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The 80-20 rule - or why I never seem to 'finish' anything...

James Hilton


When I come towards the end of a project, a kit, wagon, loco, building or layout I never seem to be able to quite 'finish' it...

Usually I've already started several other projects before getting this far, certainly a contributory factor, but why can I never just 'finish' something. This is a case in point - my Judith Edge Sentinel - and I'm pleased as punch (although hate the fact that the weathering looks better in real life then I can capture in photos, and the 'streaking' looks ropey in some of these shots) with it! It's my first etched brass kit, my first P4 gauge locomotive and my first go at doing wasp stripes with just masking tape!!!

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I mentioned in my status earlier this week that it was now 99% finished? Well yes I soldered up some windscreen wipers from 0.3mm brass rod that I filed a flat edge into to represent the wiper arm and the angled tip. Hardly noticeable now but I know it's there and it was mega fiddly. Once fitted I gave the model a dusting of track dirt from the underside before mixing in a little black to do a dust from over head - the blue of the roof and bonnets was too bright - and it's worked a treat, pulling the powders and washes together.

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So what's left?

I need to add the headlight lens, paint the marker lights with a gloss black and add the sand box filler hatches (when I find them). For now she sits on my shelf looking pleased with herself - as am I!

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So why don't I get on with it? I don't know... Currently I'm browsing Hattons for any bargains despite a 37, 58 and 66 all sitting on my workbench.

Questions, comments, encouragement and reflections on my 80-20 rule most appreciated!

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Perhaps because you've done all the interesting bits (soldering, forming, painting) and you're already thinking about the next project to immerse yourself in? And you've proved a point with this build (I can do P4, I can build an etched kit) and now your looking for the next challenge? I try not to start a new project until the current one is finished, however that is not easy (6 locos on the go at the moment, some just need painting, one needs a complete re-think). Painting for me is difficult, I spray outside but here in Buxton the weather allways seems to be against me so another build starts before the preious one is properly painted (4 locos need painting). But even when the're painted I usually put of weathering...

However, your so close with this loco you really ought to finish it one evening.

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Perhaps because you're chuffed with her (and rightly so!) and feel that anything else would put that feeling at risk? Or perhaps you don't want your "relationship" to end :) . I'm a great one for picking up something else; I have SO much to do, but I was also looking at a Class 37 tonight... and there's no way that the Blackwall branch would tolerate one of those! And I'm SUPPOSED to be doing OU stuff, as well!

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I have great difficulty with this too; it's a race between the enthusiasm for starting and the inevitable newness of the next idea.

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You definitely aren't alone - finishing things is really difficult.


At the beginning of a project, I hem and haw and dodge around it because I don't want to make the first cut. Once I'm started things go quickly - everything makes the model better. As I get to the end I get more and more nervous because (like Jan says) there's more to spoil if I go wrong! Sometimes I just get stalled due to indecision - my little Ruhrthaler sat in a box for nearly a year because I couldn't figure out what to do with the axle boxes!


Blaming Hattons is fair game though - I do exactly the same thing, plus check the New Releases list *far* too often to see if the Autoballasters have come in :D



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  • RMweb Gold

Yep, know the feeling and agree very much with above comments. To put it a bit differently, when I get stuck with or distracted from things before completion it's usually due to one of three reasons:


* Fear (tricky job ahead)

* Laziness (left all the boring stuff till last)

* Smugness (I ought to add the last details, but it looks OK already)


In other words, just basic human imperfection :D

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I think it's the curse of railway modelling. I'm forever getting so far with a project, then moving on to something else.


I think Mikkel has summed it up completely - it is inevitably one of those reasons why I move on and start something else, or I get seduced by the idea of something new and exciting.


It's about challenges with me and a desire to learn. So far I've learnt about re-wheeling, building track, weathering (still learning that), designing etched parts, and miniature engineering (essentially that's what the 37 is), amongst others. I can do those now, so the next things to learn are 3d design, and moulding/casting. After that? Who knows, but there will be something! :D


The Sentinel looks fab BTW B) B) B) - I'm really looking forward to building my 7mm scale one :)

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  • RMweb Premium

I've just copied these photos for our files, we think you have done a superb job with this kit - building and painting. If you have lost the sand filler lids I'm sure we can find some spares for you.

Michael and Judith

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I've decided to not let myself start a new project until I finish at least one of the part worked models - hence no modelling! There must be a way to finish something. :(

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Dear all - thank you for both your kind words, and your musings! Yes I think Mikkel has nailed it - so at least that justifies me shopping around for either a 47 or an 08 for Paxton Road despite having a myriad of unfinished and half started jobs.


I do intend to follow up this kit with another - I hope to tackle a sprung 0-6-0 Sentinel for this layout - that'll take the challenge on one step! :)

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James, A late response from me ... sorry about that. The Sentinel looks great.. but sometimes you just have to slow down to admire the acheived results and progress a little more slowly to the end.. you don't want to overshoot. A critically damped response to finishing a project is no way to go about it... so I think that an inverse exponential rule probably applies... after all, is a model ever finished?:huh:

Now, an 08 or a 47 would be nice - out of interest, whose 08 and47 would you coose - I've been looking and looked seriously at the Bach 08... like the Bach 47 too - have the Blue Domino one - but wondered about Vi?


Sprung locos seems to be a serious step that P4 seems to promote... I just hope that I can do without it as it looks far tooooo tricky for me right now.

But, keep up the good work...

Now, how about a 66 update... I've been wondering how it's been going.

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Hehe the 66 fuel tanks is done, as are the cab interiors... but that's another post and another topic.


I'd probably use the ViTrains 47 - the headcode marker lamps look too big on the Bachmann model to me... the model would be a Railfreight Distribution European livery (the ones with 'Railfreight Distribution' spelt out along the body sides).

As for an 08 - I've 3 Bachmann models and I do like them - as by adding some detail they're really lifted and that seems more of a challenge then just weathering and renumbering a Hornby one! However I can't find a panelled bodyside version for less than £50 at the moment - and since I'd be repainting it to model 'Lenny' (one of the Didcot pets from the early noughties) I can't justify the outlay. Mind the Hornby one with sound, now there's an idea!

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  • RMweb Gold

It's all been said above James...but it's not just rolling stock that gets the 80 - 20 treatment...layouts also too!! I can completely sympathise with the feeling, however if that Sentinel is only 80% complete, I look forward to seeing the 100% as it's already cracking - Keep up the top work!

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Reminds me of my Loco collection as well, was cleaning out my room the other day, and found another box to store them in.. after reshifting them, I realised alot of them were in bits or just needed a coat of paint, I guess its a case of just finnishing these locos through, and after seeing my lot in bits im determind to finnish them all, that said on the ooposite end of the spectrum I have a baccy Freightliner 66 nearing completion!



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