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coombe junction - moorswater - blood, sweat and beers...





Firstly, a big thanks to all the helpful comments and the PM received regarding my inlaid disaster in my last blog.


I had already made my mind up before I posted it, that it had to go...the questions were, when and how and what to replace it with?


Earlier today, armed with a screwdriver I began to scrape the clay away at the edges of the track. Despite all those cracks it had actually set rock solid and was difficult to remove. Enter the Hammer to the equation...and the scraping became more forceful...however it was starting to damage the track in places :O


My initial plan of removing the clay and leaving the track to allow a new surface of plasticard/clay/filler etc was falling apart...if the replacement apron looked good, but the trains ran badly, then what was the point of the exercise?


So, I decided to remove the track up to the turnout and redo it to ensure that trains would run satisfactorily again. This was all going well until I started the final chipping away at the turnout...and you guessed it...more damage...so the turnout had to go too :O


Here's a photo of the current state of play tonight...




I have reinstated the buildings as the board looked a bit lost without them!...


So now I need to reconstruct a new turnout and the associated track in the sidings, but hey, its very fashionable to rip up 2mmFS track at the moment...Missy was doing it recently on Highclere....and then Kris too on Avonwick......so now me....Get in :P


Blood cleaned, sweat mopped....and now ready for those beers :D



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Ooh eck! That's not quite what I hoped this posting would be.. still... beer is a great leveller... wonder if it'd work on the clay ;) ... maybe if you apply enough it'll start to look better. .. always works for me :P . I hope that you get on top of this... i'm sure you will. Two steps back maybe... but you'll soon recover the process. And remember, if it was easy anyone could do it B)

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  • RMweb Gold

Ouch - that's got to hurt!

Can't say anything constructive - just hope you're not too upset by this.....sad.gif


"Alcohol - the cause of - and solution to - all life's problems!" H.Simpson

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  • RMweb Premium

Glad to see that you have decided to join the track destruction club, still I'm sure that you will soon get it back together, although I would recommend not trying to build a turnout after having the beer, it might just go bendy in all the wrong places.

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  • RMweb Premium

As an extra thought that might make you feel better, it was only one turnout. I lost all 4 in the end from Avonwick's fiddleyard.

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  • RMweb Gold

I think a test peice three sections of track and try your 3 most promising ideas. You just wouldn't want to go through this again.


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  • RMweb Gold

Thanks all again - alcohol administered and whilst I reconstruct the new turnout I will start to rethink it...maybe some small tests this time as Don says...


I am really not as upset/bothered about it as I thought I might be...I would like it to look as good as I can get it, whilst not compromising on the running qualities...and its these two goals that remain.

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In a way I am glad it was you - I was starting to wonder who would be third to rip up the track... Not me seems to be the answer (although some ballast has to go - hopefully without taking the track with it!)


May the Force be with you as you venture into Episode IV B) (Episode III being The Revenge of the Clay :P )

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  • RMweb Gold

Not me seems to be the answer


Na-Na, Na-Na, Na :P :lol:


Thanks Kevin - I sincerely hope it isn't you...or anyone for that matter...but I think we all know ourselves when we are happy with something...and when not so. Good luck with your ballasting...which I am shadowing via the 2FS site ;)


:D Thanks also DD118 - my wifes sentiments exactly...even she couldn't believe it was all gone by the time she arrived home...

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