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Far Yard - A micro first Attempt in O gauge.


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So I have taken a break from the 02 for a while and been busy knocking up a coal office from plasticard. Not too bad for first attempt in 0 gauge.

Also done a bit more on my 20 ton NE toad brake. I built the body last june and took it 3 times to the caravan intending to do a bit more but never got round to it!





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I like this very much. Having been a keen follower of Four Feet Lane I'm looking forward to how this turns out.


Thanks Chris. I do enjoy the smaller layouts but the tail chasers can be fun too. Far Yard takes around 15 mins to shunt the wagons into different orders just moving one or two at a time.

Not sure of were Iam going with it though as I would like to run a mainline diesel in O gauge but that means extending things somehow, hence no buildings are fixed in place in case I need to move them.



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I have been decorating and other jobs over the last week so not done anything.

I did order however order a bogie bolster E wagon from M & M models which came today nicely packaged.






It will be a few weeks before I start it and need to get some wheels for it too.

It may seem a little large for Far Yard but i hope to add another board soon which should be fun.



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Well a productive weekend. The foam board buildings got cladded with plasticard and painted. Still some bits to add such as gutterings.

They are not fixed in position yet so I can move things around.

The brick work was painted with acrylic paint which was wiped off leaving some of it in the mortar course.

Still got a building to finish.




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This is looking good. Those low relief buildings have given more of a sense of depth and space on the layout, despite there being more structures on it than when the provendor store was in situ. I do like seeing the backs of warehouses & factories behind a railway - an overlooked method of creating a background IMO. Warehouse frontages can sometimes be too distracting, with windows, doors & other features & details which can draw the eye to the background, instead of making the eye focus on the railway in front.

I say "sometimes" because depending on the design & content of the layout, such detail can, and frequently does work, and improve the overall scene....
I like this layout - so hurry up & finish it please! ;)

EDIT: The backs of those buildings bring into mind Gordon Gravett's "Ditchling Green" layout - although I saw it around 20 odd years ago, that layout remains one of my all time faves, and was probably the layout that made me want to model in O gauge

Edited by marc smith
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A little more done to the buildings including the little office which just needs a door. The chimney was just cut from a plastic sprue off the toad brake van kit! Just needs a little cover for the top. The sprue also looked like pipework too which got me thinking.

Another building is also on the drawing board for the front to disguise the exit.





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  • RMweb Gold

Just found this and it's looking good so far.


Have acquired a new Dapol 08 myself for a small 7mm project I am undertaking - this scale certainly has a nice presence.


Staying tuned for more :good:

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  • 4 weeks later...

Far Yard has had an extension! I started this project to see if I would enjoy 7mm modelling. As luck would have it i did!


I needed to decide on fixing buildings etc down on the one board and leaving it at just the four foot length or waiting whilst I extended.

The original board was widened by 3 inches making it 18 inches wide. This allowed one more siding to be fitted.

A further 4 ft board was added which may have a traverser added.


I have rigged up a temporary electrical join between the two boards until I get a connector sorted.






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Far Yard has had an extension! I started this project to see if I would enjoy 7mm modelling. As luck would have it i did!






There`s no way back now Paul,the dark side has consumed you...!!! :scared:



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  • RMweb Gold

It certainly has Brian. Especially as I have a class 37 on order!

It's going to be a tadge large for the layout but a little bit of what you fancy does you good!


We like that!...and it's the right colour too... ;)

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  • 3 weeks later...

Feeling really cheesed off as I am still unable to get the 37 moving on dcc. See here www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/topic/120956-loksound-v4-l-Heljan-o-gauge/

I need to get moving on the layout. I hope to get some ply for the back scene this week.



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My chessed off feelings have turned round a bit as I have fitted my little traverser. I bought the runners off eBay.


The deck is long enough to hold a 37 and two vans.

I may have to install two more runners at the other end if the weight of the loco is too much. Just the track and power supply to sort for it.




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  • 5 weeks later...

More brass bending! The internal and external sole bars are long pieces and are difficult to bend. The bend required is only 3mm and the brass kept working it's way out of my homemade bending bars

I had to resort to squeezing it in the vice jaws which gave a slightly uneven finish but it will have to do. The smaller pieces are easier and bent great in the vice.






In other news I have not run any of my OO gauge stuff since before Christmas so I have been slowly selling stuff on eBay as and when I needed something in 7mm.



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  • 2 months later...

Hi Chris thanks for your interest.

Due to Holidays, work and going away in our caravan not a lot has happened. In fact most visits to the layout end up with me having a shunting session - which is what it's all about!


The bolster wagon is on hold as I need some suitable flux and solder for brass.


The pub I started has progressed no further.


I did start another low relief building along with two plastic wagon kits. A slaters palvan and a parkside pipiewagon. Wish they had better instructions instead of the token exploded view.

I finally got sound installed in the 37 which tried my patience.

This will be joined in the next day or two by a class 25.





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