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Inspired by Brent June 1947

The Fatadder

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On 18/01/2021 at 13:42, Siberian Snooper said:

Celotex insulation is good stuff, it has foil either side of it and I think is available in a couple of thicknesses.  Using  the 25mm thickness we made a false ceiling with it in our clubroom and also blocked off a pair of timber double doors, that plus taping up the corners stopped the draughts coming from it.



Isn't this the stuff that was used on Grenfell Tower?


David C

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I dont think the fire safety will be particularly relevant as it is a detached garage, would be a little different if it was integrated garage 



Back to the wagons, 

I gave them all a coat of mat varnish at lunch today, just gone and checked them and its a nice consistent finish and the film on the transfers is nicely disguised.  Will definitely be using the Klear route with transfers in future! 

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No more flammable than the layout materials. Our garage is an ancient home made corrugated iron lean to thing. I lined it with timber and kingspan styrene, on the grounds that the only thing in there likely to start a fire was the car. In which case it wouldn't make a lot of difference what the garage was insulated with.

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Tonight I finally got on with the bank at the rear of the station.  

the first hurdle was accepting it won’t look exactly like the prototype,  the stretching of the distance between station and vicarage road changes the angle of the bank.


With that conclusion in mind, I set about adding the rest of the bank.  Starting with the bridge I built up a core using some tape (I think I’m right in saying it has something to do with plastering?)  it was stapled to the wall and floor, with various off cuts of polystyrene to help build up the shape. This now needs covering in modroc.   Moving onto the platform I have a fast amount of a more dense polystyrene which came with my new TV.  Using a hacksaw blade I cut it all to shape and glued to the platform.  A trick taken from one of the videos from the virtual Missenden that are on their website.  This will need a coat of plaster to finish off, but I’m less sure about drying times in the cold.  One thought is to get out in the garage early on Sunday morning, get the job done  and then leave the heater on for a couple of hours while it drys. 

I am now giving a lot of thought to continuing along the bank to the other bridge when I’m next out there...



The concrete posts (along with the infilled track for the cattle dock) were all painted concrete, the rail will be painted dirty black tomorrow to finish off. 


Finally I gave my engineers take a quick test, with all appearing to be in order.  I think this will eventually end up with my black 42xx once it has couplings fitted. Really pleased with how this came out.  I was torn between spending the last of the months modelling funds on transfers for these or a POW sides order for the same sort of value.  I think the side tippers look a lot more interesting!




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I have for a long time only put transfers on one side of my freight stock, (it started with my P4 wagons and only having to file down the axle boxes to fit to one side...)  so that is the route that I went down for the Mermaids.   That means that while the CCT transfer sheet included transfers for 4 wagons, I was able to letter the 6 I have built.    The problem is that means I still have two wagons worth of transfers left, and I’m now getting silly thoughts about building two more to use up the remaining transfers.   Will give it a few more months until memory of the pain of building them subsides....



in the mean time I’ve been adding transfers to the rest of my clay wagons, these are now ready for some weathering (especially of the hoods).  

the weather is horrid so no garage tonight!  If it doesn’t snow tomorrow

the plan is to get the plaster down on the embankments.


it does lead to a question, I have  found a sandpaper which is the perfect colouring for the grave platform surface.  I’m interested to know how people have glued down brick papers etc in an environment where there is a risk of a touch of dampness without risking the ends rolling up.  Best glue, techniques etc

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Regarding the Celotex/Kingspan issue, has anyone tried setting fire to some?

I have, it does burn, while the ignition source is present, as soon as you take

that away, it self-extinguishes within moments.

The problem with Grenfell was a situation almost unique to to tall buildings,

a slight gap and it works like a wind tunnel/blowtorch, so unless you leave a

blowtorch pointing at it, it's as safe as anything else you could use, but safer

than wood, polystyrene, etc.

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Far too cold to be gluing or plastering in the garage, so the plan this evening is coupling fitting on wagons.  

in the mean time I’ve been working on Berkeley Castle.  
This side has been given a first coat of Klear


While this side is as Hornby painted it.


photos were taken back to back in the same position until the same lighting for a better comparison 


I have deliberately left the top of the boiler untouched so as to better take weathering powders.  The plan is that the black areas will get a coat of a weathering mix, powders on the top of the boiler and leading side of the tender.  Aiming to model a loco that has been cleaned recently.  The tender will then get the real coal treatment 

I also need to finish off the second bogie for my next TPO


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Many years ago on a rail tour which included steam from Didcot to Birmingham behind Dryslwyn Castle, we stopped at Banbury for water and I went up on the footbridge and took a photo looking down on the engine and the top of the firebox and the top of the boiler barrel was virtually black, the strip along the barrel was about 18 inches to 2 feet wide, when stood on the platform the whole engine looked clean, but I bet if you weathered a loco like that some know all would say that the barrel at least would have been clean all over. Unfortunately I don't know what happened to the photo.



