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There's some very impressive loco and stock developments on this thread. But what are the plans for a layout to run them on?




Thanks Grahame,


At the moment, I have a test oval of Kato track for running my locomotives and stock. However, the ultimate goal is to model Hadley Wood as it was in the 1930's. Hadley Wood is between New Barnet and Potters Bar on the ECML and was one of the double track bottle necks that caused the LNER many operating headaches.. My choice of location and era creates a few issues though as the LNER undertook signaling improvements around 1932 which saw one of the somersault signals replaced with either a two or three aspect signal and the crossover to the goods yards was removed sometime between 1932 and 1937 - the 1935 OS map shows it still in place but there has been much debate on this. My version will be a bit of a mix between the pre and post 1932 layout as I will be retaining the crossover and running locomotives and stock covering the 1928 - 1939 period. The layout's planned footprint is 12' by 3' with 9'3 of scenic track between the tunnels (more or less scale length) and a good portion of the width dedicated to storage tracks. The track work will be Finetrax Code 40 track (which has been purchased and the five turnouts built) and code 40 soldered to copper clad sleepers in the fiddle yard (to keep costs down). Below is a view of the station from 1899 but other than modest detail changes, the area remained much the same until the 1950's when BR finally undertook the quadrupling work that the LNER had planned before the war. Of the original station layout, only the stairways down to platform level still exist today.




Below are some of my scratch built test points for the fiddle yard. At around one and a half hours to construct and a material cost of c. £1.50 per turnout, this really is the only way I can afford to go at the moment (and it is quite satisfying to build them). Despite appearances, I can assure you that all the tracks are correctly to gauge and do not narrow as the photograph suggests.




However, I'm currently working on some prints and kits which don't necessarily relate to the layout project - having to make a living has to take priority sometimes...

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Having gotten the CAD off to Shapeways today, I turned my attention to some lining work for a customer.




This is one of the original V3 test prints I did at the beginning of the year. So far I've applied the grey lining on one side using a bow pen and the corners touched in using a fine brush. Once this has hardened up a little, I'll do some cleaning up/touching up and apply the red line. Due to the small size, I'm not going to attempt to add the cream line. Since this picture was taken, I've also addressed the slightly wonky lining under the cab windows.

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I got back from a very enjoyable day at the Dapol Collectors Club open day. This was the second year that I've attended and I found it every bit as good as the first. The ability to see the UK part of Dapol's manufacturing is always interesting, mixed with some traders and layouts, and the staff were really friendly, helpful and informative; thank you to everyone who helped organise the day.


I came away spending £95 of the £90 I raised for purchases, which wasn't too bad considering. In addition to my complimentary wagon, I obtained the following spares/repairs locomotives.





Two Dapol Halls for use in my long term desire to build some GNR Atlantics for Hadley Wood. While only a small percentage of the Halls components will end up being used in these projects, it was still cheaper to buy these non-runners (actually one works very well having sorted out the traction tired that had become trapped between the coupling rod and wheel!) than to buy the parts as spares. I'll be fitting Britannia wheel sets (one set still to be sourced) as these are the largest I can get to fit within the 7' wheelbase between the front wheels and they are compatible with the Hall's drive chain. I hope to be able to make a start on these towards the end of the year.




A non-running Mallard. This one will be repaired and keeping its identity but I'll be removing the beading from the tender and repainting it. As a result, I'll have the add some new lettering and so I might as well sort out the slightly wonky numbers on the cab at the same time (and keep the size and style of the numbers/letters consistent). Because of this, I didn't want to purchase a good one and I think I've got all the parts required to restore it to running condition already. This one will replace my A1 and A3 conversions as my 'time filling' project once they've cleared the bench.

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Some happy news regarding my non-runner Mallard.


