex footbridge kit (still to be added), some ornate ironwork from a Heljan station kit (also to be added) and leftover bits from the Ratio canopy conversion that I did for 'The Bay'.






The Airfix canopy kit appears to have been designed in 1959. Is it perhaps among the oldest model railway products still on the market, along with the other ex-Airfix kits?





The original pattern of the Airfix roof trusses (top) seemed inappropriate in this context, so these were changed to indicate a Howe pattern instead (bottom). Various leftover parts from Ratio kits were used to add detail and hide joins.






The rooflights still need a bit of work, but the basics are in place. They will hopefully let in lots of light, which is important in a small box-like layout such as this. I suppose it's all a bit chunky in places, but I'm hoping to improve this with some strategic weathering and detailing later on.



Edited by Mikkel

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Recommended Comments

  • RMweb Gold

That looks superb - the next best thing to scratch building, must be bastardising a few kits and you have blended them seamlessly!


I think the quality of light and shadows through the trusses will be delightful.


As ever, great work Mikkel and a really enjoyable post to read.



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Very impressive. Looking forward to seeing how you do the panels / glazing as I still have mine to do :)

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Is this for an engine shed? Remember that in late steam days, many sheds lost either the whole, or part of the roof. You could leave out some glazing to see better.

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Clever idea with the Airfix trussing. I bought a lot of these kits for the junction station on my old layout but never got around to building them. Had been wondering how to use them on my new project to produce something with a GW flavour. Again - well done.



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  • RMweb Gold

Thanks all for your comments, much appreciated.


Alcazar: I can see why you ask, it does look like a loco shed. But it's actually for a goods depot, of which the layout shows one half (sketches here).


Pete: I'm hoping for an interesting play of light. Am a bit worried right now though that the structure has a slightly too "modern" look for the Edwardian period - but hopefully painting and setting it into context will help.


John/Alcazar: Not sure I can face doing the glazing in the "right" way (individual panes) but on the other hand with a systematic approach it may not take all that long... Leaving out some panes is an interesting idea, but perhaps it would not have been typical of Edwardian days?


Pinkmouse: Yes, the pillars will go in the six-foot, plus some at the very front of the layout as per your suggestion. I've done some mock-ups and it looks interesting so far. Thanks for the idea smile.gif .


Rovex: I was not particularly happy with the Airfix canopy kit at first (it is showing it's age in some respects), but then realized it contained a number of useful components. With your skills in this field, I'm sure you can make magic of them!

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