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About scottystitch

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    South Aberdeenshire

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  1. I had a quick look in at Popham airfield yesterday and came across this box being used, presumably, as a store. I was thinking it was one of the 1960s vintage Freightliner boxes?:
  2. This is excellent modelling, in any scale. Really talented modellers at work. Thanks for sharing. Best Scott.
  3. I have to say, Matt, based on previous threads, and the information you're able to share on this one, I'm thoroughly looking forward to getting my hands on your new book. Best Scott.
  4. some inspiration: 43 033 tails 43 022 1C05 0800 Paddington - Penzance as they rumbe into Parsons Tunnel near Horse Cove at Dawlish (1125) Sunday 18th August 2013Horse Cove near Dawlish (1125) Sunday 18th August 2013 by Colin Brooks, on Flickr Rocks and Rollers by Stapleton Road, on Flickr Kennaway Tunnel by Stephen Dance, on Flickr
  5. Could I make the following suggestions? I think the left and right hand sides of the layout look perhaps too symmetrical, to the extent that it might jar and annoy/ruin an illusion, so could you start your backscene before the junction, on the left hand side, hiding the junction (it doesn't need to be under scenery if you didn't want to, you could just have a back scene hiding it, or you could have removable scenery to allow access to the junction for derailments, cleaning, etc.) Similarly, you could hide the sharp curve on the approach to the right hand junction and make the run in between similar to the Dawlish sea wall area you reference above. There is at least one very short tunnel through an outcrop in that section which could be modelled for extra interest, and as I say to hide the sharp curve. I wonder if it is also possible to have the station curve concave as you look at it from the operating well, rather than convex. It might help with the sharp corners at each side of the station? The edit of your drawing, below, hopefully conveys my meaning, although I appreciate I just scribbled quickly, and it is very rough and ready. Best Scott.
  6. Excellent, thanks Andy. The XP64 Type 4 looks lovely. Best Scott.
  7. Delighted to see the LMS Twins. I'll be taking 10001, at the very least, and I think I might take the XP64 Type 4. Best Scott.
  8. Yes, a markedly upgraded machine. Radar, more powerful (and augmented engines) to name just two improvements. originally developed as an interceptor, from memory. best Scott.
  9. A for me too. the upright tree adds to the framing of the scene to my mind. Best Scott.
  10. Maybe the designer had seen a D model with its reheat lit and either figured no-one could tell the difference or assumed all -86s were so equipped without checking. Alternatively, being an Eminem record maybe they just didn’t give a… (as an aside, I always thought it was a great homage to licence to Ill) Best Scott.
  11. Steven, is that a typo or are you party to information not yet in the public domain? Or is it wishful thinking...? Best Scott.
  12. Steward's enquiry! The goal posts have been moved! I shall get some cardboard and write a stiff letter to my MP...
  13. I am follower number 100, and I claim my £5!!! (or whatever the prize may be...) Best Scott
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