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Birmingham Hope St- BR (ex GCR) Minories Style Urban Layout 1965


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For many years I have been working on my 00 layout  - a fictitious station in the center of Birmingham.  Yours is delightful.


I live in the USA and over the years collected a lot of books and photographs on Birmingham architecture.  Since you are clearly comfortable with modelling scenery, may I suggest you Google Birmingham factories in the Digbeth and Jewelry quarter and draw up your own designs based on actual buildings  - when you have time?  And how about the back-to-backs in Hurst Street?   I think I'll do some research on them for my layout to replace the old Bilteezi and Metcalf models that have been a stopgap.  


Any road up, this expat Brummie has to get on with his chores.    Happy Christmas.


RJD Utah USA  

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Well it looks like I going to be away for the layout for a few weeks/maybe a month. We have put the house up for sale :(


I will be popping back in to change the filter and de-humidifier tank and make secure any issues but that's about as far as I can get the layout ATM I knew it was on the cards so I made it 'portable' however apparently moving wardrobes is more important than getting a humidity sensitive layout out of the basement! As you can probably tell I'm less than happy but still marriage trumps hobbies!


When the layout has a new home I hope to expand it! It's a shame as I'm going to be living away from the layout for abit!

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Definitely, basically we're moving into my father in laws to look after him as he gets older and get my daughter into a good school, sadly there is slot to do on the house and no space for the layout...yet...


I had a feeling it was coming so like you said not wanting to break it up (again) I've made it semi portable...


Hopefully give it a few months it will be back better than ever :)

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Will you have a model railway club near to where you will be living, that could be an option for somewhere to set up your layout, maybe even exhibit.  


You've built a nice model, I am sure you would be welcomed with open arms by a club as you will have a lot to offer.


But as you say, marriage & family trumps hobbies and it's always good to remember that.

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Definitely marriage and family is definitely more important, I know my layout will get some space but we have to clear lots of stuff first. I think Cradley Heath has a model railway club? I have been thinking of popping along maybe nows the time :) The only grating thing is my layout is down the bottom of the priority list but as it's in the basement the humidity means for me moving it out is a higher priority

Edited by danstercivicman
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  • RMweb Premium

I hope that you get somewhere for the layout before too long. Families are always top priority but having a good hobby and the time and space to carry it out is important too.


Even if you don't have room for the layout straight away, perhaps you will have a workbench and scope for doing some modelling jobs in the meantime.


The layout is lovely and a very good example of Cyril Freezer's superb design. I have built something similar in 4mm scale but never got it as advanced as yours and now plans are afoot for a 7mm version. Your thread has given me great encouragement as to just what can be achieved.



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It's a great track plan, sadly my wife considers trains silly!! I consider it rest from a busy stressful job!


CJF made some amazing track plans! I'd like to model the goods yard and shed in the future :)


I hope it's inspired you :)


The only annoying thing is that I made it portable for just this reason and now apparently there's no space for it lol!

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Sorry to hear about your impending lack of time/space for the layout, been there done that !  Thankfully, I am lucky enough to have a more understanding missus. Hope the move goes well and space (and time) is soon found.


In the meantime....


Could you possibly let me know how you made this short section of platform canopy ? I am looking for something similar for my own station !



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Definitely marriage and family is definitely more important, I know my layout will get some space but we have to clear lots of stuff first. I think Cradley Heath has a model railway club? I have been thinking of popping along maybe nows the time :) The only grating thing is my layout is down the bottom of the priority list but as it's in the basement the humidity means for me moving it out is a higher priority

Cradley Heath does indeed have a club...



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Hello it's the wills kit covered with scalescene paper :) see my other post if you want one as I have a spare?


Sorry to hear about your impending lack of time/space for the layout, been there done that ! Thankfully, I am lucky enough to have a more understanding missus. Hope the move goes well and space (and time) is soon found.


In the meantime....


Could you possibly let me know how you made this short section of platform canopy ? I am looking for something similar for my own station !



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  • RMweb Gold

I know what you mean about being away from the layout. I spend most of the year working abroad, so only have limited time at home with the layout and can't join a model railway club as there isn't one where i work. 



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Hello my friend, as you can see from the various "likes" I've just caught up with your layout build thread.


It looks really great, very atmospheric, really good combination of Scalescenes kits and textures, detail is fantastic (point rodding for goodness sake!) and I am also a big fan of Minories and everything CJF.


So sad to hear that it will soon be packed away.  You say there is no room for the layout in your new location - have you considered a shed (as I have been forced to do) for the layout's new home?





PS So pleased that you are a V3 fan!

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I'm going go down in the new year :)


Yeah the canopy is actually the wills platform canopy with scskedcenes paper over it, I've got one spare if you want one (I'd only ask for postage), they have to be glued on but they do look ok

I'll probably see you there then - it's on my 'to do' list for after Christmas!
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A shed would be ideal :) I've got to clear the land for it and lay a base, then insulate it all :). What size is your shed?


Hello my friend, as you can see from the various "likes" I've just caught up with your layout build thread.


It looks really great, very atmospheric, really good combination of Scalescenes kits and textures, detail is fantastic (point rodding for goodness sake!) and I am also a big fan of Minories and everything CJF.


So sad to hear that it will soon be packed away. You say there is no room for the layout in your new location - have you considered a shed (as I have been forced to do) for the layout's new home?





PS So pleased that you are a V3 fan!

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Thanks, was curious as to whether it was a kit or scratch built - seems it is both then ! I plan to scratchbuild mine ( I am also a scalescenes fan ! ) as I need about 8 feet, but, will be needing some support columns for them, and wouldn't mind finding some pre-cut valencing for it.



Hello it's the wills kit covered with scalescene paper :) see my other post if you want one as I have a spare?


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A shed would be ideal :) I've got to clear the land for it and lay a base, then insulate it all :). What size is your shed?



Because of the limited space in my garden, I chose a bit of an odd size shed 11 ft x 7 ft (nominal).  By the time I had insulated and lined it out I was left with 10 ft 6 inches x 6 ft 6 inches for the layout - full details of the shed and base choice, insulation and lining out are on the early pages of my new layout thread.  But please don't buy the cheapest shed, there is some right grot about which you can buy very cheaply.  If it is going to be a (semi) permanent structure, as mine will be, all shed structure and timbers need to have been pressure treated so they don't rot.  The cheap sheds have not been properly timber treated in this way.



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A very good point... I have been looking at Beast sheds- the fully tanelaized product.   I'm thinking of a 14 x 8 or a 16 x 10 (dream).  You are definitely right some of them are terrible!   Your layout (and shed) look great btw :)


Here is some running after work...  my wifes out with the little one and a Crab has arrived???  (where did that come from??)  Its a long way from Scotland but some made it to the GCR- although not this number.   It's running the Semi Fast from Marylebone due to a shortage of reasonable priced Hornby Black Fives!   


My idea is to maintain the layout in the basement until we sell the house and then it will be in store for around 1-3 months :(


Enjoy and I hope you like the weathering- and no I do need to fit the crew to all my locos!










Edited by danstercivicman
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