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'Cambrian Street'


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Hello Guys.....

Here goes with the new topic, which encompasses the previous topic relating to the advice that I have been seeking on a BR Western Region Engine shed...the advice for which I am immensely appreciative.....


The Basic thoughts are that the layout will be set on the BR Western Region.....will be a terminus station, with four passenger platforms, a parcels bay platform, an associated but separate goods yard with coal merchant / cattle dock.....


two main station access roads and a third relief/ local / goods line.......linked through a central three line section to a carriage siding and access to the aforementioned engine shed.....the two lines merging into a single line into an off-scene fiddle yard....


Hopefully all this 'waffle' will become clear as I add the sketches and 'fag packet' drawings as 'we' (and yes 'we' are all in this together) progress!


Whilst this photograph is not intended to carry any intention or inflection of a setting for this layout, it just makes me want to 'cry' at what we have perhaps lost in terms of atmosphere and character, however if I can capture one single ounce of what this image portrays within even just a small section of my layout I will be so happy.....


I will need help here guys, so if you do follow this topic, please as I post, comment and advise, I do not mind how critical the comments may be, I am always open minded and appreciative for everything said....( I may be crying over my computer as I read it....but I will take it all on board in the good faith that it is given)


Cheers, regards as always,


(I cannot credit whomever is responsible for these pictures, I hope that I may post them with permissions, so wonderfully atmospheric of a time at Aberystwyth. A station that I now know well, but sadly didn't within the time period I am intending to model, I would dearly loved to have known its environs at that time as for me it does everything a terminus station should).



Edited by BobM
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Love the trainspotters must not sign but a little confused as to whether it is stopping them from reaching the end of the platform or from mingling with the passengers on the main body :-)

Hello...yes it is quite amusing...I believe that this picture dates from this weekend 50 years ago when steam 'departed' the Cambrian in 1965, an event that this coming weekend too will be commemorated by the Severn Valley Railway, by uniting three manor's used on the route, looking forward to seeing 7812, 7802 and 7820 together!  This sign may have been temporarily removed from its usual position and placed at the end of the platform to give only a back view, its face 'out of view' from folks on the platform....the photo being taken by someone, hopefully with permission standing in the 6 foot !  Regards to all Bob

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Evening Guys....

Here is a very rough sketch of the 'station' section of the layout.....


There are three roads into the throat of the station....two mains and a relief that is intended as a feed into the goods yard but also to take local traffic into platforms 3 and 4.


I will add the associated goods yard sketch later


comments appreciated as always....


the station is actually on a slight curve rather than straight as the sketch suggests, the two main platforms are able to accommodate 5 coaches with loco runarounds .....


Just noticed that I have incorrectly drawn the slip into platform three, should be the other way around, sorry.


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With much appreciated thanks to Peter,


The terminus plan could be tweaked and amended into thus......I will post the sketch soon of how I hope the three lines here all link up....






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Hello My Dear Guys....

I know it's been a while posting anything... but now that daily life things have been straightened out...and after having a really good visit to Stafford Model Railway Circle Show yesterday (boy was it wet...got absolutely soaked)....I will be able to start laying track as it is about time I stopped becoming bogged down in wondering whether this or that will work....and just 'get on with it'!   :scared:

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I am going to ask a question here....and hopefully it'll spark a bit of a debate.....


Are my intentions correct when I place my coal yard slaithes away from the track side (ie. not butted right up against the siding / coal wagons) where coal can be manually taken off, dumped on the yard or moved over to the said 'bins'........where it can be stored in readiness for sale?


Cheers guys....


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 Hello Bob, l too was at Stafford on Sunday and had a really good chat with Nick on he's wonderful layout 'Much Murkle' and the coal staithes are a way from the track in the back of the coal yard and he stated that man power moved all the coal from the wagons, l always thought they had to be alongside the track, but l was wrong...

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 Hello Bob, l too was at Stafford on Sunday and had a really good chat with Nick on he's wonderful layout 'Much Murkle' and the coal staithes are a way from the track in the back of the coal yard and he stated that man power moved all the coal from the wagons, l always thought they had to be alongside the track, but l was wrong...


 Hello Bob, l too was at Stafford on Sunday and had a really good chat with Nick on he's wonderful layout 'Much Murkle' and the coal staithes are a way from the track in the back of the coal yard and he stated that man power moved all the coal from the wagons, l always thought they had to be alongside the track, but l was wrong...


