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  • 3 weeks later...

I have made some more progress on the layout now, All the lines are now have ballast and the basic ground cover is now glued down as well. I have some items on order at the moment and they should be arriving soon so that the scenery can really come to life!




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So this week I've been constructing the items within the parcel, as you can see I've now built the long fence along with a gate so I was able to use the Network Rail access sign I picked up a while ago. More noticeable I've built an R.E.B or relate room along with a telecommunications tower which are kits from scale model scenery. I've managed to also pick up the first of three Network Rail vans with some workers. I'm pleased that the layout is finally coming together. There is much more touch up work to be done but I thought I should show you the progress so far.




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  • 3 weeks later...

Sorry for being quiet on here, I've had some annual leave and taken the opportunity to be on holiday for part of the summer. I'm back now and will continue uploading new photos of the layouts progress, in the near future.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm currently in the process of laying down more scenery at the moment as well as constructing a variety of trees to go on to the layout. I'm again caught up in other jobs which consist of work and redecorating. There will be more pictures of the updated layout soon guys sorry it's been so long.

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