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THE SIDINGS - Recreating the modern scene in a small space.

Nick G

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After building and exhibiting Holland Park I wanted to build a small layout recreating the modern scene in a small space. Easy to transport and possibley exhibit 


I ordered some of Tim Horn's laser cut baseboards 3 modules 2' by 1'. I have 4' scenic and another end board turned the opposite way round for a fiddle yard.












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At this point I hadn't thought of a track plan but with it only being 1 foot wide I didn't want to cram to much track on. I experimented with some backscenes but after a couple of false starts of not being happy due to air bubbles or not being able to get creases out I was back to square one. As the layout was only small I wanted it to be presented right so I called upon a sign writer friend of mine. He printed some sky and applied it to some foam board them laminated it with a matt finish. 






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Looking forward to seeing this develop. I have just heard about these baseboards and I am considering them for my next project. Are they any good? How easy are they to put together? What sizes can you buy?

The backscene and low relief buildings look great. You certainly have built a great backdrop there.

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These look great, fantastic baseboards and great quality back scene. Please forgive my asking, But is Holland park going to be a Tmd or a diesel operated type of shunting layout?.




My previous layout was Holland Park, this is called The Sidings. It is just two stabling sidings based on the old parcel sidings at York where you often see DRS loco's stabled.

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Looking forward to seeing this develop. I have just heard about these baseboards and I am considering them for my next project. Are they any good? How easy are they to put together? What sizes can you buy



Yes the baseboards are superb. Just seen Tim with his stand at the Diesel & Electric show at Telford. They go together very easy you can 'dry' assemble before glueing in a couple of minutes. As they are laser cut they fit together perfectly. Check out Tim's website www.timhorn.co.uk

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That back-drop is astonishingly realistic. What track are you using?





Thank you, I experimented with the normal backscenes on a roll but just couldn't get rid of all the air bubbles and creases. I tried this twice and gave up. As the layout is small I wanted the presentation to be just right.


The track is the new C&L thick sleeper flat bottom flexi track which uses Peco code 82 rail. I am using Tillig points.

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It does all look very realistic - not my personal taste in layouts, because I get my fill of real-life-modernity every day, but - astonishingly good.


Your use of modern, high-tech materials and methods is also whipping you forward at a fair old rate.


In short, Sir, I'm impressed!



Edited by Nearholmer
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To add a bit more interest to the layout I wanted some working lights. I purchased 4 of Express Models depot lights which I painted a faded red colour before 'planting' in the baseboard. I also ordered a 16v AC to smoothed 12v DC power supply this allows me to power the 12v lamps from my 16v power supply.






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On the workbench something not often seen modelled, line side relay cabinets with doors open. These will have a suitable Hi-Viz figure in attendance when installed on the layout.




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This is certainly a great looking layout. I am considering using the same baseboards as yourself. Your work is certainly inspiring me to use them.


Thanks, it saves a lot of time buying the baseboards flat packed, easy to assemble too!

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Guest Digital

On the workbench something not often seen modelled, line side relay cabinets with doors open. These will have a suitable Hi-Viz figure in attendance when installed on the layout.


Nice cabinets Nick.

They would look superb with some interior detail.


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Experimenting with ballast today, I want a reasonably fresh newly laid track look. Some subtle weathering and painting the rail sides will follow and improve the look.






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