Having found myself with a bit of free time today, I decided to assess Mallard and identify what the possible problems and fixes would be. Having braced myself for the possibility of having to completely strip and rebuild the loco, it turned out that both the loco/tender wires had been snapped and the drive shaft had been removed. Luckily, I found the drive shaft in the box and replaced the wires in 25 minutes. Mallard now runs pretty well and I'm pretty happy with it for the £30 invested!  :sungum:

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  • 3 weeks later...

Follow a hectic couple of weeks working on getting the County prototype running and presentable, the C1 project has been started properly and is showing some promise that it might actually work!








The above photographs show a series of compromises while trying not to disturb the overall dimension or looks of the prototype too much. The loco body is to scale length but with the splashers being 0.35mm further apart to accommodate the Hall front coupled wheelbase. The Dapol Britannia wheels look acceptable to me and I don't think that the smaller diameter shows with the body on (didn't Bachmann do this with their 4mm one?).


Scale bogie wheels are unfortunately a non-started (despite ones being available) due to the exceptionally tight clearances and therefore Farish's largest bogie wheels were fitted instead. Even using underscale bogie wheels and driving wheels, I've had to move the rear bogie wheel forwards by 0.3mm to clear the front drivers on curves. The bogie itself is a custom designed part which replaces the Dapol front chassis spacer and cannot turn. Sufficient side play has been provided for the bogie wheels so that the loco will negotiate 12" radius curves. Due to the loco being a little nose heavy, the bogie wheels are sprung using coupling springs which seems to have successfully transferred some of the weight towards the driving wheels.


The rear radial truck is another custom designed/printed replacement for the rear chassis spacer and, as per the 'bogie' works using generous side play. While the model is to scale length, it is 0.5mm too wide to be able to accommodate the connecting rods, slide bars and cross heads once I fit them.


Due to the small size of the Class B tender, the original Dapol motor will be replaced with a Nigel Lawton 8mm coreless motor. This will fit nicely within the tender body while leaving room for some weight to ensure a good ride and pickup. The tender wheels are spares from a Peco Collett 0-6-0 locomotive.


I've attempted to model a C1 several times over the years. I'm hoping that this will be the version that is finally successful!

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Good basis for an LBSCR H1/H2......




Hi Keith,


You're not the first person to make that observation... We'll see.


The C1 went through another design iteration last night to accommodate the N-Brass slide bars that were supplied with the old LNER O4 kit. Even so both the slide bars and Dapol crossheads needed some filing and sanding work to get everything to fit.
The slight lean between the loco and tender is due to a mis-aligned part on the print which hopefully we've eradicated today.
There is still no tender drawbar or loco pickups designed yet but.... IT'S ALIVE!
The new power plant is a Nigel Lawton 8mm Coreless motor as there was no way I was going to be able to fit the Dapol motor into the tender - the motor is bigger!
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Irradiated? "Irradiation is the process by which an object is exposed to radiation.". Did you mean eradicated?



Yes, that'll be the one Mike! I've now corrected corrected this and no further risk of radiation exposure is to be expected! In my defense, I've not slept well for the last few nights (and I'm sticking to that excuse!). :lol:

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I've finished the basic colour scheme for the C1 which will become 4452 as it was one of two Atlantics that deputised for a failed A4 that hauled the Silver Jubilee set into Kings Cross during the late 1930's. I've also found some more photographs of this locomotive and, as it achieved it's Silver Jubilee feat during the summer, it is the better candidate for me over 4446.


Anyway, here is the current state of play.




I've still got the wheel centers to line but it is starting to look the part (to me anyway). It's been temporarily reassembled as some friends were over from Holland who wanted to see it. We met for breakfast this morning at the local service station (they're on their way to Derby for some American Railway meetup) and spent an enjoyable hour or so discussing this and Robinson locomotives (one of them is a big fan of Robinson's work!).


It has got to come apart again for the painting of details and lining. I also have to sort out the tender pickups and how I'm going to connect the loco and tender, both physically and electrically.


