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    : Worcestershire

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  1. Cissies, should be much higher....
  2. BTW earlier the Lima 45XX was mentioned. I bought one, compared to the similar period Mainline stuff it was horrid - pizza cutter wheels, terrible proportions, It just doesn't look right. I soon got rid of it.
  3. Rewatering the canal, another from TA Afloat:
  4. melmerby

    Dapol Autocoach

    Does it work though........😁?
  5. Renumbering and adding real coal means it's not original and immediately reduces it's value, except possibly to the one person that wants that particular number. Even has a replacement box! Rails of Sheffield have one in original condition with decoder for £99.50
  6. Not made anymore, use a #146 The NEM mount ones (#17 - #20) do that quite frequently anyway, due to the weak point in the design, namely the swivel head with the pin's hole very close to the edge of the moulding.
  7. The one picture mentioned above was an imported anvil coming from abroad to go to BSA Birmingham. A similar large casting, although not on the Totem A is at the docks on-route from Demag in Germany to a UK customer.
  8. I've had 21 emails in 19 days, that is too many. (42 in December) Most are for a sale, that seems just like the previous sale. It's totally counter-productive, I now ignore them. Everyone is in capitals and preceded by at least one e-moji (with a couple of exceptions) Just like the worst e-bay sellers. .
  9. Just tried to order on Rails site and it says the expiry date for my card (01/27) is invalid! (It originally said my card number was invalid but several goes and it was accepted. Had another couple of goes and it now accepts the card date but won't accept the Place Order☹️ I'm trying to place an order from my account and it needed the full name and address to start, which is also silly. I give up.
  10. These coaches might not be an actual prototype but are still producing plenty of interest, just like the Hattons coaches did. I'm pondering on ordering some GWR Clerestories (not much time left for the first tranche.☹️)
  11. Lots of locos with NEM pockets are the wrong height or wrong placement. (Shouldn't really be called NEM as they specify position, which they don't meet)
  12. When the New Albula Tunnel was being built in Switzerland, RhB had a new factory built right by the entrance to produce stuff for the tunnel. Tunnel now built and factory gone.
  13. Maybe it's an Ikea kit for a shelving unit, where someone couldn't understand the instructions😁
  14. Agree To me it looks like the framework is symmetrical and just the table top is just sitting on it.
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