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coombe junction - moorswater dries - episode 1...



Update - The nights are drawing in here and its getting colder so the mojo starts to gather momentum again....


Firstly, a big thank you to Mark (46444) for sending me the photos taken of the dries area...coombe junction...and a cat...but that's another story :D


I knew that I would never be able to include all of the dries area on the layout however I am hoping that what I can show will give a flavour and imagination can fill in the pieces missing. There are various elements I wish to include (as dicated by the board width) and these are; the settling tanks, the old clay dries, the loading bay, the rotary dries and the rotary stores. I would upload a photo to help put it in context but can't quite see a way to avoid copyright issues :angry:


The old clay dries have been started using artists grey card as a base. This will be clad in slaters embossed stone sheet (can anyone recommend a glue which won't delaminate as it did with the bridge?) and has a corrugated metal roof. I have formed the openings used to load the clay etc which have been infilled with breeze blocks in later years as this building is now redundant. Seeing as I am representing 1980/1, I thought I had better show them open, however I will paint the insides black as I won't be including much detail (I think they were vast open spaces anyway?) I have also made a start on the Settling tanks and I will probably line these with plastikard and try and pour some white resin to represent the clay. The building is cut into the landscape so I will just represent a hint of greenery at the corner as shown by a card mock up edge at present. The roof has a slight curve at the end and then the roof skews slightly which will be fun to make :rolleyes: I have cut a template roof, which needs some fettling before I make the final one - have included it to help set the scene.


I attach a few pics to show progress - I have made the building/base removable so I can work on it with ease but sometime it will be bedded in the layout. Before I start cladding it, I will now map out the loading bay and rotary dries and stores (which cover all my shocking temporary sparks) as this building needs to be elevated on a podium with ramped access. When that is done, I will return to add more detail to this one.


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Plan shot showing extent of area to be modelled...

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Am using a hood and a CDA to check heights and clearances etc...

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Temporary roof removed...the interior will be sprayed black and not reveal much...

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Edge detail showing an extract of the settling tanks...


Recommended Comments

Very impressive, especially the curve. It really captures the feel of the prototype. I've gone for the easy option of modelling mine in low relief so only have to make the large dries buildings as on Wheal Elizabeth. One problem I've had is that photographing the front of the dries and the trains is obscure enough who on earth is going to film the rear ofvthe clay works! I'm not as far as you from Cornwall but Yorkshire is still to far to just pop down for missing info! I also think that the dries were just vast empty halls. I know that on the old coal fired dries the clay was shovelled over the floor to try whilst the hot air passes underneath and I imagine the modern ones are very similar. Also with the curve and the other buildings the angle of viewing will mean it's almost impossible to see in.

Glad to hear you have your mojo back!

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  • RMweb Gold

Hi Pete, looking good. Try sticking embossed plasticard to card or thin ply with double sided tape.


cheers Jerry

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Looking very neat Pete - Good to see you back at the bench - Reading about CJ always keeps my mojo going :) and I have got a few CDAs to run ......


For glue Id use Evostick All Purpose.....Ive got a goods shed built many years ago and that hasnt delaminated yet - so its time proven by now....

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Glad to see that the lengthening nights has a positive effect near the Med... and that mojo is fully fueled. This is beginning to look very nice Pete. I always love the architetural side to your postings, as it's an area that I really struggle to plan/fathom. Keep up the good work, and I look forward to the next posts.

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  • RMweb Premium

That's quite a curve Pete, good thing that loco's don't go round it. It's nice to see some buildings coming along.

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  • RMweb Gold

Tom - Thanks - Agreed Wheal Elizabeth is a great source of inspiration - the dusty white image of the dries has been captured very well and is a good milestone to head for.


Jerry - Thanks also - I will have a crack at the double sided tape option.


Mickey - Thanks too - will have to check the glue I used previously...perhaps it was my methods rather than the materials last time - those CDA's are a nice model...I read about them being shunted in rakes of 7 yesterday...which fits my loop perfectly :D


Jon - Thank you - I seem to spend more time thinking of what I am going to do rather than doing it these days hence the planning - perhaps this balance will change sometime...


