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Windows 10 . Anybody downloaded it yet?


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  • RMweb Premium

New SSD arrived this morning, 15 days late, with no explanation of the delay.


Now installed.

Win 10 loaded & updates done (1709 16299,125) Firefox & Kaspersky installed & RMWeb account added.

Desktop set up to my liking  & all in a little over 30mins start to stop.

I am typing on the PC right now.



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Having forced Norton to update KB4056892 has installed without hiccup nor any noticeable slowing of the PC as far as I can tell. Once again I found Norton had further updates after the installation of the windows update so would advice everyone after a windows update has installed to force their Security program to update.

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  • RMweb Gold

Caught a bit of Sky News this afternoon, where the issue is now being described as a "chipocalypse" (and yes, it didn't pass spell-checking!) and that the defect is causing "up to 50% degradation". Was only 30% yesterday and that was a bit OTT anyway ....  Journalists!

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  • RMweb Premium

Caught a bit of Sky News this afternoon, where the issue is now being described as a "chipocalypse" (and yes, it didn't pass spell-checking!) and that the defect is causing "up to 50% degradation". Was only 30% yesterday and that was a bit OTT anyway ....  Journalists!

Since when have Sky News let facts get in the way of a good headline? :jester:

(Other similarly exaggerative news outlets are available)



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  • RMweb Gold

I received update KB4056892 first thing this morning.  It downloaded and installed smoothly and swiftly and I triggered a reboot straightaway.  So far, so good.  A trouble free update thus far and I have no reason to believe this will change.

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  • RMweb Premium

Of the four Win 10 machines only the laptop with the clean install on the new SSD (see earlier) has updated to KB4056892, all the others claim to have no downloads available.




Edit so I dowloaded it from the Windows Update catalog and installed it from there.

Quite a quick update of around 600MB

Edited by melmerby
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I thought I had managed to avoid any problems with the upgrade to Windows 10. Tonight I tried to install new software from a CD - failed. I tried to look at the software on the CD - the drive wasn't shown on file explorer. I looked at it from the control panel - it was there but it couldn't be started. Update the drivers? - not needed, latest version already installed. So, a couple of hours trudging through various support sites, some of which tried to sell me various products. On the third visit to a support forum for the computer manufacturer, I eventually asked the right question, and found that the problem was explained as two processes competing for the same resources. Several suggestions were made for correcting this (starting with updating drivers - see above!). Further down was a suggestion to uninstall a couple of programs, if installed. Both these programs come with the original manufacturer-installed software. One was installed on this machine. With great trepidation, I uninstalled the program - I can't think I would ever use it, anyway. 


Success - drive recognised, software installed. However, after all that, I cannot be bothered to try to use it to tonight. Maybe tomorrow?  

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  • RMweb Gold

Intel have made available an updated detection tool (SA00086) which will tell you if your PC is affected by the Meltdown and Spectre vulnerabilities. With the latest Windows patches installed I ran it on our PCs and it says 3 are not vulnerable and one is.  That's the railway room PC that dates back to 2010 and was due to be upgraded, now sooner rather than later!


You can download and run the tool from here - https://downloadcenter.intel.com/download/27150?v=t

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  • RMweb Premium

Intel have made available an updated detection tool (SA00086) which will tell you if your PC is affected by the Meltdown and Spectre vulnerabilities. With the latest Windows patches installed I ran it on our PCs and it says 3 are not vulnerable and one is.  That's the railway room PC that dates back to 2010 and was due to be upgraded, now sooner rather than later!


You can download and run the tool from here - https://downloadcenter.intel.com/download/27150?v=t

I've just run the tool on this PC and it says it needs updating (It has the MS updates installed)

A link to the motherboard manufacturer shows that they are not providing an update for this particular board!

It has a Core i7 3770 (Ivybridge 22nm) What am I supposed to do? Scrap it?




EDIT the PC was from mid 2014

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  • RMweb Premium

After a few days not using the PC I saw updates were available and set the process in motion. However on checking what had successfully installed I got this.



There appear to be 2 downloads, exactly the same one installed OK on the 7th, and today the same one failed??


Why would that happen?






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I haven't gone through this thread so what I am about to say may have already been covered.


Yesterday, a message was on screen telling me Windows 10 was on longer supported and it encouraged me to upgrade to the new Windows 10. I haven't as yet though.

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  • RMweb Gold

Which Windows 10 version are you currently on? The versions 1507 and 1511 are out of support now, soon to be joined by 1607. Supported versions are 1703 and 1709. 

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Which Windows 10 version are you currently on? The versions 1507 and 1511 are out of support now, soon to be joined by 1607. Supported versions are 1703 and 1709. 

Sorry, I don't know...............I have had the PC some two years or so and so it has the Windows10 that replaced Windows 8 at that time. The upgrade message hasn't flagged up since.

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Sorry, I don't know...............I have had the PC some two years or so and so it has the Windows10 that replaced Windows 8 at that time. The upgrade message hasn't flagged up since.


a) go to settings > updates & security > OS build info (listed as a related link on the right side of the screen)>pull the page down that appears to windows specifications. Mine says Edition Windows 10 Home Version 1709 OS Build 16299.192


b) Run Winver from the start button ie. hit the button and type winver {enter} - mine says Microsoft Windows Version 1709 (16299.192)

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  • RMweb Premium

In the middle of last year all my desktop icons moved to the left (a known WIN 10 problem)

Even if you moved them back where they should be after a couple of starts they would move back again.

They did that for a couple of months and a later update cured the problem.


This morning they have done it again (and it's not the desktop settings in case anyone suggests that)



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  • RMweb Premium

I've just run the tool on this PC and it says it needs updating (It has the MS updates installed)

A link to the motherboard manufacturer shows that they are not providing an update for this particular board!

It has a Core i7 3770 (Ivybridge 22nm) What am I supposed to do? Scrap it?




EDIT the PC was from mid 2014

My laptop with a Core i7 2670QM shows as "not vunerable" and has exactly the same Windows upgrades.



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Well the new big super deluxe upgrade from Windows Ten was installed today, whether I wanted it or not. (pause to scream!!!!) After a very harassing time Finally all is back to normal. Windows Ten has a thing about connecting to the internet. If it can find a way to destroy, hide, disable other wise damage any internet settings on one's computer it will do so. The program for resetting the internet connections is a sorry mess - It was probably programmed by the Lizard King himself - It is without a doubt a fake, it does nothing but spin its wheels like a car stuck in mud. I do firmly believe that Windows Ten is on a mission from some dark Sith Overlord, that has taken over Redmond, to utterly and mercilessly eradicate the mental well-being and emotional stability of the entire human race..

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