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2 minutes ago, Siberian Snooper said:

Many years ago on a rail tour which included steam from Didcot to Birmingham behind Dryslwyn Castle, we stopped at Banbury for water and I went up on the footbridge and took a photo looking down on the engine and the top of the firebox and the top of the boiler barrel was virtually black, the strip along the barrel was about 18 inches to 2 feet wide, when stood on the platform the whole engine looked clean, but I bet if you weathered a loco like that some know all would say that the barrel at least would have been clean all over. Unfortunately I don't know what happened to the photo.



I have found a very similar photo of Flying Scotsman which I am using as a basis for my preserved model.  It’s a very interesting look for a weathered loco, and just goes to show how dirty something which is really well maintained gets, yet alone how bad things must have been in the 40s.

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I’ve been working on couplings this evening, with another 5 wagons now ready to enter service. including this one with a load based on a photo of a wagon at Newton Abbot, while the unusual livery was based on sorbet photo.


i am assuming either St Blazey or Laira could do a wheel replacement (with Laira having that large crane)



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Wagon commissioning work from last night



2 LMS vans (both Cambrian) and one GW (Coopercraft), the latter has a Dingham hook on one end.



Ratio Open C and a Parkside (I think) LMS 1 plank, both of which need a load adding.



3 opens, the first two are both from Ratio (and one still in  the earlier G W the other in a hybrid.)  The final wagon started as a Clee Hill Granite from my train set in the 1990s.  Lettering has been distressed and planks replaced to obscure the Clee Hill branding.  The intention being that as mineral wagons were still not common user, there was no reason to be bringing granite into the south west  given the vast amounts of the stuff on the doorstep, so I’ve tried to make it look like it could be a local wagon.  It has had a new chassis built from spare Cambrian bits.

The second wagon is missing axle boxes and springs, (as are a couple of others), must get an order placed to finish them off. 

I have also started weathering Berkeley Castle, starting with some dirt on the black bits and sooty deposits along the top of the boiler.  Still a long way to go on this one.1185EF6B-4851-4476-BC6E-6F16B9E2D2E4.jpeg.35e4ee02d8676ca3ff1a145a8b1e88a3.jpeg4E09E63E-4C46-4A2D-A214-7D4DD5B929E6.jpeg.62875a75bf9bc68c1f1a7eb666e68e3a.jpeg

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A few more wagons are now fitted with couplings 



P21 ballast wagon (converted from a Parkside grampus), LNER Conflat S 



Airfix cattle van conversion to get to a W12, plus a Coopercraft W5 (these are set up as a fixed set of 4).



The other two W5 from Coopercraft kits



Parkside LNER lowfit and a Geen Fruit C



Coopercraft GWR Vent van (with Brent destination)



Finally, the L21 has now got a set of bogies fitted.  So that now means I just have the L23 left to finish off.  

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Just a little over a year since I sat down with Tony Wright at Warley and discussed the running issues I had with my PDK 47xx, I have finally finished working on the loco and it is now ready for a DCC chip fitting.


the Romford crank pin retainers were soldered into the outer 3 axles (then tested to make sure it still worked) before fitting the slidebar / drive rod assembly for the first time.  It needed some minor fettling (and a failed solder joint redoing) before soldering the remaining rods in place.


after further testing it seems to be running nicely.  I only have the rollers and 2ft of track to test on with DC so it will need the decoder fitting before I can give it a proper test. (I would also need to clear enough tools and scenic materials off the layout to clear the track!)  to say I’m really pleased with this one is an understatement.46F18920-DBA1-48D4-9797-1AC7533E47EF.jpeg.214dda2fc2b32c87a112117246430980.jpeg3BC7CC0F-6928-44FA-8745-1DEE0069EB49.jpeg.2a32a6d34cd2417c3b85f10d0af31898.jpeg

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i have finally gotten around to painting the basic building for the up waiting room.  It was sprayed with red oxide primer (Halfords) then given a layer of Vallejo paints (a mix of buff and sea grey) to add the mortar.  (I should have painted the blue bricks (Reval no9) before adding that mortar mix, this was done afterwards.


Father Christmas bought my 6 year old a nice set of colouring pencils for Christmas, which were requisitioned for the evening and used to pick out bricks in 8 different reds.  I’m not entirely convinced by this, it was a lot easier than picking them out in paint but I think the latter has a more pronounced look.


next the window frames were painted (Vallejo foundation white), followed by the doors (Phoenix dark stone).  My quarter full tin of Phoenix light stone had dried solid, however Vallejo Gold Brown (877) is a pretty close match so this was used instead.  The bottle had previously been thinned for spraying, and this will need another coat.

