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Everything posted by Bill

  1. But some take this 'admitting guilt' a little bit too far... I was exiting the multi-story car park of our local hospital. When the car in front overshot the down ramp. He stopped and then to my and my wife's utter horror began backing up. The driver had given no thought to the fact that there might be another car behind his. (Or like many, had no use for his rear view mirror.) Next came the inevitable, 'BANG' ... I got out and was confronted by an irate and his equally abusive harridan of a wife. Who to my complete amazement both began screaming at me for rear-ending their car. You just can't make this stuff up... I now own and use a dash-cam...
  2. QUOTE OF THE DAY “I have a PhD in physics and thanks to a random brain freeze forgot the word for photon so had to call it a ‘shiny crumb’ in front of my colleagues.” Physicist Paul Coxon kicks off a discussion of times when even experts found that words were hard. (Mashable)
  3. Hello If instead you want the Hawksworth maroon R4410 or the 4405A Custard and cream, then these are available.. Regards Bill
  4. Hello faa77 - I do have three of the Bachmann # 38-351 BAA Steel Carrier Wagons - The yellow/grey/black ones with steel coil loads. All original in pristine condition. Please get in touch if interested - P.S. I live in Canada, so the cost of postage maybe an issue, but is not too expensive if surface mail works for you..
  5. Hello I have three if you are still interested? 4090, 4089, 4088, in Engineers Olive Green DB993634, DB993413 and DB993057. All clean and in good (Heljan Style) working order.. with bits to attach..
  6. Hello - I do have in nearly mint practically unused condition.. 44-117 Booking Office + Canopy in original box 44-116 Waiting Room In original Box 44-114 Gents - Unsoiled in original box 44-120 Water column in original box 44-118 Subway stairs in original box.. 44-114 Lamp huts in original packaging If you are still needing these.. Snag - I live in Nova Scotia - The postage may not amuse you
  7. Are you still looking? I have the Waiting Room 44-116 and The Booking Office + canopy 44-117 and Lamp Huts 44-114 and Water Column 44-120... all unused. Snag #1 I live in Nova Scotia so the postage might not amuse you..
  8. In a lot of things I am quite skilled, no clown.. My legendary plastering is of great renown.. (edit boring list of accomplishments, and cut to the chase...) But when it comes to putting stuff in sacks.. I have no skill at all The messier whatever it is outside the sack does always fall.. Come near me not when its Dyson emptying time..
  9. I agree Rule 1(b) actually "..all those items you would have done anything to get to run on your model "train-set" when you were nine..".. Can anyone plausibly justify this rail gun running through an Austrian station in the 1960's?
  10. Hello - I was unable to log in.. But after reading the useful info that Andy provided.. I managed to log in by changing my user name to Bill, on my browsers auto log in system. BUT.. (This is the simplified version it was actually far more convoluted) I now needed to change my email address but could not remember my password and was immediately flung into a prisoners dilemma. To change my email address I needed to remember my password. Which could only happen if the password reset was sent to my old email address. Which has long since expired. So I guessed my password and although as it turned out the guess was correct. The software told me it was the wrong password. And would not accept the new password.. (So I emptied my browsers cache..) But none the less, without informing me it had surreptitiously changed my password to its new form anyway. (I hope you are following this). However when I logged out and tried to log in using my old password (remembered by my browser). Thinking the change had not gone through as it had been rejected by the software It told me that my password was unacceptable. That is when I then deduced that something had in fact happened concerning passwords, So I guessed again and entered my proposed new password,(in spite of being informed by the software that the password change had not gone through), And voila - I was in! (Hurrah!) The password change had in fact gone through. (Does this remind you of the Princess bride or not?) So I now had a password that the software, somehow, by some magic, had recognized. And I was able to now change my email address.. It is all so very simple, a child could do it. And my Heartfelt thanks to the team for all the frustratingly hard work that must have gone in to making this upgrade possible.
  11. Well.. Exe arrived today - (Only time I have been delighted when an ex-e turned up.) So they have got as far as Halifax in Nova Scotia.. So I cleaned the track and set it running. And it does indeed run, very smoothly on my ridiculous track building. It traversed four sets of Peco points with no discernible problems. The next thing will be to fit the coupling on the rear and see how Exe does with Clarabel, Annie and company..
