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Where has the UK Industrial section gone?

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I know the "special interest" groups have been removed from the main page and given a "special interests" listing but when I click on that the other groups are there but UK Industrial is missing.


Where is it?

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Why the split?

This to me a retrograde step for changes sake.

Those of us interested in industrial railway modelling will / should be by default interested in the prototype


It makes sense to package the prototype and model together as subheadings under a main heading of UK Industrial Railways.


We have enough change forced on us in our day to day lives of without the same taking place in our leisure time.



Gordon A

(A dinosaur fed up with the continuous change forced on us​.)

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Those of us interested in industrial railway modelling will / should be by default interested in the prototype


It makes sense to package the prototype and model together as subheadings under a main heading of UK Industrial Railways.


I agree with you, Gordon. But, on the other hand, having it where it is now may give the section more exposure and get more people interested and posting.

There are very few posters in the section and even fewer posting their modelling. Most seem to ask prototype questions.


I had expected that with easier access to industrial locos over the past couple of years, in the form of RTR O gauge from Ixion and Minerva, and OO gauge with the Hornby Sentinel diesels, there would be more people taking an interest but it would appear not. Or if there is they are running the locos as part of a mainline layout and not a specific industrial one.


Let's hope the change brings more industrial layouts out of the woodwork...

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I always check out the UK Industrial section when I'm on here. However, I started the thread on my proposed O gauge ironstone layout under the '7mm+ Modelling' section as it seemed more appropriate although I know your Royd Hall Drift layout is under the UK Industrial section. However, I see that has been renamed 'UK Standard Gauge Industrial Modelling'. I do get a bit confused to know where to start a thread these days! Perhaps the UK Industrial section will get a higher profile now it is under 'Layouts etc.' rather than tucked away under 'Special Interests'.





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