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Why take it p the ballast?

Could you put a patch of filler on the area to form a concrete base?



I suppose matey. Im a bit of a stickler for levels...


It would be easier to take out the ballast and make good I think?


Trev :)

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Hello Matey

Sorry I haven't looked in for a while. Layouts coming on superbly. Love the model of 116. Really Looks the business. Those static grass tufts are really useful. I've bought quite a few before now when I was building KoLW. I need to get round to getting some for PDW. Ideal for adding to already laid static grass to give a bit of variety in height.



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Hello Matey

Sorry I haven't looked in for a while. Layouts coming on superbly. Love the model of 116. Really Looks the business. Those static grass tufts are really useful. I've bought quite a few before now when I was building KoLW. I need to get round to getting some for PDW. Ideal for adding to already laid static grass to give a bit of variety in height.





Hi mate no worries I know how difficult it can be with your hours!


What have you been on recently? Have you still been working from Bordesley?


I was up the branch at Moira last week to catch the tnt 67's on a tour......


Cheers for the comments on 116, its nearly there!


I love those grass tufts theyre great! (who am I ? Flippin Tony the Tiger?!!) sorry its been a long day - been up since 05.30. 


Did you see your pic at Water Orton on the last page?




Trev :)

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A nice hour or so last night spent adding more tufty bits in a random attempt to be random. (again)...Its actually quite theraputic.


I found a box of 21 Bachmann BRA's/BYA's that I forgot I had, so I grabbed one of my sound fitted Grids from the 'not in use every day' drawer and had a play.


I even managed to get no. 2 son to do some shunting with a 37's and a nice mixed rake of typical 4 wheelers (MFA's/MTA's) I'd knocked up. (This is unheard of as he is usually way to cool for toy trains)....


I must admit that the 56 could do with a bass reflex speaker as its still a tad tinny - I should look into how to achieve this...(im OK with the actual fitting, its the wiring I'm not too sure about...)








Here's another couple of videos I did the other day. Apologies for the pants quality, they are off my phone.


37116 pottering about:





31468 propelling a rake of Seacows back into the WRD run around loop:




Thanks for looking!


Trev :)

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Ballast wagons looking good


Cheers matey. I like engineering wagons, in particular Seacows, always have.


Spurred on by James Makins' stunning workbench examples , I've started buying a few HAA's.


Ive also purchased a ;lovely pair of BDW's with coil loads which should arrive in the next few days.


Im going to have to curtail my spending as Ive got an engagement ring to buy......If only my Mrs would like a couple of ESU sound decoders and some more 60' and.......


Next project is to make more hardstanding for my next building.





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Well I hope everyone's stayed safe in this wind?!


Not to be churlish, but in our household our 17 year old daughter is nicknamed Doris. She's a bit like the Tasmanian Devil off the Disney cartoons... fitting...


Anyhoo, I've had a bit of a diddle with one of my 56's, tidying it up a bit and trying new paint out.


I've added nameplates, changed buffers, changed damaged bufferbeam pipework and shackles, changed the roof colour (it wasn't dirty enough for me) and have taken the opportunity for a decent wheel clean and an oil.


One final thing to do is add coupling bars out of wire, I'm not really looking forward to that as it looks like its going to be a real pain. I might just fabricate and paint them and glue them onto the rear of the bufferbeam instead of drilling them into the bufferbeam itself.


I've also painted axle-box covers and suspension components/brake cylinder motion with some AK grease and oil pigment. It does have a tendency to bloom so its used quite sparingly. I need to thicken it up a bit, as its highly viscous which doesn't help when brushing, but would be great through the airbrush...












Tonights accompanying tunes:




Cheers for looking!


Trev :)

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Top work mate. The grid looks superb.

By the way I did see "me" in that earlier post. Nice picture.

I've just had a week off so have got a bit of modelling done. Mainly just detailing around the back of the quarry area including adding quite a bit of static grass.

Also had a trip out with the tractors on the Cumbrian Coast one of the days. There's some pictures on the PDW thread. Back to work next week on the Bescot - Stud Farm job.



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Top work mate. The grid looks superb.

By the way I did see "me" in that earlier post. Nice picture.

I've just had a week off so have got a bit of modelling done. Mainly just detailing around the back of the quarry area including adding quite a bit of static grass.

Also had a trip out with the tractors on the Cumbrian Coast one of the days. There's some pictures on the PDW thread. Back to work next week on the Bescot - Stud Farm job.




Thanks mate still a way to go with it yet.


Haha good stuff I wondered if you had!!


Ill have a catch up - haven't been on much recently as my laptop has expired. :(


Yes I did see the pics - indeed we are planning the same trip up on the tractors.


Good stuff, enjoy your trips - unfortunately Ive got no rest days lol or else I'd be out with my camera! (up Bagworth probably!)


Have a good week mate :)


Trev :)

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No modelling this weekend unfortunately my back has put pay to that.


However I did receive a couple of superb BDW bogie coil carriers in the post, and it would have been rude not to have photographed them.......














Trev :)



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A recent mini project in its first stages.(One I started last year but haven't worked on for ages):








Still got secondary colours, pipes, windscreen swipe marks etc etc to add.


(Before anyone points the lack of NRN aerial, it ran like this!)


Trev :)

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Every cloud has a silver lining.....



Just been to a company meeting and we were given A2 sized ring binders for notes and scribbling.


Aha! thinks I - the front cover material (opaque plastic with a fine knobbly surface) will make excellent skylights for my first WRD building.


So I had two.


Might do them tonight!



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Looks good !

What type of paints do you use for weathering ? You seem to have found a good chassis colour there, I find railmatch frame dirt a bit muddy when I've used it


Morning Rob,


I generally use Phoenix Precision matt black with some Humbrol matt black with a dab of brown.


I tend to vary the amounts of each, depending on the reference picture Im working to.


Ive also got some AK interactive paints for grease, etc.


I think I need to spray on some lighter orange/brown brake dust colour next. this should bring the detail out a bit more, then some satin varnish.




Trev :)

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Last night I spent half an hour in the garage and managed to fit roof lights to the roof of my smaller WRD building. This is a fairly insignificant job, but is one I've been meaning to do for ages.


Then I have to fit some kind of interior and paint the floor...


I also attacked one of my brand new HAA's.......






I must get cracking with finishing the station end of the layout.....




Trev :)



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Hi trev have you got any more pictures of your salmon wagon please as I can't seem to find any decent pics of one


Hi Craig,


Ill take some tonight.


Its in the process of painting. Now that the garage is a bit warmer, I might get round to finishing it!




Trev :)

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Nothing much happening this weekend, family outings and pressure washing the driveway has put pay to that.


Still I had a couple of deliveries, mostly paint, varnish, buffers, couplings, wheels,a class 60 body, an RFD 47 and a few TTA's.


I had a spare 21 pin decoder, so thats gone in the spoon.










Thanks for looking :)


Trev :)



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