  12. Retirement = Pension = Broke = Cheap Car = Reliable = Honda Civic = Until the Government bans the Internal Combustion Engine = Self Driving Electric Car = Rent To Ride = Chaos Until Its All Sorted = Probably Dead By Then = RIP!
  13. From Wikipedia.. "Castle Bravo was the first in a series of high-yield thermonuclear weapon design tests conducted by the United States at Bikini Atoll, Marshall Islands, as part of Operation Castle. Detonated on March 1, 1954, the device was the most powerful nuclear device detonated by the United States and its first lithium deuteride fueled thermonuclear weapon.[1][2] Castle Bravo's yield was 15 megatons of TNT, 2.5 times the predicted 6.0 megatons, due to unforeseen additional reactions involving 7Li,[3] which led to the unexpected radioactive contamination of areas to the east of Bikini Atoll. Fallout from the detonation fell on residents of Rongelap and Utirik atolls and spread around the world. The inhabitants of the islands were not evacuated until three days later and suffered radiation sickness. Twenty-three crew members of the Japanese fishing vessel Daigo Fukuryū Maru ("Lucky Dragon No. 5") were also contaminated by fallout, experiencing acute radiation syndrome. The blast incited international reaction over atmospheric thermonuclear testing.[4] The Bravo Crater is located at 11°41′50″N 165°16′19″E. The remains of the Castle Bravo causeway are at 11°42′6″N 165°17′7″E..." Can I have my million euros please.. ? These conspiracy theorists sicken me... (1) They don't bother to do any reasonable research (2) They offer no solace to the victims by their continued denials.. (3) They dishonour the people involved and the sacrifices they made.. (4) They imagine that spreading stupidity is somehow beneficial, when in reality it constitutes the worst form of egotism... (5) They are childish in the extreme, playing the taunting game of 'I know something you don't', and all that implies.. It is time they all grew up and joined the human race and did something constructive and useful with their seemingly petty lives.. (I happened to live in Denver when Rocky Flats was in operation - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rocky_Flats_Plant And met some of the people who worked there..)
  14. Luke and Obi-Wan walk into a Chinese restaurant. Ten minutes into the meal, Luke’s still having trouble with the chopsticks, dropping food everywhere. Obi-Wan finally snaps, “Use the forks, Luke"
  15. My Father's first flight was in a Lockheed Hudson from Tempsford to a field somewhere near Ep in Holland. Disembarking was through a hole in the floor, at night and at about 1000 feet up in the air. It required a parachute to arrive safely.. Certainly low cost, SOE picked up the tab.. Ryan Air by comparison are a much safer bet.. Are we not lucky to live on a planet where the conditions allow for flight?
  16. Welcome to Nova Scotia - Canada - Where if you don't already know where you are going life can sometimes be a tad confusing..
  17. I wish it wasn't so, but It is about time PECO got with the metal wheels program..
  18. They look the part at that scale. Not bad - We'll see how they perform when Exe arrives They come with Peco's plastic wheel sets.. So these needed to be replaced - I used Parkside Dundas Item PN53 ... 6.2 mm Dia. Metal Wheels Not all wheel sets at N scale fit all manufacturers.. These wheels were specifically designed to fit Peco and Graham Farish models..
  19. These coaches, complete with their new metal wheels, have been patiently waiting for more years than I care to remember.. (And so has the connecting service.. )..
  20. INFINITI? That's an awful big number.. Reminds of an elementary problem in mathematics.. There is a hotel with an infinite number of rooms, all of which are currently occupied by an infinite number of guests. However, one night, an infinite number of travelers turn up seeking accommodation. How does the hotelier handle the problem?
  21. You can consider yourselves lucky to have received such a generous offer. As I live in Canada I don't appear qualify for a free issue of anything never mind B.R.M.... So be grateful!
  22. Transferwise works well - especially if you can use direct debit.. They do charge a fee but offer you a good exchange rate. It works best if you are making medium to large payments..
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