The County hasn't been neglected though. At the moment it is being hand lined but I'll hold off posting any photos until things are a little further alone. What I will say is that brush painting double lined corners is taxing on one's patience!  :O


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Thank you gentlemen. :)


Things have been progressing on various bits and pieces recently...


The C1 has had various features picked out in brass, black and polished steel and will move to the lining stage once dry. Apologies for the quality of the pictures, the sun is not being helpful to my phone camera today!






The County has not be neglected though and has seen the double lining applied and the valances painted green.




The double lining was created using clear decal paper sprayed in the colour of the outer lines and, once dry, a black line was ruled in using my bow pen (Tim Watson's technique). Once this was dry, I lined up a ruler against the edge of the black and used a curved no. 10 scalpel blade to cut the decal out. The taper of the blade results in the thin outer line when cut and I use the curved blade to ensure that the tip isn't in contact with the decal as I've found this can lead to a fuzzy or tore edge (despite always using fresh blades for this kind of work).


The corners are brush painted in once the decals have been applied, painting in the out lines first and the inner black line a day or two later. As I don't think Orange 'scales' well, I used Ian Rathbone's technique of using Humbrol no. 9 gloss tan, mixed with a little red, to represent the orange lining. When placed on the dark green surface, it looks better to my eyes - and who I am to argue with Mr Rathbone!


I've still got the splasher lining to do and then the other side - I must remember to buy some copper paint for the chimney!


The BR V3 has also had its lining finished but the present lighting conditions have defeated any attempt to get a half decent photograph of this loco this morning. I'll be added crests and numbers in due course.

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Having driven myself balmy over the last few days with painting, lining and decaling locomotives, I thought I could do with a bit of a change. Therefore I dug out my Severn Models signal box kit. I built one a few years ago for a layout project that never happened but this one is being built for a client. While my first attempt was glued together, this one is being soldered. I need the interior detail kit (hopefully at Warley) before I can finish it but I can get things like the steps on in the meantime.


Progress after a couple of hours below.



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  • 1 month later...
It's been over a month since I last posted anything on this thread!   :O  :O


I've been busy with commission work, which in the main I don't have permission from the customers to share here. However, one that I can share is a BR V3 67656 which made its way into its new owners hands a couple of weekends back.




Here it is when it was nearing completion having been weathered but not yet glazed. I used some of the methods and techniques described in Martyn Welch's book 'The Art of Weathering'. The model, still in its glossy state, got a light misting of an enamel weathering mix using an airbrush which consisted of 'roof dirt' (Railmatch), gunmetal (Humbrol Metalcote), matt black and matt leather - sorry I can't remember the exact mix but it was mainly 'roof dirt'. I let the paint go touch dry before creating subtle streaking using a flat brush moistened with white spirit (almost dry). Once this was dry, I applied a second, even lighter misting of the weathering mix and left it to dry.


Once dry, I took the weathering mix and some Humbrol smoke and dark earth weathering powders and stippled this onto the smokebox, top of the boiler and cab roof. After this had dried, I used some gloss tan and gunmetal to represent subtle oily deposits around the lubricators and grease on the buffer heads. Finally, some gloss varnish was applied to the tank sides, water fillers and safety valves to represent water.


I think that the overall effect came off very nicely and I'm happy to report that its new owner feels the same way. Unfortunately, the photographs do not do the loco justice but here is another picture of the finished V3 on the owners layout.




The signal box has also been completed and went to the same home.








I have been tinkering with the C1 as well during periods where I've been waiting for paint/glue to dry on other things. Still a way to go yet but here is a picture of it in its current condition.



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Some work has been started on a couple of J3s for my Hadley Wood project.




Both will be Hitchin allocated locos (as I couldn't find any pictures of the Kings Cross allocated ones) and demonstrate some of the detail differences that make the J3 class a bit of a minefield. Power will be provided by a couple of heavily modified Union Mills tender drives - tenders will be provided once some drawings for the later Stirling designed tenders surface.


Hopefully Christmas Day may see some more wheel sets for the second one!


Merry Christmas everyone!

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