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Alphagraphix Kits

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I've just bought my first Alphagraphix card kit to see what they're like. They're not as sophisticated as the Scalescenes ones I'm used to, so I'm not sure yet. I'm currently making up a quick mockup for a layout I'm planning, using black & white photocopies stuck to Bonio packets. I'll decide whether to use the kit, and what to do with it, later.


The kit I've got is the A303 7mm scale Arthur Pain Station Building.


Has anyone got experience of making their building kits, and got any tips for making and improving them? The instructions suggest sticking the sheets to 1mm card, but I'd be inclined to use 2mm. Is this a good idea?

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If you use 1mm it should be an art grade, Bristol board etc., for stiffness, but 2mm card will do fine, or the thicker backing the better on all card kits.

The other thing is to seal the card sheets before use, a quick coat of PVA sealer or thinned water proof PVA glue will do, both sides, and dry, then store flat till used, just make sure they are dry.

All card kits can benefit from spare parts for over lays etc., so copy the sheet and print extra, this is within fair use of the copyright as long as the sheets are used for this legitimate purpose.



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