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  • 2 weeks later...

A bit more work on the signal boxes over the Christmas period. The frames for boxes are now completed and you can see this from the first photo




I have now started to fit the wall panels and these are from 20 thou sheet and you can see these in the next photo which shows the Black Notley box from the rear. This is the one with the brick base.




The walls are held in place by gluing them to 60 thou square strip mounted inside the frames and you can see this from the next rather poor quality picture although I think you will get the gist of it.




You can see the strip mounted inside the frames. The planks will be laid on top of the wall sheets but I have come up against a dilemma because what I thought was the case is from closer inspection of the photos not as it originally seemed. I had thought that the planking was some form of overlapping plank strips but I now think that it is a form of tongue and groove which is not going to be easy to represent. I could have probably got away with planks laid side by side in 4mm but not in 7mm so I may have to ponder and experiment unless I can find something suitable in the Evergreen range.


Sorry no pics of the Western yet - still in the box!


All for now but any advice welcomed from those who have been there before me


Paul R

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Sorry for some reason despite the original post being correct with pictures laid out in line with the text, what has appeared on the site is not in the correct order. The photos are mixed up and appear after the text. The first is in the middle, the second at the bottom and the last at the top

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Just a quick plug for the Gauge O Guild product directory on its web site. I needed some signalmen for the two boxes and found what I was looking for on connected web sites. I have two coming from Invertrain - PLM I think and another plus a driver for the Western coming from Border Minitures.


Progress on the boxes continues and I have now almost finished the panels on both boxes. For the inside I think I am simply going to place a single sheet over the interior walls. Without realising I have created cavity walls for the boxes! Next comes the planking and the roofs.


Paul R

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Quick update for a Sunday afternoon. Progress continues on the signal boxes and I am pleased that I have had more time on my hands to get on. Plastikard modeling is easy to pick up and put down - you don't need to heat up a soldering iron and have to wash parts afterwards. Don't get me wrong I like making soldered kits but for buildings I prefer working in other materials and I have always felt you can make anything from styrene sheet if you have the patience and are careful. So here goes




The photos show the ends up to roof level and the models are now representing what they are supposed to.










The cast signalman and diesel driver from Border Miniatures have arrived and these are shown in the next photo. I should have bought a secondman too but forgot.




This particular signalman is described as a 1940's and 1950's person which is about right for the era the layout is supposed to portray - between 1958-1960. This one has detachable arms and can depict a signalman with a cup of tea or pulling a lever. I am going to pose this one with his tea on the steps of one of the boxes since I still have 2 PLM Castaways figures to come which are in a lever pulling and lever pushing mode. The theory will be that it is shift changeover time or the tea man will be a relief learning the box. There's an excuse for everything!


The square bars in the roofs of the boxes are not prototypical and are there to support the roofs which are going to be removable. I am not going to all that trouble detailing the inside of the boxes without being able to get and see inside!


I think the models will look a bit nearer the prototypes once the glazing is in and the planking on the sides done. The roof is the next stage and I will post again once these are on the boxes.


Sorry still not taken the Wessie out of the box


All for  now


Paul R

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For some time now I have been pondering how to finish these phone boxes and having massive problems trying to paint the Telephone sign - or at least highlight then letters in black.


Reference to the prototype suggests that in fact these panels are in translucent plastic and the Telephone sign is in fact part of the plastic. Langley Models have simply etched this into the brass and the font is all wrong.


A quick trawl of the internet and I have ascertained that the font used is Della Robbio which is available as a free download. A similar font is golden book but as this was only designed in 2003 thats not correct and you have to buy that!


So the boxes are sitting on a piece of paper that has various sizes of Telephone printed onto it in grey backgrounds. The size is going to be 5.5 or maybe 6. I did several to get the size right. I now have to grind off the telephone raised letters and substitute these paper versions. As the boxes are not going to be lit the fact that they are not translucent is not an issue.




It may seem a lot of effort for something that most people would not even notice but I want it right - I know!


Just making the roofs for the signal boxes and hope to post these tomorrow.


All for now



Paul R

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Right I promised some photos of the signal boxes with the roofs fitted. I am quite pleased with these as the roofs really start to make the model prototypical.






These first two show the station/crossing box in its proper location. The roof is not sitting down correctly which you never notice until you see the photos. There is nothing actually wrong here!


This next one shows the smaller box placed in the same place to get a half decent photo




Looking at these I am left with the impression that the smaller box fits the location better.






This next one is of the rear




And one of both of them side by side




Having studied a photo of Lavenham box today which is the same as the Cressing box but in wood, I am now thinking that the planking here will be clapboard as it will be closest to prototype. Next job here will be the bargeboards and facias. The planking is to be left to nearly the last thing as I continue to ponder planking. I also need to make a start on the steps and verandah.


Glazing will be the last job after painting. I would like to use real glass from microscope slides but this is dependent on me being able to cut them effectively. Has anyone out there on RM Web any previous experience of using real glass in models?


All for now


Paul R

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well at long last I have got the Western out of the box only to find that part of the very flimsy brake gear has broken off and is not able to be glued back together. However all is not lost as Howes have some spare mouldings listed so I have sent for a couple of them. One to repair the damaged part and a spare. I have had the body off and refitted the front screen glazing panel that had fallen out and here are the results.


The first shot is my favourite




The Western passing over the level crossing on its way back to Witham.




Head on view




A bit further over the crossing




This shows the loco on the van train




And from the other side






Well thats all for now as its gone back in the box!


Progress on the signalboxes has been fairly rapid and planking of the sides is underway. I hope to complete this work over the weekend if I have time and will post more photos then. Each plank is being cut and fitted by hand so its a bit time consuming but the finished result will be worthwhile.


