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King Arthur chassis


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G'day Gents


I have a working Hornby King Arthur chassis (no valve gear) I was wondering if I could fit a Mainline/Bachmann body to it, is the wheelbase fairly close ???


Er....what exactly are you trying to create? (Presumably ER-based, knowing you!)


N15 King Arthur driving wheelbase is 7' x 7'6" - how close is that to what you intend?

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Considering the coupled wheelbases: 7' + 7'6" for the Arthur, 7'4" + 8' for the Jube; there would be some interesting splasher centre vs axle centre compromises to be decided, and you might have to shave the insides of the splashers very thin for clearance where they come closest to the wheels as a result. Putting the centre wheelset circa 0.5 mm rearward of correct position likely the best compromise - assuming both components are close to scale - as that 'shares out' the differences most equitably over the coupled wheelbase.


You may find the greater problem is accomodating the width of the Hornby mechanism, as the Mainline bodies were often very narrow within. If the Arthur has as I believe Hornby's fairly fat 'black can' motor, there may be no way of getting it in. Current Hornby steam models often rely on significant flexing of the multipart footplating and lower firebox sides to let the motor in and out of the body, and the more rigid one piece moulding of the older Mainline body may not allow this. The motor is 16mm wide, and the scale width over the lower firebox side much the same, so shaving down the interior sufficiently to clear may see a breakthrough into the fresh air! Some careful measurement to assess this I suggest.


.....what exactly are you trying to create? ...

Now I have visions of Mr Bulleid's experimental Arthubee rebuild which will be named Sir Prise Combination. 

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G'day Gents


I thought I might be able to create a Jubilee, using the King Arthur chassis as a base, the wheel base sounds to be fairly close, the big motor may be a stumbling block though


Always fancied the Jubilee 'South Australia' and as the LMS had running rights to Edgware, having her turn up on a couple of wagons.........well !!



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