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Bristol Barrow Road - Lawrence Hill Junction Box - Lighting



The PCB board inserted into the roof is courtesy of my S4 Glevum Group colleague Dave the groups electronics guru - thanks Dave.


As mentioned in a previous post I ran out of LEDs and sent for a pack of 3mm Protowhite [Golden Light] from Bromsgove Models. I also decided to try out one of their DCC Concepts LED/Lamp Control boards.

Two of the new LEDs have been fitted to Dave's circuit board without the 'flourescent tube' and a further LED has been fashioned into the exterior gas lamp at the corner of the box at the steps end. I had two attempts at making this light eventually settling on fabricating the structure from turned up pieces of plasticard.

The cathode of the LED was cut back and the anode shaped into the swan neck gas pipe to the lamp. A length of enamelled wire [ from a spare electromagnet] was soldered to the the cathode and then wound around the swan neck so that both terminals entered the box at the top left of the steps end panel of the signal box. The anode is a push fit into a piece of 1mm brass tube which acts as an electrical pick up from the copper tape on the roof. The enamel wire is routed down a piece of 1mm tube to the underside of the box to connect with the two sprung plunger pick ups via the copper tape on the underside of the roof. This way the roof is removable.


The DCC LED Control board has been fixed to the underside of the box floor.



Here are some night shots of the box with the lighting on - powered by a 9V batttery.







I have just fashioned two downpipes from the guttering one to fit at the right corner of the front elevation and the other to the left corner at the toilet end of the box. There is also the stench pipe etc from the toilet itself to fabricate..... photos will be posted in due course.

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  • RMweb Gold

It looks really great, Robin. I don't really understand what 'anodes' and 'cathodes' are, but perhaps I can have a closer look in a few weeks time at Taunton?

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Probably the trackwork but ideally I need the revised Templot at the front of the shed.




Fancy names for the positive and negative sides of an LED - the cathode [-ve] is the short one.



and thanks for all the kind comments.






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