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Killybegs Station progress



The basic shell for the station building has now been put together and work has started on the roofs. Next job is to make up and fit the brackets for the barge boards, then get on with the low level roof. That will just leave chimney stacks, slating, rainwater goods and flashings and all the other bits and pieces before I can think about getting out the paint brush. That will just leave the train shed, platform and water tower. I think I will be busy for a while yet!


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Is this from the road side or the platform side?


This is the road side. The two storey section is the Station Master's house, the station 'offices' are to the left and loos to the right.

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Brilliant work there John. I love the little Shamrocks in the barge boards




They do give it that Irish look! No one seems to know why Killybegs station received this ornate treatment. Interestingly, the platform side is very plain, whether it was always so, I don't know. I can find no photographs showing the roof details at the rear as originally built. In fact there are only a few indistinct shots in later days , from those it appears that, although the stone corbels were put in when the walls were built, the simple verge detail made them redundant. Maybe it was decided that a large overhanging eaves was not very practical facing the wrath of atlantic gales!

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Could you tell us how you did the stonework and windows please. They don't look "pre-moulded".


The general stonework is Das modelling clay on a plasticard structure. The clay is scribed and carved once it is dry. The quoins are plasticard.

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