Kris - Thanks...Yep...I mapped the curve off the OS map extracts...but herein lies my problem....I do need to have loco's going round it :O

I read recently that the 66's cannot negotiate the curves but I always assumed the 25 and 37's did, hence my locos will draw forward, and run-a-round using the loop, whereas in reality they probably ran around the wagons in the loop beneath Moorswater viaduct and reversed them back into the dries. Unfortunately, I could not incorporate that loop in this layout (unless I add in another board ;)) as other things would need to be compromised...that said, the 37 'corners it on rails'...as per my Youtube vid :P

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  • RMweb Premium
Unfortunately, I could not incorporate that loop in this layout (unless I add in another board ;))


See problem solved about the run round already, and as an added bonus you can leave Sharon loitering on the sharp corner. tongue.gif

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  • RMweb Gold

you can leave Sharon loitering on the sharp corner. tongue.gif


easy tiger * :biggrin_mini2:


* EDIT - For the benefit of those who are not aware, Sharon is the EE 0-4-0 shunter used in the 90's to shunt the CDA's....can't have my blog falling into disrepute ;)

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  • RMweb Premium



always found that mepak or the like brushed with a wide brush on the plastic worked well with Daler Board ( which I use to get from a picture framers for a few pennies in the Charity box )

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  • RMweb Gold

Hi Pete,


Just got in from work and found this! Your mojo is certainly back!:)


Must be the lucky cat!!!!!!!!!:lol:


As I've said before your 3D structure modelling is superb and the forms you've created of the dries are instantly recognisable. I love the way the track curves too and it already captures the atmosphere of the dries. I'm already there with a FL 66 and some PCAs being shunted!:D


As for Sharon loitering on a sharp corner I never met her at Moorswater!:mocking_mini: Just a beast of a County tractor with some big appendages for dealing with PCAs!!!!!:laugh_mini:


Keep up the mojo and look forwards to the next installment.





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  • RMweb Gold

Nick - Thanks - another good lead...getting the mekpak past the Gatwick Security random substance test is always a good challenge though...


Mark - What can I say?


Many thanks again...the photos are really useful and have definitely kicked the mojo back in - sounds like that cat didn't bring you any luck if you only bumped into a tractor during your visit :biggrin_mini:

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  • RMweb Gold

Hi Pete,


Very nice work.


Glue: I have used "Super-phatic" - and aliphatic resin glue - to fix plasticard to plywood. It seems to have worked well, and when positioning allows a short period for adjustments before "biting."


What are the electrical terminal blocks for? Are you planning lighting?




Ben A.

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  • RMweb Gold

Hi Ben,


Thanks - another good tip - I will see what I can source in Spain or perhaps I can have a trawl on the net for some suppliers.


The terminal blocks are not for lighting unfortunately. It's my temporary electrics to get the mini traverser working as my schemes for sliding brass contacts and brushes didn't map out as planned. I am hoping to find another solution but in any case that will all be hidden by the rotary dries buildings.


Good point about the lighting though - I don't think adding internal lights will add anything extra to the buildings but I am not sure if there are any external lights at the dries... that's given me another avenue to explore - thanks.

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Hi Pete :)


Its nice to see some progress again on Moorswater. The Archtect is certinaly showing through in those buildings for sure, they look great so far.


To add to the options on sticking plasticard to the card formers how about using plastic solvent like 'plastiweld' or similar? Its something I have used in the past without any problems. I have even been known to stick plastic to brass using the stuff.


Keep the momentum going...


Missy :)

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  • RMweb Gold

Missy, hi


Thanks - I am a little more comfortable back building an urban setting than the rural - I keep putting off the tree making/buying phase for the two other boards so buildng the dries is welcome respite.


Thanks also for the plastiweld tip - I now have a number of different options to pursue.

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