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Hornby Winter Sale

Black 5 Bear

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I am still waiting on 2 emails sent before the new year! One about a damaged item, the other about the paid for out of stock K1.

Possibly you've seen (or not) my frustration with similar issues and plenty of non-response to emails. This for two orders supposedly fulfilled originally shipped (but discovered to be returned for no known reason!!) on Dec. 17th. I even took it upon myself to CALL them (international from the US) hang on hold and then get help over a week ago, and  that didn't result in any real action. 


I'd recommend doing what I did last night "my time" as I was bored.

I sent yet another email, but THIS TIME, I also added the ENTIRE Hornby BOARD OF DIRECTORS INDIVIDUALLY to the email distribution.


Guess what - this morning I received an email from the Customer Care Manager, who informed me my "order issues" had been resolved, both locos were in a single delivery AND they provided the courier details, tracking numbers and a discount voucher for my troubles...


Piss off folks who really don't WANT to hear from the hoi polloi, and apparently you get a result :O

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I'm still waiting for a response to my complaint of the 5th of January.

Mind you, they haven't even replied to an e-mail requesting information on the two 7MT models, Earl Haig and Lord Kitchener. I like Hornby products, however their customer service is woeful at present.

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Dear all


Just to note that if you are expecting a refund for non-supplied products in the winter sale, please check your card statement / bank account carefully.  I ordered 10 coaches, was delivered 8 and was due a refund of £35.98.  For some reason I have received a refund of £22.19.  I have contacted customer services and await their reply, but there may be other instances of this so please check carefully.



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I am glad I have read these two pages because I am a first time buyer of Hornby and was shocked at their inability to deliver an order yet that I placed on 25th November. Now I realise they have significant problems with their systems, probably due to poor staffing, when errors do occur. I can live with that to a certain degree but having followed up at least 4 times by e-mail with them since early December and not received a single response other than the automated response that they'll get to me in 5 business days, I am now ready for a fight :threaten: .


As the credit card payment went through immediately it seems I may have legal rights I can enforce so I am attempting to get a refund on the £25 shipping fee, as that seems fair, given it is currently 5 weeks late. Lets hope we can agree when somebody actually makes contact with me as it may lead to a further purchase - therefore we can make this a win-win situation. The item was still in stock when I last looked.

Well I have finally made contact via a phone call with Horby Customer Care and was talking to representative within a minute. From her feedback it appears the online system had not been updated with anything but she could see the item was shipped a couple of days after payment and held in Jordan awaiting paperwork a month later (don't know if that is the country or a town).


I was offered a refund or replacement and decided to cut my losses. So, for the price of an international call and two months loan to Hornby, I learned that their online ordering and e-mail systems are useless (I counted at least 7 unanswered mails since 10th December) and talking to a human is much quicker.


Given the coaches ordered were a Christmas present to go with the HST I wanted to buy later I have abandoned both and will stick with the Rapido APT-E. It will probably end up arriving sooner, although one coach less, and still be cheaper overall. I have waited almost a year for it though so that aspect is an unfair dig at Hornby :yes:

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In fairness to Hornby Customer Care they called me without prompting yesterday to inform me there was a serious problem with their international shipping recently and were apologising for not delivering for almost 2 months and this was not a normal level of service. As an apology I was offered a discount on the sale but it was cancelled the day previously. I now have a code for a future purchase. This appears to be a fair outcome for both parties.

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