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UK NG in 009...


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Looking through a back issue of MR, saw a nice NG layout in 4mm 009.


Did some looking, Peco does track, and RTR rolling stock. I see where both Heljan and Bachmann have announced RTR locos. Found other places that have kits for locos and rolling stock of various NG lines.


What about mechanisms for said loco kits? Is it much like when I worked in US HOn30, the big challenge was the lack of suitable mechs?


Regarding track, is using Peco or building your own the only choice?


Just curious.





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There are loads of useful bits and pieces out there:


-Backwoods miniatures does a lot of complete 009 kits down to outside chassis.

-Certain Graham Farish mechanisms are quite easily adapted, the class 08 being the most common one

-Bachmann and Heljan are doing RTR 009, however there are also models available from minitrains, as well as the Bachmann Thomas range

-peco do lots of 009 settrack and flexible track and building your own is an option. However n gauge track will also work


any info on what exactly you'd like to do? Perhaps we could be a bit more precise then

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Thanks for the replies so far, all. The layout I mention seeing was Aldbourne, by Adrian Ponting, in the April 2011 issue of RM. It just really caught my eye.


If I did do anything in 009, it would be similar, most likely a fictitious line somewhere in Kent, built by locals in the late 1800's, because the SER (or similar) bypassed the town.


Never really having considered NG for my UK modelling, I was just curious, and seeing what is, or will be, available, has mt going "hmmm" :)



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If I did do anything in 009, it would be similar, most likely a fictitious line somewhere in Kent, built by locals in the late 1800's, because the SER (or similar) bypassed the town.

Almost sounds like the RH&DR (though that was 1920s, of course)

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I actually have a 1/76 resin kit for the RH&DR armoured train, though it is made to fit on N scale track. I bought it with the idea of a diorama set along the line sometime in spring 1944, with either some US or Canadian troops interrupting a training exercise to check out the odd war machine.



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Your best stops are Backwoods Minis, Narrow Planet, RT Models and Langley - they all have loads of stuff which you could find very useful.


Incidentally, the Dapol A3 engines are not bad matches for RHDR locomotives if you can be a little elastic in your scales :)

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Jim, If that is the resin model I think it is. Seem to have also seen it in one magazine. Then I think it is actually bigger scale to represent 15in gauge, possibly O scale(ie O9 not OO9). If it is 1/76, then Z gauge track is nearer to right gauge.

The old triang TT gauge locos are actually pretty close to scale to represent 15in gauge in 1/32 scale, even matching the original one third scale locos running on one quarter scale gauge track.


For OO9 models it is also worth checking 3D printed models. Several people, including me, produce them, but finding chassis can be tricky. It is worth joining the OO9 society if you are really interested.

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Simon, it is from a military mini company called Sgts. Mess. It is to 1/76 scale, in speaking, but I do think the dimensions were increased a bit, to give it more of a overhang on N scale track. Not sure about it being in a model rail magazine, but Phil Parker of BRM did do a build write up on his blog. It's not a very good replica, even allowing for the bit of oversize, as the ends are solid, as opposed to having the slope of the original wagon ends showing. It does look good, size wise, with some 1/76 figures from a couple of other companies placed next to it.


I just saw your website for the 1st time today, saw it mentioned in a thread on the Narrow gauge forum, Saw a couple of items I will be wanting, if I pursue this. Also looked at some of Chris Ward's 3d printed loco bodies, the ones that utilize Kato N scale mechanisms. The mechs are fairly inexpensive over here in the US, and easily available.


Much to still ponder.



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Jim, that does sound like the same one. I think Phil might have put something in BRM as well. As someone who has modelled 15in gauge railways I took an interest in this model. I think it is aimed more as a static model. I do know there are some models in , I think for 3D printing, in 7mm/ft scale, based on Ravenglass locos. Someone might have done something in 1/76, but it would then fit on z gauge(6.5mm) track and use z gauge mechanisms.

The Kato and other low cost N gauge motorized chassis are worth looking at. Still remarkably cheap, especially compared to some other gauges.

To run well, they do need enough weight added, one problem with 3D printed models. One good chassis is the Tomytec one, I think designed for a cheap Japaneses model. It has a decent sized motor, and weights to the side. It is what I recommend for my protected 40hp Simplex(Tin Turtle). You do have to be careful with some motors as they are only rated at 3-6volts.