There is a little damage to repair (two windows have lost the ten thou cross piece on the frame), this will be fixed after glazing.  I need to find / draw artwork for roof tiles to run through the silhouette cutter.  And to draw and cut the platform canopy, the latter I think is a growing priority...



I had lots of white left over, so mixed with some Sea Grey and used as a weathering mix on my 6 China clay wagons.  I am pleased with how these have come out, so much so I am thinking about doing another 4.  I wish Parkside spares were still available at the old prices as I’d have loved to just buy 4 chassis spurs from their kit to convert a handful to DC brakes.   The first 6 just need wheels to finish, thankfully I think I’ve now arranged swaps of a bunch of surplus P4 wheels for their OO equivalents, so will soon have these running.


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A couple more photos of the station building, now with a second coat of light stone (aka Vallejo 877 gold brown) on the doors.  

It now needs roof tiles, and I haven’t worked out how I am going to do them yet.  Plus drawing up the canopy, when I’m next in the garage I will take some dimensions so that I can make a start on this.  The plan is to use the brackets from Intentio, probably with valance cut on my silhouette and a layered plastic core.  


Part of the plan is to have one layer of the valance roof continue under the buildings roof for additional strength 



close up of the door showing the colour match, hopefully I can find a gold match for Phoenix dark stone as well.  This does show up one area that left a lot to be desired when cutting the brick.  The cutter would stick on the mortar course and wave off true, particularly on the arches above the windows.  In future the answer is to cut from behind.   I will see how this looks once the valance is on, but may well remake the building to a higher standard in due course.


Edited by The Fatadder
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A productive evening, with the area around the fence on the Avon bridge now ballasted and more importantly the modroc skin added to the bank at the Plymouth end of the platform.  I ran out with about two foot to go (thanks to Amazon failing to deliver on time). So now I’m stuck waiting for the delivery and then another mild night to apply it.   

While I was out there I also delivered the latest batch of completed stock (and removed another batch for work).  Rather worryingly there is already too much stock on the layout, with one freight having to be stabled in the up loop!  I think I could potentially add one more down road I. The fiddleyard, but there’s definitely not room to expand the up.  (Down space will be dependent on the final form of the Kingsbridge fiddleyard.)


at present the up has an express, the TPO, the milk and a freight, and the sleeper

the down yard has the mineral, an M set and a short freight, an express and a cross country.  There is also a permanent way train on the scenic section (with no where to go).  
there is still another local train, a parcels set and enough wagons for another freight with no home. Not to mention any future build.



Berkeley Castle weathering is coming along nicely

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a couple more jobs off the list:  the plaster coat on the rear bank is now complete, along with some modifications to the river banks. I have a few strange marks showing on the river which I haven’t noticed before, possibly shrinkage in the cold.  Either way it’s most concerning!


while in the same area I have fitted and painted the railing along the top of the front brick edges of the Avon bridge.  This is pretty hard to see now it’s black, hopefully a few rusty marks will highlight it a little more.  I started painting the rear railings as well, until I realised how close I was to putting my arm in the plaster!  So instead have cleaned up the Plymouth end of the layout.   

tomorrow Inal planing to have a go at doing the misaligned point (if can move enough stuff to get access).  Will be good to have a running session as it’s been a while, fingers crossed it all still works!



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I was convinced I had more wagons than I had found, it was only when I realised I hadn’t put couplings on mg Fruid D that I realised there must be another box somewhere.  


now I’ve found it this lot need couplings (while some are still P4 but wheels are en route to sort this out after swapping spare P4 wheels for OO ones.)



While this lot either need whole buffers or buffer heads (and in the case of the two private owner wagons need POW sides transfers)



Last night I did a little rearranging  of the fiddleyard, moving the engineers set where the freight was and freeing up one road.  This gives space for a long goods train in each direction (although I currently have nowhere for the pick up goods.) think the only answer will be adding road 5 to the down yard eventually.



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A start on the backlog:  Two of which date from 1992 (the other the mid 2000s)


first up a Bachmann salt van in Chance and Hunt livery, I think I recall seeing a photo of one of these unusual shaped wagons in the 40s.  Eventually it will need a new chassis with separate brake leaver, but for the moment I have decided that stock on the mainline can get away with moulded on bits given it’s towards the rear of the layout.  That said I have modified the Bachmann chassis with correct axle boxes (rather than roller bearings!) and to remove the tie bar that is not required on an unfitted wagon.  A few replacement planks were added, along with painting the iron work dirty black.  The white roof was repainted with a grey blend, before giving the whole wagon a coat of a weathering mix.  Finally it was given a set of loop and hook couplings to run in a fixed formation.


