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  1. Those look ok, but the colors and font beleive arnt correct from the looks of it? but only if youre bothered by that NL
  2. The YOB crane is a definite must, however whilst watching their annoucement video on their youtube channel, someone needs to tell the CC generator its "Bachmann" and not "Batman" ! .. couldnt keep a straight face.. thanks Youtube NL
  3. Sorry what was that? Sorry what was that? NL
  4. Wow that does look good, and so much better than the Hornby cab the dials finnish it off nicely. Im sure someone could produce transfers to cover over them, but tbh as theyll be so small I doubt anyone would notice all that much. Await the update! NL
  5. I see what you mean about the sides Jo. hah never knew the orginal RMC hoppers were referred to that! nor the colas "diamonds"! NL
  6. I brought some 3D printed working wipacs from track 3d parts, they look really good, just need to wire them up for my 165. I really must get a 3D printer as the chassis on my one isn't great, and looks really dated because of the tooling NL
  7. Ah so it's succumbed to the Jacobs cracker branding also NL
  8. im actually releived that the 31s are delayed, as it does help budget with so much of interest coming out this year, that said the "other 31" is now showing "June/July" NL
  9. Hi Craig, Its a shame your idea never took off, the Bourne End area does have a good amount of potential for operation considering its simple layout. If you do share your idea, Ill look forward to seeing it! NL
  10. Nice work on the 37s Will, how did you get on with the Bachmann sanding pipes? sadly broken two of mine so now ive had to replace with fuse wire mounted on a block heavily filed down to reduce its vsability, some of the retooled parts are fragile! NL
  11. They definitley look good when viewed, just getting them printed, but as Iron Mink has a contact ill probably drop him a message and see what he suggests NL
  12. I did try to print the ion mink ones also, asked couple printers on Etsy but led nowhere, if anyone is able to find anywhere that is able to print these that'd be a big help NL
  13. The switches turn the cab and tail lights on and off NL
  14. There actually was an article on someone who did a fair bit on the underframe on the old RMweb, which I did on my model - sorry cant remember the name. If memory is correct, theres alot of pipework missing on the Hornby model, and the engines are too small and wrong. the Bachmann 150 lends itself here handily as alot can be transplanted off of that onto the Hornby model including the Gangways which Hornby messed up also Edit: I remember getting rid of the Hornby body and coverting a Dapol 155 as the share was much better, I have the remains of a Hurst models kit about to put up on the well known auction site. I think ive got a few images around somewhere also back when I was trying to improve my models when I had them NL
  15. And before then you have the real one which .. "will produce much noise and excite" NL
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