Cheers George....It was a brilliant show...such talented model makers and loads of inspiration...Regards Bob


This  seems better to myself...



This way is the layout I see on all layouts though...



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  • 1 month later...

Hello folks....

It has been a while ( still trying to remain awake and remember my name) since posting for which I apologise,,,,a bit of fiddling has been undertaken and a fair bit of tweaking too, which I hope has all been completed, otherwise it'll never progress but I intend to get down to it......


the basic thoughts which form the layout is that it is an end of steam era, terminus station that is almost certainly 'earmarked for closure', once double track approach now down graded to single, has an associated goods yard, a separate engine shed / turntable......will begin posting once underway....



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Hello Guys...Hope you are all well..and the 'sap' is rising now that there are sure signs that spring is here?


As promised here is an update on Cambrian Street, shown here for any comments and advice is a very rough, 'fag packet' sketch of how the station and its associated goods yard is to be set out....this is very much a diagram 'in the flesh' it is all quite balance and the station on a slight curve, but hopefully gives and idea of the flow of traffic.....three lines, an up and down main, a local relief and goods, the local having access to the mains....a goods shed / cattle dock, head shunts, sidings, guards van spur for storage and pilot stabling....separate coal yard with coal bins to one side (not adjacent to track)


Have loosely set out all the points and track, seems okay to my eye.....comments as always appreciated...


The ideas for the engine shed portion is also 'nearly there, will post soon for comments...


Regards to all as always,



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Indicated location of station buildings and potential passenger footbridge...station forecourt and scenic street....








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Hello My Dear Friends....

Here is the sketch for the link through from the station that connects all three lines to the now single line, (the layout based on a theme that this station is earmarked for closure) hence a downgraded double line......link through to local service carriage sidings and connection to MPD / engine shed and turntable...




Comments and suggestions for amendments appreciated as always....




Engine shed plan to follow soon....

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Hello Guys.....

Here's a slight redrawing of the intended lines linking the three road station into a now single (down graded double line - closed line used for a portion at least for possibly as emergency an siding),,,,linked through to engine shed road and local line access to carriage sidings....


Comments appreciated as always...have a good weekend guys...


Regards as always




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Hello Guys...Hope all are well?


Thought I would post an update here as I have today acquired a Stream Shed....whilst I am for numerous reasons and increasingly not becoming a fan of Hornby this resin building looks to be a reasonable stop gap shed for my layout....it will internally require modification for example painting of walls and roof, the see open plan and through window view of the exterior buildings requiring blocking off?


Anyway that aside here's the shed in situ with the associated track / turntable layout up for comment......


Have a Happy and Peaceful Easter my friends...Regards Bob









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I know 'thinking' is a dangerous thing....especially when it concerns that huge vacuous space that lies between my ears......however I have never been too comfortable with the way that my goods traffic accesses the yard head shunt by using the same route as the locals into the station,,,,,,so I have mapped out, before commencing to lay track an alternative plan that hives off the goods traffic into the yard from off  the relief.......comments please would be appreciated as always and amendments recommended.......Cheers guys Bob



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  • 3 weeks later...

Hello Guys......Hope all are well?


Well....after a gap of some (cough)...... '40 odd and a bit' years......I have practiced joining track once more this evening to get the process of the 'serious' work underway soon.......have 'played' with the easy bits of the head shunt and access to the goods......enjoyed it.....even though a bit nervous of making a complete 'whats'it' but seemed to join up okay and running a loose wagon over everything, no derails, thumps, clumps or bumps...but this is early days........

post a few picks here to show progress......


Have a great weekend everyone.....take care and regards as always......





:locomotive: After 40 odd years...whoopie.....the layout is back.....well is almost a start!









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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello Guys.....Hope that you are all okay and that if (unlike myself, for whom today was a normal working day) you had the luxury of a Bank Holiday. then I also hope that it went well for you....if it didn't then don't worry as you'll be back to work anyway tomorrow !


Have spent an hour or so just once again loosely joining track together within the confines of the intended goods yard, its associated head shunts, sidings, brake van 'kip' and connected coal siding and private coal siding...the photos of which I have added here for your perusal and comments.......nothing set in stone here or thankfully pinned down yet,,,,,have a good week guys.....not long until the next Bank Holiday if you need one?  Cheers Bob....











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