Chris ward does have quite a few models in his range, also worth checking Tom Bell(Tebee) on Shapeways. Big advantage for Shapeways is that they are have factory in USA so less costs and restrictions on importing. This has been a problem with some specialist UK manufacturers in the past, resulting in them not being prepared to supply to USA.

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Ed, currently, none. But they have released a HO scale narrow gauge model in their US Thomas range, called Skarloey. It is based on the Talyllyn No. 1 loco. Although technically HO, it's close enough in size for OO, and 009 modellers have been buying and converting. There are detail sets and decals available.


Announced for future release by Bachmann Branchlines are these:




Many expect they will make a appearance before the Heljan L&B locos do, but who knows.



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I don't think anyone has mentioned Minitrains as a possible option http://www.minitrains.eu


Dead easy, if not dead cheap, to buy from them online, and Gsugemaster had good stocks when I was in there about a year ago.


Also, Shinohara make track and points that are much finer than Peco. It is obtainable in the UK, from ........ Er, I can't remember.


And, join the 009 Society. I haven't modelled in the scale for about thirty years, but still have friends that I met through that August body.




PS: Just spotted that you are in the US, so Gaugemaster isn't going to be local to you! Minitrains do have a US website too, though.

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Hi K, thanks for the input. Yes, I'm in the US, and the Minitrains items are not real difficult to find, but I cringe at paying for a loco, just to have the mechanism for a UK style body. I am leaning towards one or 2 bodies from Chris Ward, already designed for Kato power mechs, and those are readily available at low cost. That would give me fairly inexpensive motive power to get started with.


Shinohara track is very nice, but it can be difficult to find, and supply is patchy at best, when one does find it.Also very pricey. When I was working in US HOn30, it took me over a year to get all I needed, which was not a lot of track, to finish two 4' long modules. Though I am leaning towards using the more readily available Peco track, I 'may' look at building my own. There is a company over here (well, in Canada) that makes and sells jigs for building turnouts in various scales and gauges. If the tie length for their HOn30 track is close to what a UK narrow gauge tie is, I will give it serious thought.


I actually joined the 009 Society just before coming here to RMWeb this morning. I've only been hesitating because I wanted to be sure I was going to pursue this before spending the money :)


Thanks again.



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I was thinking more that one or two minitrains locos might be used "as is" in a British context. The Alco (Baldwin?) could easily be a war surplus machine, although, in truth, very few 2-6-2 were used as such after WW1 in this country; and, the O&K 0-4-0T could pass (in the dusk with the light behind it) as one of the O&K locos that worked in this country.


Buying them only for chassis only would be a financially painful.


But, I understand what you are saying.



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Chris, thanks. I actually already have, and have gotten some good info there, as well as here.


Kevin. Yes, I could do so, with the Minitrains locos, but am wanting the layout set pre-WWI. For now, I'll just get a CW 3d body and a Kato mech, more for a low cost stand in until I decide what will fit my needs on a more permanent basis.

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Ed, currently, none. But they have released a HO scale narrow gauge model in their US Thomas range, called Skarloey. It is based on the Talyllyn No. 1 loco. Although technically HO, it's close enough in size for OO, and 009 modellers have been buying and converting. There are detail sets and decals available.

It's actually been measured and found to be 4mm scale in all major dimensions (save over the cylinders where it's been widened so it can go round 9" rad. curves), so the track gauge of 9mm is dead right for the Talyllyn's 2' 3" - in terms of scale to gauge accuracy it's as good as being P4 ;)

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Between the replies and info I have received here and on the Narrow Gauge Forum, plus my own pondering to make sure there were no compromises I couldn't live with, I've decided this is what I have been looking for.


Hopefully this coming week, I'll have time to go and but the materials for a couple of base board, and the time to get them cut and assembled.


The big model rail supplier over here, Walthers, shows the next batch of the Skarloey due in on 19 April (was 5 April), and my preferred online dealer is taking a 20% deposit on advance orders with a price of $89. That is just a bit more than my original loco plan, so I've placed a deposit for one. I will also be buying my track via them soon.


I'll start a new thread with more of a write up of my plans and ideas once I have made some sort of start.


Thanks again, all.



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Hi Jim,

I highly recommend joining the Narrow Gauge Modelling forum:





The OO9 Society welcomes overseas members. It has an excellent sales and recycling organisation with lower costs available to members for Minitrains amongst others. They have an excellent publication called OO9 News which is offered digitally to overseas members. You can find details at: http://www.009society.com

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