Anyhow all for now - enjoy the photos even if they are completely implausible!


Paul R

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Going back through the thread, you asked about the yard crane.


These are photo's I've just taken of the one at Clare station. 

Although, I think it originally came from Glemsford station.


(I've got some others if they are of any use)





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Thanks for these Shadow. I also saw them on the Little Dunmow thread.


The crane is a very smimple one which should be simple to replicate. What I particularly like is the compact base. Thanks for sharing. Yes I would be interested to see the others


Paul R

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Hi Paul,


Have had a look around the web, but can't find any manufacturers that make one.


Here's the rest of the pictures. Hope they are useful.




p.s. I've uploaded all the photo's I took to my RMWeb gallery.

















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Thanks Shadow that's really helpful.


I am going to have a browse through the East Anglian books which have the Frank Church collections in. These may have some more photos of the various installations and will post if I find anything


Paul R

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Hi Paul,


Have had a look around the web, but can't find any manufacturers that make one.


You might want to take a look at Duncan Models under 'Assorted Detailing Items'. There are a couple of similar but not identical cranes there which may have the 'look' that you want.



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You might want to take a look at Duncan Models under 'Assorted Detailing Items'. There are a couple of similar but not identical cranes there which may have the 'look' that you want.http://www.duncanmodels.co.uk/assorted_detailing_items_price_list_main.htm


Thanks Dave. As you say some quite close bits here that I think will certainly do the job. I think the Peco crane I have is too large and too heavy for the limited space I have and for the sort of goods that could reasonably expected to be handled at this location and with the facilities available. I also have a Mikes Models crane which is much more compact but still too heavy for the site.


The other alternative would be to scratch build and this could either be of soldered construction or styrene. The central base is more difficult either requiring the use of a lathe or 3D printing!


On another point I love the model loo!


Paul R

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The Bachmann Scenecraft one for Highley Station (44-146) is very similar


See hattons image :-




Although if you look at this one from e-bay, it looks a lot finer, and the steps are on the other side, so there may be more than one variant.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Right time for another update! i have completed the planking on both boxes although not quite as quickly than I had hinted in an earlier post but nevertheless quick for me. I have also started work on the balconies and stairs for each box.


The first series show the smaller 'White Notley' box














The latter three show the box placed in a more realistic setting. Sorry about the quality of the photos the light was not that good when I took them earlier.


This is the bigger 'Cressing' box












I am quite pleased at how these are turning out. Once I have finished the steps I will then complete the roofs. Not sure yet as to whether to make the slates out of thin card or from sheet plastic. Card is easier to cut but plastic easier to fix.


The balcony on the 'Cressing' box will have a British Railways poster board affixed to it as per the prototype and I should be able to include some authentic posters as I have a number of photos that provide details.


More soon


Paul R



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Hi Paul,


Looking good.


I see looking back through the thread that in post 222 when you were doing the painting of the brickwork, that you had some scale drawings.


Are they ones you did yourself, or did you obtain them from somewhere?


I'm looking at building a similar style box for my Little Dunmow layout, and have been trying to work out the dimensions from various photo's.


Any info about sizes would be useful.





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The drawings are those of Hadham (Buntingford branch) and were in Railway Modeller some years ago. I scaled them up to 7mm and have spare copies if you want them. Send me a direct message with your address and I will be pleased to send one on.


What I have noticed from studies of similar boxes is that they are mainly of two sizes. Either 4 windows or 5. The boxes all varied in height and you can check this by counting the planks from the window down to the main horizontal beam. Some such as Cressing had brick bases but the upper cabin is still the same design. Hadham box is lightly smaller in height and this is what I have based the Cressing box on only to find out after it was too late that the height of the cabin is too low by one or two planks. I am not overly bothered by that as I did not set out to replicate Cressing exactly hence the change of name to Black Notley. Once the box is painted and fitted with nameplates it will be close enough.


The ends with the door in also vary dependent on the cabin height with additional horizontal cross members above the door for the higher cabins. Step alignment also varies with location. Some of te even bigger boxes have a toilet on the balcony.


The point being is that there are standard design features employed with the different boxes. There are a number of signal boxes on Flickr that will also help. The drawings I have will certainly help you out.


Paul R

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Thanks Paul,


PM on the way.


This is how far I had got with it so far (using SketchUp)


attachicon.gifsbox 2.png

Yes that's about it. Your locking room windows look too tall and the horizontal bar above them should be a lot thicker. Same thickness as the balcony supports. Otherwise I reckon this is fairly accurate.


Paul R

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Ok, the locking rooms windows are yet to be done as I wasn't sure how big to make them.


Was going to guess at about two panes height from the top windows, approx half height of the lower section.


The floor height of the upper box is 8' above rail height. That came from the Oakwood Press book on the "Bishop's Stortford, Dunmow and Braintree Branch"

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Ok, the locking rooms windows are yet to be done as I wasn't sure how big to make them.


Was going to guess at about two panes height from the top windows, approx half height of the lower section.


The floor height of the upper box is 8' above rail height. That came from the Oakwood Press book on the "Bishop's Stortford, Dunmow and Braintree Branch"


I think the locking room windows again vary depending on the box. I think from recollection that 2 panes is about right


Paul R

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Ok, the locking rooms windows are yet to be done as I wasn't sure how big to make them.


Was going to guess at about two panes height from the top windows, approx half height of the lower section.


The floor height of the upper box is 8' above rail height. That came from the Oakwood Press book on the "Bishop's Stortford, Dunmow and Braintree Branch"





If you look at post 221 in this thread you will see a photo of the model on top of a picture of Cressing. These are definitely 2 panes tall and the top os the windows does indeed seem to coincide with the floor level





Paul R

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