Next the other remnant of my early 90s train set, a 7 plank with end door in Flower and Sons livery (again from Bachmann).  This has been fitted with a new chassis using spare Cambrian bits & Bill Bedford suspension.  The printing distressed before adding replacement planks (including a new door) and an overall wash in dirty black.


Finally another PO wagon, this time a Wessex Wagons Dapol body in Walter E Nate of Calne, which had been fitted to a Bachmann blue ribbon chassis.  Again it had a similar treatment distressing the printing and adding new planks before dirtying up. 

Both PO Wagons have gained wire/loop couplings before joining the long mineral train on the layout.  I’m not entirely sure I need a pure coal train, (must check the timetable), so it may well end up broken up into the other three freight trains


Finally a Cambrian SR/LNER 7 plank (WW2 build) in unpainted wood.  The wood is nearly finished now, so will be able to paint the iron work black this evening.  I don’t think I have any southern transfers so I may just finish it as an LNER wagon.



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3 hours ago, The Fatadder said:

One thing that still needs adding to the two PO wagons is the owners name on the lower corner in small text.  I think I will need to look at getting  some transfers done 


Looking good! I also need some PO lettering of this sort - I did email one transfer company with an enquiry but got no response; please let us know if you have any luck!

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A bit more wagon progress tonight:


the SR mineral has had the next stage of painting finished, picking out the black metal work along with the white stripe at the door end.  A plank has been picked out in black onto which I will add numbers tomorrow.  I think I can obtain the SR needed by cutting up LNER or LMS specific wagons (that would not be seen in Brent)  from their respective HMRS sheets.

Alongside it is a Parkside 5 plank with POW sides transfers (or maybe Modelmasters) for Foster Yeoman, which has been distressed and has an attempt at hand lettering the later owners branding.  I repainted the new top plank in a better colour.  It could do with a coat or mat varnish as it’s a bit shiny in places, the new white letters need toning down as well.





 Next the first of 5 loco coal wagons, 4 of which are destined for the mainline (the fifth will get Dinghams to be delivered rk

Kingsbridge shed.  It needs weathering heavily still (plus a load).  I should add here that while I am weathering some wagons (mostly private owner) the intention isn’t to finish everything now.  More get the majority of competed wagons on the layout.  Weathering and loads can slowly take place over time.




Next another private owner from POW sides in English China Clays livery.  I think this will likely get treated as one of the less tatty examples (looking in the 4mm Coal Wagon there were some wagons that looked ‘ok’ in the 40s.  For now it’s got couplings and can rejoin the rake.



A Parkside Mink D (with sliding louvred ends), because of the ends and the fact that not many (if any) still had these ends by the 40s I have finished in the early GW livery.  I think I have far to many vans with the early ends, so over time I need to build more later designed GW vans.    Again this van needs weathering.




finally a Hornby Macaw H, it still needs fitting with stantions, wheels and couplings. But while painting the SR mineral I had left over paint, so had a go at improving the deck.  This joins 14 other wagons, 3 brake vans and another B Set in the box awaiting Dinghams.  I’ve also dug out another 4 Bachmann Clay Hoods which will be backdated to GWR condition to join the 6 completed ones shown previously.  84DEEE28-754A-4ACE-807F-11DD830CF866.jpeg.e14b07ce75fb90f89a6cc81f27f03119.jpeg

The first job for tomorrow is to fetch another two private owner wagons in from the layout.  I need one which has a Dingham on one end and a loop on the other, and another as a temporary converted with hook and loop fitted while maintaining its NEM tension lock to couple with the rest of the rake.

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Speaking of the layout I have two areas in which I would like to hear some feedback.


the first, has anyone got any tips for painting a whitewashed house.  I am assuming it was as common a finish on houses in Devon in the 40s as it was more recently, and that the house in question that sits opposite the entrance to the yard at the Plymouth end would still be white in 47.


the other concerns the footpath down to the Avon from Vicarage Road.  Needless to say there are no photos showing this in period, and at present I have formed the land to include the footpath down to the river which passes through one of the arches of the Avon bridge.  I’ve now started to think this path (which doesn’t appear to go anywhere with a purpose) might be snore recent addition.  In which case it’s not to late to blend the cut back into the hill.  This would certainly be easier, while looks wise I am a little torn in that I think it could work well both ways.

The path is shown in red, the house location roughly in blue, while the route of vicarage road is in grey.). The house is currently missing from the layout awaiting painting in the aforementioned whitewash.


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