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    Seven Ash Somerset with the WSR passing a field away
  • Interests
    Guess what it's trains ! Mainly pregrouping GWR and up the other end Highland ,Caly and North British
    There's also series one Land Rovers but that's another story

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  1. Blood stain remains left over from thief who had the missing bite, or may be teeth of biting into the handle,I don’t know I didn’t eat my handle! on the #### Arggggh front my local bakery in Williton put PEAS ???? In their pasties now that is Argggh!
  2. Thank you mullie that looks just like the one I to removed from existence my plate, it looks like you are eating the handle, your not supposed to do that only hold on to it by the handle as you eat it not use these knife and fork things I like the paynestown shot with the oggie just on view in the gap of the backsceen Graham
  3. Yes it was a good day.Peter lord,extracted some of my post office pension from me and in one of the pictures Brian of 247 can be seen extracting some more from me, my only wonder on this tread of RM web is not one picture of a pasty being consumed at the staplegrove pasryfest. so much is posted about them on here I expected one might have appeared by now
  4. Thank you , I will. it’s just all this waiting around until about until twenty to ten before I set off to the show,! That’s a killer,thank you RM web for making the time go.
  5. Hard to tell from photos compared to real life, but it sure looks like a good start base coat, a bit like the colour Ian.Kirk coaches used to be moulded in,that I then treat to graining of ronseal woodstain of various colours took me years to get it right, just as Hornsby brought there’s out, but to least mine mix it with them without standing out, so I have been happy might look in to this as I have one more to do about ten years since I last did one graham
  6. Well I never ! Thank you I never knew the HP2M had a replacement or upgrade of sorts i thought it might have K’s pedigree from the D shape axel , in 1981 I was still working in a Bristol model shop and the then new stock silver boxed kits still had the useless HP2M in the boxes,and I have never encountered this thing until now, thanks for the warning about reliability, but mine is going to be used as the finished kit with Romford (markits) runs fine and the armature has brass bearings so it should last longer than the plastic bearings the HP2M as for the X04 I am a great user of MMRC /airfix 5poles in my locos that use triang chassis, I even made a Hornsby tender drive Saint loco drive with one,
  7. And not all of John’s posts are about his transfers if you look at his post history, I get the impression like all of he likes trains, and as a side line offers a service we need to us modellers rather than sitting in front of the TV
  8. Just for the fun of it I ask ! do you count the footplate as the bit with seats in or still on the same bit of floor, through the door where it gets a bit warmer !😀
  9. Perhaps it was a very short lived HP2M replacement as the 'gearbox' looks very similar. you right the front end is very similar to the HP2M with its triangular plastic gearbox and a white spoked plastic gear, but the motor is a five pole with proper bearings at each end and runs nicely at slow speeds, the gears D shaped axel hole is very Keyser based, if Keyser had put this in the kits not so many of Keyser motors would have ended up in the bin as it’s useable
  10. HP2M =Toy motors ! Well my wife calls my trains toys ! 😂 personally I still use. MRRC 1001 to replace X04 s if kit built loco from a swap meet uses a Hornby chassis thankfull you can still find mashima,s but I don’t know what’s next when I run out
  11. plonker alert ! I posted the wrong picture no wonder you kept telling me I had K’s dreadful HP2M I don’t I HAVE ONE OF THESE Why I posted that picture without checking what I had poached off the net thinking that was what I had with out getting the loco out of the to Finnish pile and looking rather than taking a picture of the real thing with my new I Pad and learning how to resize it
  12. Right have a new I pad let’s see if I can post a picture to help you I D this motor ! mine is the middle one in this image and it is a five pole 80% bigger in size than the keyser motor
  13. Don’t know if your being serious or not ! obviously he is a fellow cake monster found on here,BRM mag and in his blog http://philsworkbench.blogspot.com/
  14. Who are you ? Phil Parker’s replacement as he’s I’ll !
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