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Mornington Crescent 2018


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Just to explain that move for new comers, it is a reverse, but played before 8pm is acceptable. It does open up diagonals, but circular moves on the Northern Line line will now be in nip. Royal rules can now be applied.

"royal mornington crescent
This version was made fashionable by Charles II on his visit to Oxford. The game can be confusing for those unused to the intricacies of etiquette and basic good manners, but here are some useful pointers. Play is strictly in order of social superiority, so in one instance play starts with Tim and ends with Barry. It’s considered a breach of etiquette for players at the lower end of the social order to block, box, reverse, or win the game."


Edited by Jamiel
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Dam, Royal rules, miss three goes for me then.


Well played Sire.


p.s. Ancestry rekons that my 19 x Great Grandfather is the 3rd Earl of Downe. Only an Irish Lord but does that bring me back in play?


Since 1973 (I think) Mornington Crescent had to follow the Sex Discrimination Act and I forget all the Amendments with regards to the other characteristics since then.


Really I think Jamiel is opening up a can of worms by invoking the Royal Rules in the litiginous society in which we now live he might find himself in hot water in the Royal Courts - nearest stop


Edited by letterspider
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Careful now...


You may end up in the TOWER HILL.


Yes let's not lose our heads over this! But at the risk of deja vu we were there last round (post 31)

so I hope no one will complain if this round we shall say non-stopping service on all stations or connections either Regal or Eccleiastical

So no Jubille or Elizabeth Lines for starters - which kind of takes out 85% of the network  :scared:

on to HEADSTONE LANE in memory of the unfortunates...

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