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Lakehurst industrial park NJ

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On 03/06/2020 at 21:04, F-UnitMad said:

With that amount of weeds in the yard, they look closed down!! :mosking:

 new owners,brush hasn't had time to clean!!!




the real Arnold steel,and all there weeds!!!!!

Edited by long island jack
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Been adding under layout sound,with an Soundtraxx TSU 1000PNP EMD567 decoder, as my fleet for the layout will be all EMD ie 2x sw1200 1x sw1 and a gp9, still in the process of testing, but i'm happy so far,once you get use to the sound not coming from the loco!!



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Difficult to tell where the sound's coming from anyway on a video!! ;)

Is there just one under-board speaker, or one under each side?  Certainly a good way to get decent bass; I had an underboard speaker on my old 'Schiller Point' layout, but that was partly because it was 12v DC, and used an MRC 'Diesel Sounds' unit. As the layout was viewed end-on, the sound was very effective & many punters at the Shows it went to thought it was DCC, & asked me what sound chips I used :D

It was less successful under 'Portway Center' as it was more obvious that the sound was coming from the middle of the layout regardless of the loco's position.

The MRC Diesel box can be made DCC compatible, so I'm toying with the idea of adding it to my loft layout, mostly to add a bit more 'oomph' to the bass, and horns & bells for my Plymouths, which are non-sound, but noisy critters anyway!!

Nice to view your layout running, anyway :good:

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  • 6 months later...

I have two of the MRC DCC diesel sounders, one at more or less each end of the layout to 'balance' the sound. The sound itself is good, but even with a layout only 4ft long, wherever you place the speakers it's obvious the sound isn't coming from the moving loco. It's a nice inexpensive compromise though.


I see that MRC produced a new version of their diesel sounder with a beefier speaker: https://mrr.trains.com/news-reviews/staff-reviews/2018/11/mrc-synchro-sound2 but I don't know of any stockists in the UK.

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  • 3 months later...
On 02/05/2021 at 21:01, long island jack said:

Todays project was to finish Embarq logistics(see picture 1st June above), been scratching my head how to finish the end of the building, well i think i've cracked it :scratchhead::D

Not just cracked it, absolutely nailed it mate!! Brilliant & very effective! :yes: :good:

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