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Into the 21st Century, Shapeways, 3d models and other far too complicated (for me) stuff.....

Red Devil


Whilst I've been hacking away at bits of plasticard and savouring the aroma of EMA's Dichloromethane, I've been highly impressed with some of the various new methods that have been shown on here.


One of the prototypes that I've been researching with a view to building probably as a master to use for resin castings is the iconic (well in Leeds tramway circles!) Middleton Bogie, which for the majority reading who probably don't know what I'm on about looks like this.




17 of these powerful, fast cars were built in the early '30s for the Middleton Light Railway, which in reality was a reserved section of Tramway to the south of Leeds linking a large housing development to the city centre (running by the side of the Middleton Railway in places)


Enough of the history lessons, I'd built a roof for one of these but got no further, I have made enquiries at York Model Making with regard to getting the sides laser cut in rowmark with a view to marrying them with the roof and then just having to scratch build the ends. That looked to make it a lot quicker job and still may happen, but I've also been very impressed with some of the Shapeways 3d printed stuff and came up with the idea of using that for the basic body, which then could be smoothed to get rid of the grainy finish before detailing in a traditional manner.


With the help of a very talented guy (take a bow Daniel) we've got to the first render or a 3d model for a Midd Bogie, there are a few issues to sort, but I thought this may interest a few, hopefully showing where we're going with possible resin master








To be continued...................!


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Cheers, still a few tweaks to make, the body is going to be without most of the detail, which I'll add later, going to do the interior sections by traditional methods......

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Yeah, might just Bernard, to be honest when I first started modelling trams and got a bit of an interest, I could never see the appeal of the Middleton Bogie, it's 'grown' on me since then, to be honest quite a lot of the early thirties cars have something about them, the Manchester 'Pilchers' being a blend of old and new, but my favourite has got to be LCC1/Leeds301, having recently been given access to it's interior whilst at Crich it absolutely reeks of nostalgia, it's insides are very much as withdrawn just over 50 years ago, with faded and workworn paintwork, dunno, you can imagine it still in service. In theory it's down for restoration in the future, but it almost seems a shame and it should perhaps be conserved rather than restored............that'd open a can of worms in some places..............hopefully not here!

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