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Southern Railway Appalachian Division - St. Charles, Virginia


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For the grade crossing, a lot of times you would see a single wooden batten on either side between the rails. This was to prevent the cinders/gravel/ballast from coming in contact with the rail and potentially causing a derailment.


The trestle looks good. You need some Micro Engineering Bridge Track to really make it look the part. This has longer and more closely spaced ties (sleepers) and is supplied with pieces of the next size down rail to make the check rails.


I really like the freight house. It definitely has the right character.



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Adrian, I looked into doing that too - but it wasn't present in the prototype photos I'm working from, so I just opted to omit it also.


I've got a very short length of ME bridge track, but it didn't come with anything for the check rail, which is unfortunate. The length came with the Blair Line trestle.


probably going to use Peco flex track with altered tie spacing and make the check rails from some 2mm finescale code 40 rail I have.

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How the heck have I missed this for so long?!?!?! Great seeing you back here Dan and your brilliant work! I do believe though you may owe me soon as whenever you make a layout, I become inspired to rebuild Fiddlers Canyon into something new which requires money....ah well.

Great work so keep it up, I hope this one looks as good as Cane River when its done


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Thanks guys, much appreciated.


Progress has slowed considerably as of late, as I'm wrapping up work on the St Charles side of the layout. Once the bridge section is complete and the branch line track is laid and scenicked, I'll be turning the layout around and working on the coal mine side of it. Once this happens, progress will ramp up again considerably. :)


In the mean time, I might start working on my fleet of locos and cars again, as they all need weathering.

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Yesterday I had three of the latest kit from N Scale Laser arrive, pre-release! :D

Simon's done an awesome job with this one - a company house of a design which is very unique compared to those already on the market.

It's been designed to have no tabs to slot the walls together with, as the design would make it look unsightly and detract from the overall look of the structure. As such it's been a little fiddlier than most laser cut kits to put together, but the end result is totally worth the extra effort.

Here are the sprues as they come - also included is some copy paper with a printed on template for you to cut tarpaper strips from, and a thin sheet of glazing material.


He's the status of the one I have started to build as I left it last night, as the natural light was dying so photographic it was hard.


I'll post further updates to the build as it progresses.

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