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RIP Peter Wyngarde


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I've just found out Mr. Wyngarde played General Klytus in the 1980 Flash Gordon movie. He's my favourite thing in it! Difficult to tell of course as he's masked throughout.


Gives Brian Blessed and Queen's soundtrack a run for their money.



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Pre Department S and the spin off Jason King series he often played swarthy ne’er do wells in films.


During the height of his Jason King fame he was voted by female TV Times readers as the man they’d most like to, er,...’bed’.

About a week later he came out of the closet. In 1971/2 that was the kiss of death for a male lead and his career nose dived.


Pity, he had quite a screen presence in some ways.


Always fondly remembered his Jason King character, even kinda modelled him a few years back, half way through this post.




Yeah, rolling your shirt cuffs back over your jacket sleeves, it’s got to make a comeback.



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I feel bad for admitting this but I had assumed that Peter Wyngarde had passed away some time ago.  Still I was sorry to hear the news this morning as I enjoyed his performances in Department S, Jason King, The Avengers and Flash Gordon.


Reading his Wikipedia biography it seems his real life was just as colourful as any role he played.


There will never be another like him.

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I read a while ago that his showbiz chums and closest friends called him 'Petunia Winegum'!


I've only recently finished re-watching 'Department S' and 'Jason King' and there's not a single bad Peter Wyngarde moment in either of them. If you watch them often enough (probably too often in my case!) you notice how many costume changes he has in some episodes, always dapper, always immaculate and the way he took a posh cigarette from the box and lit it was pure theatrical genius.


He wasn't averse to bagging the odd pound to two from whatever advertising jobs came his way, sensible chap...!




Later on I shall be taking a brave pill and having a listen to his 1970 LP, a wonderment of recorded sound like no other...



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  • RMweb Gold

In his prime, he would have made a very good 17th century character just by turning up. I mean, look at that hair, look at that moustache, look at that whole King Charles Stuart style....

Nowadays we have to make do with Laurence Llewellyn Bowen :scratchhead:

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