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Heaton Lodge Junction

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Fingers welded together as one with superglue. Bleeding profusely from piano wire stab wounds and plaster coated cornflakes  for tea. Bin there, done that, got the T shirt. So what's new ? - welcome to the world of railway modelling mate !




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As it has kindly been mentioned earlier in this thread, BRM's May issue (on-sale now) includes the first of a new series of articles all about this amazing layout project. 




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Hi Simon & Allan


It's looking fine, with really good scenic observation.  I have done some street views and mapping to look at the further environment, and here's a partial contour panorama from the right hand end.  The line from Mirfield to Brighouse runs across in the foreground and the middle distance surface behind shows the Colne Valley approaching our viewpoint at the river confluence at the bottom of the Calder Valley.  The southbound lines rejoin after the burrowing junction, to follow the gentle wooded river valley south west in the direction of Huddersfield (see pic).


As luck would have it, to the left of this point, a nearly parallel disused line also appears below the ridge to the south (see pic), branching off at Mirfield to cross the Huddersfield lines further down the Colne valley between Bradley and Deighton stations, eventually reaching Newtown goods depot.


Looking forward to seeing more of this epic!



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  • 2 weeks later...

Bit of an update..

I'm working on 5 boards now which together with what's already been completed takes us to 40ft and the beginning of the first double junction.

It's taken me 3 weeks from picking up the following 2 boards (complete with track and wired) to entirely finish them.

Sort of got a checklist now before 'signing a board off' which includes :


1) 2 layers of grass to different lengths

2) postiche brambles laid

3) postiche with 'burnt flock' to simulate undergrowth laid

4) small sapling trees planted (these made by Paul Bambrick)

5) large trees planted (these now by Anthony Reeves)

6) detail wooden fence (in other words break half of it and replace with sections of wire fence (as on the prototype)

7) occasional shrubs with brown leaves (these are seamoss heavily sprayed with Matt varnish then real ground dead leaves sprinkled on)


It's much of the same right now with 40ft of similar scenics and plain 4 track main line.

However things are about to get a whole lot more interesting.






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  • 2 weeks later...
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  • 4 weeks later...

This is simply incredible. Thank you for being so open and honest with your techniques. The static grass is first class, as is the whole layout. You must have 1000s of feet of wiring?

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This is simply incredible. Thank you for being so open and honest with your techniques. The static grass is first class, as is the whole layout. You must have 1000s of feet of wiring?


Thank you Grob,


Time for a bit of an update..I have been busy working on boards 10/11/12 which when finished later this month will be almost 50ft of 4 track mainline totally completed. This has taken me about 5 months of 2/3 evening and a Sunday a week to complete. (As previously mentioned I get each 4ftx4ft'6'' board with track laid by Norman Saunders and fully wired by White Rose modelworks.


Board 13 is where it gets much more interesting with the start of the first double junction - which in itself is 12ft long (over 3 boards). Thereafter begins another 40ft of 6 track mainline - 2 of which begin a 40ft descending gradient. 

These two tracks descend to a 'dive under' twin bore tunnel which cuts under the 4 track (ex L&Y & LNWR) mainlines and head towards Huddersfield. The track for the junction is being constructed right now.


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