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Uncoupling Kadees - The stick becomes an uncoupling BRUSH!


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  • 4 weeks later...


UPDATE on this - The Interdental brushes that I got were a bit wide in the handle and needed attacking to narrow them to fit between boxcars and a hole drilling in the end to add an extension skewer handle - but they worked well enough. Today I was in Morrisons and discovered a different version. These are made by Wisdom and are in a value pack (they appear to be a one-size-fits-all) - you get 30 for £3, and they are very narrow and circular in the handle part. With them you also get a piece of polythene tube about 4cm:1¾" long to fit over the end of the handle to extend it. I added a piece of barbeque skewer about 5cm:2" long in the other end - To use, treat as a BBQ skewer uncoupling pole, slip the brush end between the couplers, and rotate between thumb and fore-finger - result = uncoupling every time.  When not in use, pull the brush out of the clear tube, rotate it 180°, and put it back in so the brush is protected.





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