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Exhibiting a layout - Abbotswood at Stowrail

Phil Bullock

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  • RMweb Gold

Mods - please move this topic if not in right place. Many thanks

There are often discussions on this forum about exhibitions and the performance of layouts. I thought an insight in to what is involved might help put some of the thoughts in to perspective....

So Abbotswood is going to Stowrail on 22nd May - many thanks for the invite chaps, really looking forwards to that , as with all shows. Its why we do it after all.

Abbotswood is currently 6 nominally 4ft square boards, DCC control - link at bottom of thread to videos if you haven't already seen them.

Invite materialised following Cotswold show at Eastcombe last year. Stow is a 1 day show which we are not usually too keen to do so some fact finding was required before committing. Firstly Stow is local - only 20 miles away, so that's a big plus. Set up takes a minimum of 4 hours to be sure things are running correctly at opening time - Stow is a 10.30 start but set up is the previous day so that's another box ticked. Furthermore Stow is a nice place for a day out if SWMBO wants to come along and go for a wander, and then theres the cake on offer.... so decision made!

So touch base with the crew ... Son James and Brother in law Pierre are up for it so that's the core sorted. Other offers of help are forthcoming and no doubt a few guest operators might materialise on the day, but that's another issue sorted - although James isn't too fit currently so he needs to take care, but with Pierre coming up on the Saturday that should be OK... Stow is in local hall which is upstairs, much shifting to be done.

So timeline out a bit in real time but lets assume theres a month to the show - further updates to follow!


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  • RMweb Gold

Always like to have something new to take to a show.


So for Stow its...


Holmans compressors on conflats...http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/topic/102459-scenecraft/


Catering vehicles and GUVs....http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/topic/89787-modelling-trains-of-mk1-stock/page-3




And then theres some more Coal Concentration HOP VBs - the old Mainline model with decent wheels and NEM pocket couplings fitted. For the moment they are posers as they are so unlike HOP VBs - no VB at all, will get resprayed to plain old 21 tonners once I build some more proper PD Fitted hoppers with the correct end stanchions


More update later all things being equal.



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  • RMweb Gold

So Monday last sorted out the van hire - we need a long wheelbase sprinter or similar, although I do use the B&Q hire van if we are just doing a local trip.


Tonight's work....


Back up ECoS on to lap top, means we can reload if the worst happens.


Test lnter-board cables - mains cable on DIN plugs, home made as proprietary DIN cables weren't man enough, thanks to Andi Dell for help with that on our first outing


Repair MSE signals


And finally - a few weeks ago we did a weekend Snowdonia tour, circular trip on the trains around Snowdon (Hang on - is that a roundy roundy?) - came back with some beer for the Saturday night following set up. No 6 Prisoner Ale - a lovely dark brew, looking forwards to that.



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Yeterday the postie brought us a new sound chip for D6320 - we haven't had both locos in the Gloucester twins of this plus D6331 running for a couple of years, hopefully now both good to go


Signal repairs - my least favourite job - continues


Weekend pressures competing as usual





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  • RMweb Gold

Many thanks Andy ...


That was the intention - including highlighting the amount of work involved, particularly as we are privateers



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  • RMweb Gold

OK so posts have been quiet for a few days....


Getting close to the show - another couple of signal arms are now fully functional - Abbotswood down advance starter and Spetchley's distant - both on the same post by the road bridge


Also been doing scenic tidying too


Picking up hire van tomorrow after work


More to do this evening....


Going to try upping the resistance on the buffer beam LEDs to dim them a bot this evening...



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Guest bri.s

It's good to see a run through of what's involved in exhibiting,

I'll look forward to seeing the layout in the flesh at DEMU I remember seeing abbots wood on YouTube all bare boards when I first started back into the hobby



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  • RMweb Gold

Cheers Bri and Lee


Was only looking at those first videos the other day Bri - we have come a long way


And theres a lot in common with weathering projects Lee - except yours are a lot better!!!!


Please come and say hello - I am useless at recognising faces am afraid



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Upping the resistance didn't work with the LEDs ... ho hum


So more scenic tidying tonight


Picked up hire van


Pierre arrives 0900 then its load up and off to Stow for set up tomorrow


Should be a good weekend



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  • RMweb Gold

So how did set up go?


Jimbo was round Friday evening help load up the boards on to the van


Pierre rocked up from Cardiff bang on time at 09.00 - had some snap, and finished loading, away by 10.30


Off to Stow - first hitch - road closed at Naunton! Retrace steps, cost us quarter of an hour, so in Stow about 11.30


Andrew came over and showed us the set up at the hall - its upstairs, the hall has a wonderful collection of Historical paintings - limiting factor was everything had to go up in the lift so it was 1 oclock before we have got all the kit upstairs


Over to Huffkins for a couple of Cotswold pasties and coffee eclairs - lovely grub!


Then on with set up - where does the time go?


All set up and tested for trains running by 3.15 - only 2 loose wire to sort - then another hour to get signals working, but we now have 6 working arms...


Stock very good, only had to red card two coaches including the Grisly botchup..


Home for supper and a couple of excellent beers


So whats to do this morning? Punters arrive 10.30, so theres the lighting rig to put up and curtains to fix... a few more trains to put on the layout....


And a bit of scenic tidying.. now where are those spare telegraph poles?????



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  • RMweb Gold

Well - we couldn't find the telegraph poles!


But other than that come 10.30 it felt like we were more prepared than at the start of any other show - especially as we were fortified by the excellent sausages in rolls...


Then the bad news - Jimbo could not make it, his recent issues are still causing him problems. So Pierre and I drove all day - and things worked well, with the exception of two locos which were also red carded - D50, which decided to ignore all DCC commands and run backwards at full speed - somehow it did two laps propelling an 8 coach train with no derailments - and D843 which fell silent - that will either be those speaker wiper contacts or a blown speaker.


Signals looked good with the exception of Abottswood's down advance starter, which didn't perform quite to specification.


A super quiche and salad lunch followed by some of the excellent cake, accompanied by ribaldry from neighbouring lay(ab)outs and demos resulted in 4.30 closing time arriving all too soon. It was 7pm by the time we were broken down and the van loaded... how many times did we go up and down those stairs? Luckily the boards just fitted in the lift...


So an excellent show. Was charity based so hoping to hear a goodly amount was raised, our pleasure to support the show but hard work with a layout of this size.





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  • RMweb Gold

Visited Stowrail on Sunday. It was the first time I saw Abbotswood.  Thought it was a great looking layout and photographed very nicely!






Unfortunately with young kids in tow, we only managed ten minutes before they started to get fractious! Never mind, at least we did our bit for charity!

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